85m air dive

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The relatively inexpensive price of helium, the technology available today reasonably priced, and the posting of the dive on a recreational diving forum without detailing the extensive planning, work up dives, lessons learned, and safety precautions followed are what make this post a troll.

Congratulations on surviving. What do you remember? Do you think you can repeat the feat 10 or 50 times? Doing something that dangerous once is merely luck. Repeating is really lucky. Responsible divers who "push the envelope" publish their methodology in dive journals. Hot dogs do so on internet chat boards.
there's a lot of filipino divers here in the philippines who make an effort in letting the rest of the diving world know that we practice safe diving in this country, and eventhough we are considered by many as a third world country we make a point that we don't think like a third world country. I hope nobody follows your steps and die, it would really be a big blow in a very small industry in this country that has a lot to offer when it comes to dive spots.
85m on air......congratulations on living. And I too am impressed when that bottom temp is 15° warmer than my surfaces....the rest of the OP.....:popcorn:
Hi all,

I did a lovely 85m air dive at Verde Island, Puerto Galera in the Philippines earlier this month, after workups of 45m (fish bowl), 55m (abyss), 65m (secret reef) and 75m (joshua's wall). With a bungeed OMS wing. It also had 94# lift and a redundant bladder

Run time was 41 minutes with 8 minutes bottom time, deco on 50% (21m) and 100% (6m), with support divers at 40m with spare stages, plus more on the boat

Nice to be able to deco on the wall and see some fish/coral instead of blue water for a change :) we didn't pop SMBs until 6m

I would've posted this in the Tech forum but didn't see where it would fit

As far as I can tell I don't appear to be dead yet, YMMV

Happy diving

PS Don't do this, it exceeds PP02 limits

I'm glad you made it unscathed. I hope your post does not send the wrong message to other impressionable young divers that it's a "cool" thing to do.
Back in the day, that's pre 1993 for most of you, air diving and air deco was all there was. I admit that 85 meters (278') is deeper then I ever went on air (max was 220') but that was also the deepest wreck I ever did at that time. We lived and got things done. Most of the USS Squallus salvage dives were air at deeper depths.

Doing that deep on air is not recommended and I wouldn't do it today, but it is no reason to go after this guy like this. As for helium availability and use of rebreathers, that is great in the US, do it in some areas and you are looking at a lot of dollars and order times in the months. In other words, fine if you have the dollars and can plan a trip a year ahead, not so great if you are living there at prevailing wages.
This is the usual reaction to any deep air dives.
It seems that warm water divers have more tendency to try it. A LOT of guys and ladies were diving to 65 plus meters when I was living on Boracay back in 99.
The cold water, dry suit people are the ones who seem really against it. Worse narcosis? bad vis, cold, more gear.

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