Am I being stupid?

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Got an attentive husband who loves to cook, and loves going out for drinks, and has his own bank account/financially stable, etc. Started dating when we were young (I was under 20) and now together for 15 years. No kids. No cheating either. I'm Not happy though..........was earlier, but things have changed in the past couple of years.

1) Hobbies that I choose (sporty), he wants no part of - his, of course, drinking and vacationing (think hotel and remote control), are encouraged.

2) Prenupitual agreement. Hate that we share nothing - even in death - what's mine is mine, what's his is his and never the two shall meet. Expenses are 50/50 to the ninth degree - even though he makes twice what I do! This is increasingly bothering me.......distant relatives will get more than me or my familiy always - no matter if we're together 10 years or 60 years......

3) Separate families - my families challenges are entirely mine, his are entirely his - good and bad.

I'm professional and financially stable myself. He's made it fully clear that I'll never be part of his family or join in any way financially - our kids - if we ever had any - would get it all....BTW - we both are fairly attractive physically. I've gotten so that I could care less about you know what - but he's threatened divorce if that doesn't change soon............He'd do counseling, but won't budge on the financial matters or participate in more sporty hobbies ..............

Am I being stupid to want and expect more out of life and my husband?
Nope. But you get 10 wacks with a raw noodle for accepting your situation, and not rising above it.

i think maybe you expected that as time went by, your lives would become
more and more together and intimate

and apparently that hasnt happened.

it sounds to me like you are unhappy (with reason) at the level of intimacy in
your marriage.

if you dont' address this, you will probably only get more and more disastisfied

have you tried talking to him about it? asking him to share more? if he cares for
you and you tell him that you are unhappy, he should at least ask you what he
can do.

failing that, it helps sometimes to have a neutral party (perhaps a trained professional)
try to get you guys to communicate.

sort of thinking outloud...

best of luck
Divorce sounds really good!!!!
LoL, I love people's sarcasm. Cracks me up.
At this point, seriously considering moving out/divorce option..................I can afford it but want to make sure before I move out........

Andy - he won't budge on financial issues, almost Godfather like adultation to family interests, I thought it was cute at 20, but not now, signed it cause had to to get married to guy I thought I'd spend the rest of my life's simply "business" to him and not considered a real part of marriage - he claims parents "made" the rules in giving him an estate to "manage" even though he's head of the family...........on sporty issues, he did try to adapt, but hated it and the remote control and comfort level were much stronger than an interest in adapting to wife's interests............

Money and sports are non-negotiable - I'll have to go diving alone (solo or whoever) and the prenup will never be changed or go away while our marriage stands.
smiling, you sound very down. have you thought about seeing someone about it?
sometimes you can get more perspective that way.

you have to decide things, in the end, based on your own health and well-being
Sorry, dump him and move on. But you already know that from the sounds of things. You simply sound like you aren't ready to make the change quite yet...but even from miles away it feels like it's coming...
No kids, separate finances, no commitment from him. I'd dump him in a heartbeat (and I'm a guy!). Life is short. There's no reason to piss it away on a non-relationship.

You've got nothing to lose, and with any luck, you'll find someone who makes you happy. Get rid of him and go find the person you deserve.


I'm professional and financially stable myself. He's made it fully clear that I'll never be part of his family or join in any way financially - our kids - if we ever had any - would get it all....BTW - we both are fairly attractive physically. I've gotten so that I could care less about you know what - but he's threatened divorce if that doesn't change soon............He'd do counseling, but won't budge on the financial matters or participate in more sporty hobbies

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