Boycott Boca Dive!!!

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Point taken. Unfortunately I have no control of Spearboard. But I do agree with you in that sense.

As far as the cumulative nature of the avatars, as long as they do not exceed one day's rec limit, I don't see the problem. Stand-alone, they do not present enough material to be manipulated as illegal activity. I think Spearboard does a good job of managing that.

Good point. I am sure we have many more things in common than nuanced differences. :thumb: Signing-off....Scott
I for one am glad this was posted. As a South Florida resident I am asked many times to recommend dive ops and I will take this into consideration

Guy looks pretty happy, shark doesn't. :(

Personally, I think I'd be embarrased showing off that shark. I mean, Like, it's not like it's a 7 footer or something. The thing is just a baby!
Personally, I think I'd be embarrased showing off that shark. I mean, Like, it's not like it's a 7 footer or something. The thing is just a baby!

And it's a nurse shark, like I said earlier, shooting a nurse shark is about as challenging as shooting a puppy.
Dive team? Rallied? So let me get this needed to call in backup instead of answering my one question (which you still haven't answered)? Look at you guys here, what is this a cheerleader locker room?

Do you think it was more responsible to publically air this issue to all those against the sport of spearfishing instead of taking a more direct means: by calling up the dive shop and/or the FWC?

Me, I would have called the FWC followed by calling the dive shop to notify them of doing such in reaction to the non-compliance with the law. That way, things get resolved much quicker than here, and the anti-fishing groups like PETA and PEW TRUST do not get this photo in their hands to use against us spearfishermen and women, 99.99% of who abide by the laws and regulations with responsibility.

But you guys know better, I guess. If its one thing I learned from this scubaboard forum a long long time ago, is that you cannot change the opinion of the clique' bandwagon mindset, no matter how much logic or reasoning is used. Look at the Spearboard forum: not one person answered the valid questions I posed.

That is all. Photo is down because someone called the dive shop. Big surprise!

Who died that you are voted god?

Just because it is what you would do does not automatically make what you do "right".

It seems you are in the minority. If everyone else sees a thing a certain way, and you do not, how is it "everyone else" is wrong and you are right?
Boca Dive seems more interested in killing things than it is in hunting.

Ops like this give hunting a bad name, not just spearing and fishing.
I have removed the photo from my post on this thread.
The guys from spearboard have a valid point, that someone who really wants to restrict spearfishing could use those photos out of context and say, "This is how all divers who spearfish think".
That is not the intent of this thread.
It is to call him out, and state "You are behaving in a way that is disrespectful to the diving community. It puts all of us in a bad light and we do not approve!!!"

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