Brushing up on my swimming skills?

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Great Lakes Mermaid
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Great Lakes
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I'm doing a Discover Scuba class in about two weeks. If I enjoy it, I'm planning on doing my OW in August/September, assembling my gear over the winter, and being ready to go next spring.

My question concerns my swimming skills. It's been a long time since I seriously swam on a regular basis. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to join the Y and get back into swimming on a regular basis to prepare for more regular diving next spring? I can swim fine, but I suspect I'll be a bit rusty.

Honestly, you only have to be an Ok-ish swimmer to pass the OW swim test. You have to swim 200 Meters without fins or snorkel OR 300 with fins and snorkel. (For PADI at least) I was able to pass it no problem, and I was a pretty sucky swimmer at the time. Although, I did enroll in an adults swimming class later, before getting Rescue. My reasoning being that I wasn't comfortable in the water without scuba gear, which was kinda ridiculous.

If you think it will make you more comfortable do it, otherwise you'll most likely be fine.
It's hard to argue against getting more exercise, but swimming and diving are really two different animals.
i did take an adult swimming lesson about 2 months before my certification. i think that helped a lot.
It's hard to argue against getting more exercise, but swimming and diving are really two different animals.

I agree. I try to swim regularly but t's for the exercise. I'm old and it's less stress on knees and muscles than running.
It's been a long time since I seriously swam on a regular basis. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to join the Y and get back into swimming on a regular basis to prepare for more regular diving next spring? I can swim fine, but I suspect I'll be a bit rusty.


It's always a good time to get back into swimming.......for its own sake.
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As others have mentioned, most dives do not require strong swimming skills. Once you learn to adjust your buoyancy, kicking with fins is easy and rather different from swimming on the surface. With that said, improving your swimming skills will be helpful in two ways. First, more exercise is always good. Second, if you are not totally confident swimming, then improving your skills will make you more comfortable in the water on SCUBA; the more comfortable you are, the safer and more enjoyable the sport is!
I would agree with the posts above.

Swimming will be good for health purposes and for comfort in the water but you certainly don't need to be a great swimmer to dive. Kicking with fins is quite different to normal swimming
And breathing from a regulator that's always ready to provide air is much easier than trying to rotate your head to the air!

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