Destin Jetties 10-23

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I'm planning on leaving at 4:45AM in the morn, that should put me in the area right before 7AM barring any unexpected traffic.

Since last weekend, I've bought a bigger alarm :wink: I'll be there and I'll probably have a buddy. If things look bleek, we can always ride north to the springs.
Called the surf report, waves are down again(they crept back up due to the strong South wind Tues), and they said the water was "fairly clear". This was a report from Navarre, FL. Destin is still usually clearer than Navarre, despite there close proximity.

I think the destinites are doin' somethin funny in that thar wat'r.
Hey guys and gals, I'm checking on a hotel room as I type this. If I can find one thats not too expensive (hoping $50 - $75), I'm there! I won't be able to leave here until about 7:30 pm est on Friday. Give me 3 hrs, safely, and I should be there by 7:30 pm pst :wink:. Of course thats assuming traffic and all roads and bridges are open. Anyone know about the mid-bay bridge? Was it damaged or anything? Is it open? Anybody up for Hooters Friday night for an hr or so? Kind of a meet and greet? :) :) I'll check back in as soon as I know that I have a room.
BTW, I'm still sort of a newbie diver. I am Open Water and Nitrox cert. I just thought I would let that be known ahead of time. I have done a couple dives there at the jetties so it wont be all new. As a matter of fact, my last dive was there at the beginning of August. I have all my gear, except tanks, which I havent decided on whether to get here, or get there.
What do your dives usually consist of at the jetties? My last one was max depth of 36' (prior max at that location was 47'), bottom time was 42 mins, surfaced with 1700 lbs of air left (my sister was cold). We usually just look around the rocks at the fish and crabs. Its basically been a cheap, easy dive. I just want to make sure you know somewhat of my dive level, so that I'm not limiting you is all.
If you were down for 42 minutes and still had 1700psi left, you probably breath quite a bit less than me.

Depending on the currents, hopefully not an issue, we usually follow the rockline down to 55' or so and follow it around the bend to the large anchor, the large cement blocks(mooring blocks?), and if time and air allows, across the other set of jeddies. My max at the jeddies is 59' according to my logbook(I must have really hugged the bottom to hit that number).

Mid Bay Bridge is open, we took it on 9/25 and didn't even have to pay the toll since it was still officially being used as an evacuation route. I'm sure the tolls are in effect again though.

I'll be heading there in the morning(Sat), if I were there on Fri I would be all over the hooters :)


Its a wonderfull place.
Cool, thanks for the info. I don't think I've been that far down the rock line. The main reason is on my first dive there, I got toward the bend and got caught in a pretty good current trying to pull me. I was pulling my self back along the rocks. Guess that got me a little "gun shy" about going too far.
I'm with the bugman on air consumption - you won't limit me at all. If the current is strong I can suck a tank to 500 in 45 minutes.

I'm checking in to some places to stay that may be cheaper - Destin proper gets pricey. I'll PM you if I find something. It may be later tonight before I can get back to you.

Rock clinging is often the type of dive the Jetties turns out to be. Currents are very unpredictable. Be sure to bring gloves.

My priority changes for what to do on a dive depending on the dive conditions and if I'm alone or who I'm with. Besides playing on the rocks I usually do some picture taking - I do less picture taking when I have people along for the dive.
High tide was at 4:25 this morning and I got to the Jetties about 10:00. The water was brown - that's normal for that part of the tide cycle. The county had set the chairs and umbrellas up, people were fishing and standing in the water, and there was no bad odor so I guess things are OK.

Disclaimer: I'm not an environmental scientist nor do I play one on TV. I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night. All opinions here-in expressed are just that and may contain more fecal matter than the water which has been described. Dive at your own risk.
FSUgly - I have 6 tanks, I'll be bringing 4 at the moment, if you want, I can pack the other 2(they are filled) if you don't want to worry about having to grab tanks in Tallahassee - I'm not sure if ScubaTech or Emerald Coast will be open before 7AM.

Let me know :)
Alrighty then..It's a go on my behalf. I'm booked at the Hampton Inn in Niceville.

Hey BuGmAn, thats mighty nice of you to offer those tanks. It shouldn't be a problem for me to gather 2 tanks from my LDS here in Tally (besides, I need to pick a couple little things up anyways). I do appreciate your offer though.
I don't think that air consumption should be a problem with me either. Last month's dive there I still had a pretty good amount of air left, about 1200 if I remember correct. Of course factors can always change that, if I am taking pictures sometimes I will use more, seems like that effort to get the good pictures causes increased air consumption.

I have my gear packed and I am bringing my tanks too. Didn't think I would be able to rent them at Scuba Tech in time. I have two steel 100's. I am leaving Augusta at 9:00 am in the morning. Just couldn't sleep tonight so I thought I would check in here.

Guess I need to try and sleep though. A long drive ahead tommorrow. See you guys on the beach!

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