DIR and tech?

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My son and I have finished the confined pool sessions, ready to take the OW in April. I've been reading everything I could on scuba-it's become an obsession. My research led me to the GUE site, and we both purchased last week the Halcyon backplate/wing setup. We went back to the pool last nite and did our new equipment check out with our instructor who also dives with this type of setup (he's got a combo of Dive Rite, Halcyon, and other "DIR" gear).

Even for a beginner, the difference is quite noticeable. Much smoother in the water, lighter to carry out of the water. Donating the reg in your mouth is so easy that I can't figure out what the naysayers have a problem with. What a difference the 7 foot hose makes. Even my son (who was diving with the 5 footer) now wants to go to 7 feet because of the comfort and lack of close proximity stress with the traditional reg hose.

Will I ever go strict DIR? Probably not, as least not forseeable. I like my air integrated computer a lot. I will however, always remain up to date on the manual way of diving as a backup to the 'puter.

Is it the be-all end-all to diving? Heck no, but it sure makes a lot of sense.

Now for the politics-I certainly believe that it is being used for marketing, but the ideas and principals are sound. I think that they (the marketers) do a terrible disservice to themselves with the attitudes of some of their members. The "KING" (not you KN!!) is the worst of all. No doubt that he knows his business-it's the way that he conveys his thoughts that are demeaning, degrading, and insulting to those interested in the "system". Kill the messenger, but not the message (not literally!).

My .02 just paid for a car....
When it comes to that, you just have to ignore the BS, read between the lines and dive. George Irvine does have a lot of good things to say (in between the BS), and these guys have said it over and over. So, on one hand I think they get tired of saying the same thing 1000 times.

It seems that a lot of people that say "I'm DIR!!" are doing it to fit into a club. They don't have a clue about the total system, you can't take some parts and not others. Some people just don't engage their brain. For example, on of the other mailing list, someone asked about a DIR 02 analyzer.


I agree with almost everything you've said. My point previously was that he's doing a disservice to those just being introduced to the method, frustrated or not. Imagine getting involved with the DIR/quest newsletter as a newbie who's interested in DIR, and seeing every third message from "him" calling someone a stupid ****, dumbass, and other expletives that I won't insert here. I just think there's a better way to tell people that they're doing it wrong.

I have the most admiration for the guy-he puts himself in situations that most people wouldn't touch on a good day if they had a brain in their heads. And he certainly knows the products that he uses/develops.

Imagine what Halcyon, EE, GUE, and others could do to involve the greater diving public if the spokesman weren't so caustic? It's a little intimidating to a newbie to be branded a "stroke" from the outset-maybe intimidating enough that they never return.

Sorry to banter on like this, but I really like the DIR method and see barriers and blockades that don't have to be there. And it's hampering progress of the DIR method, IMHO.
Your right Eric, George is George and for those of you who have met him will come to realize that. He's not a social butterfly but sure knows his stuff. I don't think there is a whole lot of people out there, who could do there dives. Makes it hard to argue with them. I like dir,there is a lot to benifit recreational divers as well. I know people will resist change, they always will. I can't say dir is for everyone, I hope everyone looks at the pricipals and askes questions to help them understan why dir is good. That's how people can learn the benifits.

I agree with Detroit Diver - I was on the GUE mail list for a while - but really, the amount of bickerign and name calling going on there is really counterproductive - there is a lot of good thoughts, but there is also a lot of different applications.
I'm fortunate that one of the clubs I belong to is a dir club, so I can get it through use and chatting with people on the dives...

Now if I can only figure out how to do the The WARHAMMER Maneuver according to DIR...
Do I unclip my stages from the left first or should I start by dumping my rigs??? And can I keep TP in my right or left pocket? how does that affect my streamlining?

Maybe George will show you the right way to do it!!

BTW, the thought images are scary!!....
I've been diving off and on for about 20 years, and I'm finally getting serious about the sport, and would like to branch out into some tech diving, wreck, deep,not necessarily cave, where do I start, do I need specialized gear, and what is DIR?

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