Dive ops: pimping vs legitimate info

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Thank you and AMEN Christi! I just got home from work (and a very long week it was) and wanted to chill out with a little bit of 'scuba' dreams by looking at the board before my next dive trip. And wow, I have to say, that I am totally blown away! I haven't been a member long enough to experience being chastised (maybe that will happen next?). Nor have I seen anyone being chastised for their choice of dive op (and BTW, who has the right to chastise someone because they like one thing better than another when making their choice?). But come on people, let people post what ever is on their mind. Is it correct? It's for the end-user making the final choice to decide after their own personal experience. Is it biased? Everyone's OPINION is BIASED, otherwise it wouldn't be an opinion. If this forum is about information, then the user, newby or otherwise, should be able to get, or give, whatever information is relevant to them. If someone RELYING on that data (OPINION) want more info, then: send a PM to the person making the post, look at the website of the operation (they all have one) or do further research on their own. I've been diving in a few places (and have dove a few ops in Coz) and I have my favorites. But jeez, diving is fun, why shouldn't talking about it be??? Or to quote someone else here """just my 2psi"""
I was just correcting your spelling ("too" instead of "to"). The brackets denoted that I inserted the letter "[o]" rather than it appearing in your original post.
Oh, that "To[o]" - missed it, but I never edit spelling etc in quotes. Each to his/her own...
Okay, okay... I fully and completely retract my proposal for creating a sticky of dive op reviews. I thought is was a solution to Marg's op regarding the fact that you never know where someone is coming from when they recommend an op. I'm all for open and fair disclosure. I enjoy reading thorough and long ramblings of someone's trip. I have absolutely ZERO problem hunting down the information I'm looking for and making my own decision. I'm not in search of a dive op in Cozumel. I was simply finding a solution to what seemed to be everyone's concern here of knowing if someone can legitimately vouch for a particular op or if they have no basis of comparison. As I said in an earlier post in this mess: "I would expect that anyone reading my recomendation and considering them would put in as much if not more effort than I did in finding my favorite by trying others, reading reviews and contacting the op's directly."

Now I'm going to Sea World... Y'all have a nice weekend.
300 bar was notified of my scathing remark to a member on the board and rather adamant person on changing the way people do their reports, I suppose that's good. So I wont remark after this little note. Apparently over one thousand poeple have veiwed this thread add approx. fifty posts have been made. I would gather that has been done by at least fifteen posters, I havent counted. Kinda proves a point. A lot of people are shaking their heads I'm sure at the absurdity of this thread. Like it has been said and like the coversations at the dinner table tonight at La Sonora- to bad they just wont let people enjoy what they did. One diver said, and is a new diver, 'I thought all divers got along at first'. How romantic. There are so many great contributors to this forum. So many great vacationers aching to tell us how they spent their money and time diving. Just let them do it and if there is need for correction or help, ask to do it. Like post 51 said 'diving is fun'. Let the posting be fun too. Spelling and grammar mistakes are allowed also. I can tell who I would dive with, anyone, so I will read your post if it's about Coz. May the wind be at your back and the sun in your face. peace out.
Damn FD, you are on a rant. Sorry your friends don't have the backbone to post with hidden faces and aliases, but I don't think they have a reasonable gripe. They just don't want to express themselves in public and open for discussion. Some prefer closed blogs, no comments allowed, and some whine.
300 bar was notified of my scathing remark to a member on the board and rather adamant person on changing the way people do their reports, I suppose that's good. - to bad they just wont let people enjoy what they did. One diver said, and is a new diver, 'I thought all divers got along at first'. How romantic.

Don't know who 300 bar is but I see a post or two have been removed. By mods I guess. While I might think it,calling people morons isn't conducive to constructive discussion.:D At least that's been my experience at work and life in general.

No one is suggesting people shouldn't report enjoying what they did. At least I don't think so. My intent was that some meat be provided with the cheer-leading. As I said in my initial post, I expected to get roasted. Was surprised that it was mostly just the opposite.

You seem to be taking this thread most personally. Why is that?
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Ugh... I know I already bid this thread good riddence but my pride and analytical mind can't let sleeping dogs lie.
Apparently over one thousand poeple have veiwed this thread add approx. fifty posts have been made. I would gather that has been done by at least fifteen posters, I havent counted. Kinda proves a point.

What is your point exactly!?!? That people are afraid to post here becasue out of 1064 views only 55 people had the cajones to post something? Actually at about a 5% rate that is a bit better than average. Below are the 15 active threads in the Coz forum. Only 5 out of 15 threads actually have a post-to-view rate higher than this thread!

And before you think it's localized to us militant Cozumel forum police, you should consider that the UW Photography forum pictured below which only has 2 threads with a greater post to view ratio than this thread.

You seem to be taking this thread most personally. Why is that?
It would be interesting to know.

Okay, now I'm really going to Sea World. Nighty-night all.
I'll weigh in on this one....I like the idea of a sticky along the line of what Christi and Josh took the time and thought to propose. Sure, there are going to be some very subjective, sometimes narrow-minded views expressed, some places even 'pimped', but it would still be a chance for those without the experience to get the opinions of others on operators, qualifications, amenities, costs, etc. TripAdvisor.com is just such a place but on a larger scale. It's still just opinions (and we know what opinions are like) but might provide more insight than the ops website which is purely biased and subjective. Good, bad, biased or not, I prefer to at least listen to the experience of others when making a decision. That information gets thrown into the hopper along with my own research, judgement and a good bit of caveat emptor and then I decide. Never been badly mislead yet. A well-constructed sticky on dive operations would be beneficial and I'd throw in hotels as well.

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