DM Dilema

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jhnsndn once bubbled...
I'm having a moral dilema maybe people on this board can help me with. I'm planning on starting the PADI DM course in August. There is a person I know who is going to start it with me at the same LDS. I have dove with this person a couple of times in the past, he is still pretty much a newbie. He has confided in me that he is going to have his wife sign his log book for dives he didn't do, just so he can meet the requirements for the DM course.

My dilema is this, do I tell the LDS what he is planning on doing? I feel that it really isn't my place to question how the LDS runs their business. But on the other hand I have an obligation to my fellow divers. I would feel very guilty if a student got hurt because of this moron's stupidity.

So, should I tell the LDS? If so, how do I go about starting that discussion. I've been try to convince this person that he isn't ready for the DM course and I'm hoping he won't pursue it yet.


I think telling the LDS without confronting the individual before hand is a little lame, it would make you a RAT.

The problem you have is with the individual, you should take it directly to him.

If I was in your shoes, I'd offer to help this guy obtain whatever dives and experience he needs to start the course honestly.

I'd also make it clear that I would not allow him to procede dishonestly, whatever that requires, and that puts the ball back in his court.

Keep in mind that if the LDS trains him properly, the prerequisite dives are fairly inconsequencial, since the number is low anyway.

But the point is integrity, yours and his.

Consider that point.
farrakhan once bubbled...
hope that the Instructor is experienced enough to pick up on a diver's inexperience.

I once took a vacation where I came across the most incompetent diver I ever met. The problem was, he met every standard that PADI put up to get certified. The instructor agreed that his attitude and buoyency were sub-par, but again, according to PADI standards, he did all that was expected to become certified.

So according to this logic, if the cheater meets all PADI "standards" taught in the DM course, despite his attitude, his intructor will have no choice but to pass him.
Ahh, To RAT or not to RAT, this isn't really the questions..

This is a silly thread, really. It's already been done. The funny thing is, alot of us are really bent about it. I've got a great idea, lets all get together, cruise on over to the purjering DM student's home on some oh so enchanting moon-lit night and beat the hell out of him?

If nothing else, we'll have more to add to this thread!

*digging through my junk drawer for my old sap*
jhnsndn once bubbled...
Hey everyone,

I talked to the instructor who will be teaching the DM class about this guy. What he is going to do is give this guy the opportunity to prove himself, without letting him know that I spoke to the instructor. He is going to work with this guy, in private, to demonstrate the 18 required skills needed.

Thats good, but just a short note about the 18 skills. There are 20 now. Make sure your instructor has the most recent course material. On your Divemaster Slate 4, you should see 20 listed.
GQMedic once bubbled...
Ahh, To RAT or not to RAT, this isn't really the questions..

This is a silly thread, really. It's already been done. The funny thing is, alot of us are really bent about it. I've got a great idea, lets all get together, cruise on over to the purjering DM student's home on some oh so enchanting moon-lit night and beat the hell out of him?

If nothing else, we'll have more to add to this thread!

*digging through my junk drawer for my old sap*

Popeye once bubbled...


Lock-in-a-sock! Now there's a teaching tool! *snicker*
I think you handled it well, your not an active part in his success or failure....even know he's a putz. As far as the attorneys slant on things with regards to litigation I dont even identify myself as anything other than an open water diver anymore. Dont need the greif.
I would turn the guy in if he actually went through with faking his logbook.

A guy that does stuff like this isn't exactly the type of guy you want to give any real responsibility to.

You certainly don't need to put him in charge of others, and you should not dive with him.

You will wish that you had turned him in if he ends up killing someone...

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