Entanglement Poll

Your or a buddy ever been entangled?

  • No

    Votes: 41 27.0%
  • Yes but it was not serious. Me or my buddy could have extricated ourselves with or withouth knife,

    Votes: 89 58.6%
  • Yes. A knife, shears, or line cutter may have saved me or my buddies life.

    Votes: 22 14.5%

  • Total voters

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Ber Rabbit once bubbled...
We came across the local Pontiac and I felt a weed grab my leg again but didn't look or reach down to free myself this time. Pretty soon all I could do was dolphin kick because the weed had tied itself around both legs as I slowly kicked over the top of the car while my buddy was looking at the grill. I thought "This pond weed is getting on my nerves!" but still didn't look down or attempt to free myself. Next thing I knew both of my legs were pulled up behind me! My legs were tied to my first stage, I was hog tied by the "weed" ... on top of the winshield opening
You talk about your Kodak moment. Dang.. I would really have enjoyed a picture of that! :jester:
No, but then again, I do not do a lot of diving whre this is a big problem. However, I have been "stuck" before between two walls in a cave.
Being the flag-bearer has occasionally caused minor tangling during my dives, but never anything I needed shears for. I bring a pair with me, and a backup knife, but haven't needed either yet.

Actually, I used the shears one time to cut a penny into a corkscrew, but that was more a solution to a post-dive emergency.
MSilvia once bubbled...
Actually, I used the shears one time to cut a penny into a corkscrew, but that was more a solution to a post-dive emergency.

Dude, you're not doing a good job of hiding... pretty soon people are going to figure out that "M" stands for MacGyver!

To provide input to the thread:

No, I've never been entangled beyond anything I couldn't get myself out of. I've untangled quite a few dive flags in my time, but those probably won't anything the buddy wouldn't have been able to take care of.

I've also untangled a guy when the drift line wrapped around his pony bottle valve [Yea yea yea...zip it Puggy! :)]
I put down none but after reading what most people consider entanglements, maybe I should have put down the didn't need help option.

I have had several momentary 'snags' on various things like flag & fishing lines but always got out with a kick or twist or just backed up a bit.

Only times I ever took out a cutter and meant it was when a reel got tangled in some monofilament where we had tied it off and when cutting sealife free of entanglements with mono in the local inlet we dive. I could have gotten the reel out without cutting but it was easier & faster to just cut the mono...

I cary a z-knife attached to the webbing at my left shoulder, a 5-6 inch knife (built in sheath on drysuit or in pocket when diving wet) and I have new shears that I havn't decided on a permanent location for yet. Maybe on the waste belt.

If I ever DO need to cut myself or my budy free, I've got the tools :wink:

EDIT: ARGH! I just remenbered the ONE entanglement I ever had a (small) problem with. flagline vs. snorkel... Took a minute or so to untagle it as I didn't want to damage the flagline. Just one more reason I don't like wearing snorkels while diving. ;-0
Mono, mono, everywhere mono.....

That's why you always have to have a nice sharp cutting tool or two (I've used my OMS Z-knife to clear stuff, works nice). Oh ya, and the thing about mono, IMO, is even if you think you cleared it, it's often still on you somewhere, so always have your buddy look you over.

If you guys think we're scared about getting hung up, ask some free divers, talk about a need to be streamlined and aware.
Here's the scene, Monterey by McAbee beach at the pipes night dive, it's a marine santuary, no fishing, did I say NO FISHING!! Got hooked by a guy trolling in his boat, tore into my right arm and he thought he got the mother of all ling cod!!!
He's trying to reel me in and I'm trying not to get reeled in and get to my shears while I'm heading to the surface like a lift bag 'cause this guy must have had me on a winch or something. I get to my shears and the leader line is SS and I'm cutting as fast as I can and of course I'm in alot of PAIN!!! My buddy's like where the hell did I go, all he see's is my light stick heading to the surface and my light heading to the bottom. I pop the surface like a buoy and this a$$'ole looks at me bleeding and guns it just as I cut through the line!! Here I am bleeding profusely, did I mention Monterey is in the great white triangle, and cussing and my buddy's like dude what a ride!! Glad I had my EMT shears and not my knife or I would've been dinnerThe coast guard never did catch him though...=-)
you drift into a lot of monofilament around here. Many of the artifical reefs here around Melbourne are primarily for the fisherman and they leave plenty of the stuff around. Always carry some shears, a knive can be awful slow and tedious.
divrnr once bubbled...
Glad I had my EMT shears and not my knife or I would've been dinnerThe coast guard never did catch him though...=-)

That's a hell of a story! To bad you weren't able to ID the idiot.
I had a major entangment problem diving in a lake on a search and recovery dive in less than 3m of water, got tangled in fishing line in amongst the weed IMPOSSIBLE to see. I thought that if I made an assent to the surface (out of the weed it would be easier to cut the line around the legs - my head was just 10cm under the water and there was no way that I could have got my mouth to the surface. Cutting the line was easy and I always carry a knife attaached to my inflator hose, as (which was the case here) the entanglement was around my legs which would have made it very difficult to get a leg mounted knife out.

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