First OW dive this weekend! getting nervous

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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the world of diving. (The only time I've put on a scuba tank has been in a swimming pool.) I finished my NAUI classes about 3 weeks ago and will be going on my first open water dive this weekend (7/17/04) in Panama City, FL to complete my certification.

I must admit I’m pretty nervous. I had some trouble in the pool when I had to remove my mask, put it back on, and then clear it. Almost every time I got a nose full of water and began choking. Luckily, I was only in about 4 feet of water so all I had to do was stand up. But I’m terrified of having to perform this skill at 60 feet!! My instructor said he would let me do it at 15 feet since I’m so freaked out about it – which makes me feel a little better. I have been practicing some in my pool (without a tank or respirator) and found that if I hold my breath I do much better.

Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and see if anyone had some advice for a first-timer about diving in general! I’ve read about people getting sick on the boat so I’m planning on taking some Dramamine – but any advice would be appreciated!
Hi there and congrats. My friend and I took our OW together in march of this year, and he also had trouble with clearing his mask. he got so frusterated that he almost quit. that would have ben tragic as he now loves the diving. He had trouble until he got in the ocean, then,bang, did it without thinking to clear a fogged mask. Good thing cause the instructer was only waiting for that one thing to pass him.
My trouble was with deep water. I had always been afraid of it, but the second we hopped into the ocean for our first OW dive, that fear was gone even before we descended. It's normal to be nervous but it'll pass, it's just way to cool down there to give up on.
Good luck and have a great time.
Welcome to the community! A great place to hang out.

I can understand your stress I too went through the exact same thing - I guess I have performance anxiety. Take your time - you are in no hurry - others in the class will wait. Sounds like you can do your skills one on one with your Instructor. You aren't the 1st to have troubles with the skills. These new skills you are doing for the 1st time. They will become easier with practice and more practice. I have over 100 dives & they are still getting easier.

BUT please remember never hold your breath while on SCUBA.

Let us know next week how everything went.

Hi Viridian, I got my OWC the end of june and have done 6 dives since then. I also had a big problem with mask removal and clearing during my instructions. I literally pulled the regulator out of my mouth and jumped out of the water the very first time they had me do it. Some suggestions...remember is NOT a rush. Just remember to breathe very slowly in and out of your mouth through the regulator. When you feel ready, push the top of your mask ever so gently just enough to release the seal from the bottom of your mask...then exhale through your nose. It may not totally clear the first time you try. If it doesn't...try again. Sometimes it takes me 3-4 times to totally clear it. I think it's because I have difficulty switching from mouth breathing to nose exhaling. Also, make sure your mask isn't too tight...then the seal won't release easily. I don't have a pool so believe it or not, I practices in my sink with my snorkel and mask. If you have any can email me directly at I don't mind answering any questions at all. I'm definately not an expert...I'm still working on it myself, but it's a skill that you definately want to know. I had my mask kicked off my face when I was at 30 ft during my OWC in low vis while I was looking for my buddy who I had temporarily lost! I was able to put it back on and clear it. Good luck!!!!! you'll do great!

Hi Everyone,

I must admit I’m pretty nervous.
You aren't alone in being nervous but I'm glad you've already mentioned it to your instructor.

No holding your breath, just exhale slowly while clearing your mask.
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the world of diving. (The only time I've put on a scuba tank has been in a swimming pool.) I finished my NAUI classes about 3 weeks ago and will be going on my first open water dive this weekend (7/17/04) in Panama City, FL to complete my certification.

I must admit I’m pretty nervous. I had some trouble in the pool when I had to remove my mask, put it back on, and then clear it. Almost every time I got a nose full of water and began choking. Luckily, I was only in about 4 feet of water so all I had to do was stand up. But I’m terrified of having to perform this skill at 60 feet!! My instructor said he would let me do it at 15 feet since I’m so freaked out about it – which makes me feel a little better. I have been practicing some in my pool (without a tank or respirator) and found that if I hold my breath I do much better.

Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and see if anyone had some advice for a first-timer about diving in general! I’ve read about people getting sick on the boat so I’m planning on taking some Dramamine – but any advice would be appreciated!
The diving in Panama is fantastic for the North Florida area. Don't worry about the depth. Just relax and follow your instructors lead.

My daughter is only 13 and she just completed her Advanced Open Water dives yesterday (7-11-4) We live in the midwest, the air tempature was 92 with surface temps of 85 and the bottom temp for her deep dive (74') was 44 degrees.

Its all a matter of focusing, and how bad you want it.


Welcome to SB!!
:happywave Put us in your computer's favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue: Look around our various forums - everything from New-To-Scuba to Instructors-Only to Dive Medicine.


BTW - Did you set up your Profile? Some ideas for your Profle might be taken from looking at mine. Click on my Username to the upper left, then click on my Profile, and see what I've done. For your's, click the [CP] in the upper left of the screen, then click [Edit Profile]. If you need any more help, PM me direct.

And don't forget to buckle up even on the shortest trips. Most accidnts happen close to home...

I'm so excited for you, diving is one of the greatest joys in my life and I'm sure it will be for you to. This mask thing is no biggie and you have to keep telling yourself that. It's only for a moment and because you haven't stated that you can't do it, tells me your going to do just fine. Just like everyone else who said it, take it slow, breath in and out through your mouth and just listen to your bubbles, it will be over in no time at all..... Best wishes, keep us updated
Benvenuto a bordo and welcome in the under water world.
All those exercise are to be taken easy and calm. There is no rush. More you will dive and more you will learn to do those things easily. Do not worry!!

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