Fusion impressions - 20 dives later

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I've been waiting to buy a new fusion since seeing pictures of the new colors at DEMA. Now, there's a special edition coming out. Come on guys, I need to help stimulate the economy. :D

Feel free to stimulate my economy :D Limited Edition Pre-orders get a special gift
They had a red one at the DC dive show. Not their SAR skin and not one with just red trim. It was very pretty. Marci was hoping for one in pink but woudl have settled for red. In any event, she a) got tired of waiting and b) got a killer deal on another suit that fit her perfectly.

It is one thing to showcase soon to be released products, but to make announcements months or even a year in advance of when something is actually available is annoying and probably results in both lost sales from people like Marci or in a degree of buyers remorse and irritation from people who do not wait. Whites might want to rethink that strategy or work a little harder to bring things to market sooner, especially when it is something minor like a color change that does not require a huge amount of engineering.
Marci should have done what I did, and bought the classic skin and dived the dickens out of it. I can drool over the pretty red one until it (someday) is available, because it's pure bling for me. I've got the suit!
Hmmmm. Now you got me curious. This may be the thing that puts me over the edge. Mike, you gonna hook a brotha up? LOL

You know I will :)

DA, I cant completely speak for Whites, but a problem is the skins are made over seas. There are only a handful of factories that make for all scuba.....those scuba things they make are probably less than 10% of that factories business. So if UnderArmor comes in and places a huge order(just an example, not true to life), and that order is 30% of the factories yearly business....all of scuba gets pushed back to make room...causing delays. Put this with design changes and market research, its not a huge delay.

Fusions are ONLY about a year and a half old.....Give em some slack DA...It hasnt been around for years...they made a few updates to the inner bladder first as the outer would be easier to change. They have a rock solid suit that is killing the competition. I dont think there is any buyers remorse. All things can change.....plus you can always upgrade as it comes apart! No other drysuit could you do this

The new LE Tech skin is amazing, from what I hear so far. There are some great advancements, and they will be making it in house. This cost ALOT of money and extra time (reason for cost increase) but once its up and running, can be more efficient than waiting on delays overseas......

Quote from DiverLori
"Also keep in mind, most foreign manufacturers are on polychronic time (P-time), where the US is on monochronic time (M-time). What is that? US is more focused on one thing, at one time.....and gets it done. Other countries that are P-time, (which is the majority of countries in manufacturing) have multiple time structures and work them all at once, thereby slowing down all of them. Most of the world does not have the same structured time respect the US has (along with most Anglo-Saxon countries). Think of it sorta like "island time" and you'll understand. It's very frustrating for US businesses, but the foreign suppliers think nothing of it at all. This applies to other activities, business and personal in P-time countries.....time is not an issue....it will get done, when it gets done."

The skins, had there not been a delay, would have been available months ago. They are now scheduled (from what I remember) for a May release :wink:

It also doesnt help that people like me share info we get before Whites does.....I want to get you guys info right away, on all products...so we try to keep you posted....Im not sure if Whites ever gave a timeline or really talked about colored skins....I think we the dealers did....so its not their fault. Blame it one me :D
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Jim, I am glad the suit is working out for you.........I have looked at and tried on a suit at the Toronto Outdoor show, and while the suit looks and feels good I could not get past the "over the hill, should be retired super hero, where is my cape" look. Eric was very nice in trying to convince me that it's fine.....but not sure if I would have guts (as visible as they were) to step foot on a local dive charter sporting tight latex + doubles :)

But who knows, it might be like the new armour in "The Nights Tale" that all the other knights laughed about and then were impressed by the mobility of.

I would need to actually dive one to see if I like it and want to spend the $ on. Eric? Tyler?
The skins, had there not been a delay, would have been available months ago. They are now scheduled (from what I remember) for a May release :wink:

It also doesnt help that people like me share info we get before Whites does.....I want to get you guys info right away, on all products...so we try to keep you posted....Im not sure if Whites ever gave a timeline or really talked about colored skins....I think we the dealers did....so its not their fault. Blame it one me :D
I hear you and some fault does lie with the dealers - but who tells them? Whites still has to own the early release of information about products that are still months and months away from dealer shelves.

Don't get me wrong, I love the suit and dive it basically everywhere. It alone is responsible for retiring the two dry suits and wetsuit I needed before for optimum exposure protection or mobility in various environments.

But there are have been some mixed blessings. On the one hand they do readily make changes (zipper direction, improved suspenders, etc,) but on the other hand you could argue that a little more development would not have hurt before the initial release. And they are innovative, but some of the marketing practices have been a bit annoying - such as having to buy the lycra skin with the suit when you are immediately installing the tech skin anyway(and the you get them whether you want them or not power ranger graphics).

The product is great, but I am just saying they unintentionally urt themselves with some of their own marketing practices that only serve to highlight the delays in production.
The biggest problem is if Whites waits until they have a "perfect" product then they would never bring it to the market. Unfortunately, we get to be the beta testers for all products from any manufacture. The feedback and problems help them to improve their product.

Mike - Crap...... I guess I will be giving you a call this week about that waiting list. I told myself over and over, no more scuba stuff this year. :wink: I am so weak........
I hear you and some fault does lie with the dealers - but who tells them? Whites still has to own the early release of information about products that are still months and months away from dealer shelves.

Don't get me wrong, I love the suit and dive it basically everywhere. It alone is responsible for retiring the two dry suits and wetsuit I needed before for optimum exposure protection or mobility in various environments.

But there are have been some mixed blessings. On the one hand they do readily make changes (zipper direction, improved suspenders, etc,) but on the other hand you could argue that a little more development would not have hurt before the initial release. And they are innovative, but some of the marketing practices have been a bit annoying - such as having to buy the lycra skin with the suit when you are immediately installing the tech skin anyway(and the you get them whether you want them or not power ranger graphics).

The product is great, but I am just saying they unintentionally urt themselves with some of their own marketing practices that only serve to highlight the delays in production.

Hey DA,

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad that you are liking your Fusion. We definitley share the frustration of yourself and others when launch product gets delayed. However letting the consumer know about new product launches generates a "buzz" and gets people excited. Have you seen the commerials for the Chevy Volt? This new electric car won't be on the market untill 2010 yet there are many commercials running promoting the product. I'm not comparing the Fusion to a electric car, just making a point.

The nice thing about the Fusion is it's modular capabilities - you an upgrade your skin at any time. So even if you have the Sport skin now you can always get the red Tech skin when it hit's the market. This is pretty cool. At one point we were sold out of Tech skins as a result of increased demand so instead of making people wait for thier new Drysuit we sent the Sport skin with the suit and then shipped the Tech skin when it was avaliable. The customer ended up with a free Sport skin ($200 retail value) courtesy of Whites. Not a bad deal!

There will be many more upgrades to come as Whites is a very progressive company. We always strive to improve our products and the feedback that we recieve on Scubaboard is invaluable. Keep it coming!


Mike - Crap...... I guess I will be giving you a call this week about that waiting list. I told myself over and over, no more scuba stuff this year. :wink: I am so weak........

Just think of it as new clothes....spring is coming and you need a new wardrobe :D

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