future ideology

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Scuba Instructor
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Lake Worth, Florida
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
thinking about some ideas for some shows to do. and I was wondering: how will people feel about the environment in the future? Diver's being a quickly growing group (only about 60 years old) there has been a huge increased interest in the oceans. before rec diving there was only commercial interests in the seas.

But now there is a growing concern for the environment. I believe that people will one day grow up and realize why it's important take care of it. Will be kinda hard with so many people. these are the hottest summers since the last ice age, and it's pretty damn hot here. it would be nice if we had some ozone protection. so the ice caps would grow a bit and cool us down. Even though there are still people out there bashing the "tree huggers," the concern is evident in things like forest and beach restoration projects, energy conservation, alternative fuels and such.

any thoughts on where general beliefs are heading?
I probably wouldn't mind living in a tree hut. lol.
Dubyah used to think that "global warming" was nothing but a left wing pipe dream, now at least he acknowledges that it does in fact exist.
As for actually doing anything about it, well, lets not hold out breath.

I was consulting with the engineering department at Fort Howard Paper Company [now Fort James after merging with James River].
For the past 10 years they've had an ongoing program to attain a "zero wastewater discharge" program, a pretty impressive forward looking ambition from an industry that's normally associated with rampant water pollution.

On another note, the US Army Corps of Engineers "Artificial Beach Nourishment" programs have short term benifits for beach communities, but do nothing for the long term erosion problems. I've seen a half mile of nice sandy beach disappear overnight, heading back to where ever it was just pumped from. :wink:

Overall, I see 2 steps forward & then 1 step back.
We just keep getting more and more information about just how bad things might actually be. Do you emember Rachael Carson's Silent Spring? Do you remember the push for more efficient, cleaner fuels that resulted from the gas rationing of the late 1970s?

The average person just ignores the fact that 90% of the top level predators in the ocean are GONE and keeps on eating his tuna salad and swordfish steaks. I've got to admit, I'm guilty of this. We don't want to think about where we are headed so we think about our kid's GPA, and our 401K plans, and the recall election in California, and the fact that the new Beniffer movie is a stinker. We just assume that everything will be OK.

Except I don't assume that. I'm convinced we are in serious trouble. I'm convinced that the next 2 or 3 generations will see sweeping changes in weather patterns, disappearance of food sources, and massive social problems that we can expect to occur when too many people compete for too few resources. I'm convinced that our political leaders (especially in the US) will keep right on concentrating on the near horizon while ocean temperatures rise, coral reefs die, pelagic, benthic and terrestrial habitats are destroyed.

I carry on bearing witness. I do fish abundance surveys when I dive. I try to tread lightly on the earth but I often fail.

I pray that I'm wrong, but I'm afraid that the coming years will prove that I'm not.
There is a major depletion of marine fish, but I had not heard that 90% of predatory fish had been effected (?) zeN
Due to global warming countries like the Maldives are facing being completely submerged in matter of decades. Villages have been moved in some because the ocean has flooded lakes that provided drinking and water for farming. Some nations are asking that their whole population be accepted as refugees in countries such as Australia.
The link in my previous post doesn't go back to the previous days' snapshots. You can scroll back through the snapshots using the arrow pointing to the left until you see the one with the 3 shark fins.

It basically said this: Shark population declines in Western Atlantic from 1985 to 2000.

Great whites = 79% decline

Threshers = 80% decline

Hammerheads = 89% decline
Zagnut once bubbled...
The link in my previous post doesn't go back to the previous days' snapshots. You can scroll back through the snapshots using the arrow pointing to the left until you see the one with the 3 shark fins.

It basically said this: Shark population declines in Western Atlantic from 1985 to 2000.

Great whites = 79% decline

Threshers = 80% decline

Hammerheads = 89% decline

Think of it as providing evolutionary pressure. The sharks have failed to evolve for too long -- it's past time they got with the program. :shark:

lairdb once bubbled...

Think of it as providing evolutionary pressure. The sharks have failed to evolve for too long -- it's past time they got with the program. :shark:


whoa whoa whoa..way off on that one. sharks have not failed to evolve, they haven't changed for over 200 million years because they are ultra efficient, the best senses on almost any animal. in evolutionary terms: they're perfect. like dolphins and perhaps surpassing them: they have problem solving and anticipation intelligence. the hightest type of intel for any animal.

they just didn't evolve to protect themselves against harpoons and powerheads. humans use technology, they cheat. jump in the water and try to claw one to death, oh wait we evolved out our claws because we have to use something else...how about biting them to death, oh yeah no more canines either. lol.

and it's not just the asians doing the killing. really the best way to help protect animals is to try to buy only domesticated and farmed animals. if you like fish: trout, cod, and salmon are farmed. just check the label. by taking out their food source, you're helping them starve to death.

thanks for the input, looks like we all agree that people will become more earth conscience. hopefully it's not too late.

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