Jun 2004 SoCal Dive Reports

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Date: 25 June 04
Dive Location: Dead mans Reef, Laguna Beach
Time: 8:33 p.m.
Bottom Time: 54:50
Max Depth: 53 FSW
Vis: 30+ of Crystal Clear water. Could see as far as your light would shine.
Wave height: 2 feet
Temp at depth: 57 Suunto degrees (lies like a rug, it was cold on the bottom)
Surface Temp: 66 Suunto degrees.
Tide information: 4:37 p.m. High tide 4.6 feet.
Comments: Dove with divebuddysean.
Waves were about 2-3 feet, but over at seal rock, they were larger and spectacular to watch. Swam out on a 180 course from the red stairs, dropped down even with Seal Rock and continued our 180 course for a distance. Soon came upon the reef. Water was crystal clear and below the thermo cline, cold!. There was a current running from the east that was trying to move us west toward Seal Rock. Current would have made for a great drift dive as you could just sit there and let the reef move past you at a nice pace, about what an air conservative diver would do on their own. We swam into the current for the entire time we were at dead mans reef. Turned the dive at 1700 PSI which was ahead of our scheduled turn pressure due to the current. On the way back in we were treated to another current coming off the shore line. So bottom line was we were swimming against a current the entire dive. I finished the dive with 670 PSI. Saw lots of marine life including several juvenile tree fish, guitar fish and the usual suspects. Just all around a great time.

One oher note on nagivagtion. We factored in the current at Deadmans and how long we swam against it. Using that information, we made a slight adjustment to our course back in. We hit the reef comming out from the beach just about right and followed it in surfacing exactly just off shore directly even with our entry point. In water navagation, a vital part of diving.
Oh Sure Sean. Dive without inviting me!! :11: Sorry I missed that one. Terry
Hehe. Hey Terry I will invite you next time! I thought since it was an Orange ****y dive that may be too far to go. :( I happened to be in the area Friday so I thought I'd sneak in a dive. Boy was it fun too! Sadly I'm all out of disk space for the pics. I am working on a new site for my pics. and will post the link when I get it all working.
Thanks for sharing Sean. See you at 630p.

Glad to say that conditions in the Casino Point Dive Park have been improving lately. In the 30-40 foot range at times over the weekend in some areas of the park, 0' in others (where the classes usually are). Water is getting nice and warm. Black sea bass sightings are frequent. A bit crowded Saturday but fine on Fri and Sun.

Nice pics Sean..........
Thanks Roy!

Hey you should come diving with us today!!! 6:30 pm at Vallecitos Street at the La Jolla Shores. Hope you can make it!


Dang. I am in SD tonight for work, but no scuba gear. I wish I would have known sooner!

I think I need to just permanently stash my gear in my car from now on...

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