Martini's Anyone?

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All martini's are not equal...It depends on how many olives there are....My one could make your chest hair instantaneously combust.No farting near an open flame.....
But you'll feel real good while your burning.....
Does that require a special O2 cleaing of the equipment?????
yes it does the vessel you drink from must be hydrocarbon free and have a nice outer ring of salt , CHEERS !!!
groggy, stupor, drunken-just like after martini's!!
You can tell that you have the narcs when people you don't normally dive with suddenly become more attractive and interesting and you get the urge to invite them back to your pond.As an old narced buddy of mine said..."I've never gone to bed with an ugly person yet,but I've sure woken up with a few...." Hahaha... Now that's narced.
basicly its when you feel like your starting to lose control
of your normal bodily functions like the abillity to make rational judgement, and as we have already said you will start to feel drunk, this dosent just happen at depth, i tend to find im more prone to narcosis on repetitive short shallow dives than i am on long deep deco dives but obviously nitrox cuts the narcotic effect down but then you have to bear in mind o2 toxicity which is far worse than narcosis. there is a theory that if you take a video camera on your dive and the watch the tape after you will be amazed at whats on the tape and unable to recall a large %age of the data stored on it!! ive tried it and believe me its true but hey at £2 a fill narcosis is cheaper than lager, so work on the at the bar theory !! you know how many pints you can handle so when you start to hit your bar limit unterwasser its time to come up a bit!!
Originally posted by nitrox
ive tried it and believe me its true but hey at £2 a fill narcosis is cheaper than lager, so work on the at the bar theory !! you know how many pints you can handle so when you start to hit your bar limit unterwasser its time to come up a bit!!

Nitrox - I'm going to assume you are having a bit of a laugh here. Narcosis can indirectly lead to fatal consequences where a diver is duped into making bad judgement calls (entering a wreck if untrained how, diving deeper than intended or safe to do so etc). What you have suggested is the same as the driver who 'knows' how much it is safe for him to drink before driving home - you may feel safe while doing routine things but in the event of an emergency, your reactions are seriously impared.
yeah only joking!! i think you took what i said in the wrong context?? i certainly wasnt suggesting drinking and diving!!! merely comparing narcosis to drunkeness!!! oh and thanks for the briefing on narcosis!!! (like i needed it!!)
i am well aware of the affects of narcosis and certainly dont need a refresher!!! but thanks for the offer anyway !!
and as for it making you enter wrecks without proper training!!! im not wreck penetration trained or cave trained but yet as an experienced tech diver i do both regularly and never had any problems !!
Originally posted by nitrox
i certainly wasnt suggesting drinking and diving!!!

Neither was I - infact if you read carefully, you will see I typed DRIVER not DIVER

oh and thanks for the briefing on narcosis!!! (like i needed it!!)
i am well aware of the affects of narcosis and certainly dont need a refresher!!! but thanks for the offer anyway !!

I didn't make any offer to give you a refresher

and as for it making you enter wrecks without proper training!!! im not wreck penetration trained or cave trained but yet as an experienced tech diver i do both regularly and never had any problems !!

Others haven't been so lucky.

My point was that narcosis can lead to people making bad judgement calls underwater and that it is irresponsible to encourage people to try and guage their personal narcosis limits - that was what I meant by comparing it to the driver who thinks he is safe to drive after several pints of beer.

That said, I'm glad you were joking!!

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