message boards???

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Scubaroo once bubbled...
Important difference between rec.scuba and ScubaBoard - rec.scuba is a Usenet group in the public domain, ScubaBoard is a privately-owned and operated entity.

You should see some of the crap that gets moderated out of this place - without moderation you'd be sinking in a sea of advertising spam posts and stupid questions about underwater sex.

Moderation is what keeps this board a useful resource for scuba information - it's primary purpose.
Yea...what he said :wink:
Scubaroo once bubbled...
Important difference between rec.scuba and ScubaBoard - rec.scuba is a Usenet group in the public domain, ScubaBoard is a privately-owned and operated entity.

You should see some of the crap that gets moderated out of this place - without moderation you'd be sinking in a sea of advertising spam posts and stupid questions about underwater sex.

Moderation is what keeps this board a useful resource for scuba information - it's primary purpose.

We'll see. This board is still in it's infancy, and Rec.scuba's been around a decade plus.

You can only bash PADI and cuss Spare Air so many times.

I've quit two moderated boards, when the moderators started pulling the helm over their own way a little too hard.

Hope that doesn't happen here.

I've already had a moderator intevene wrongly in a thread on behalf of a senior member.

I've already been told once that I shouldn't argue too much with popular posters, because the masses won't approve.

Scubaroo once bubbled...
...You should see some of the crap that gets moderated out of this place - without moderation you'd be sinking in a sea of advertising spam posts and stupid questions about underwater sex...

I was wondering why the thread was closed... I missed the last few posts of an otherwise tame discussion. ;-0

Anyway, I fully agree that this is a private board and the owners and mods are free to regulate the discussions according to their liking. Any member is free to go somewhere else if they don't like it
It boils down to why you want to spend time talking on a message board. Some folks like "entertaining" exchanges that get very heated ... sort of like the Jerry Springer of scuba. Others prefer to discuss things more politely, or are sincerely looking for specific types of information ... they'd prefer to feel like they can participate without the risk of getting beat up for saying something someone else doesn't agree with. Moderators will be more or less desireable depending on where in the spectrum you fall.

I prefer a well-moderated board. It provide a friendlier, more informative environment. I'd rather discuss than argue ... it's easier for me to come away from a discussion admitting I learned something new than it is simply dropping the discussion because I'm being beaten up by someone who doesn't see things the same way. Even when you disagree with someone, it's more fun (for me at least) to use persuasion than argument ... and less difficult to occasionally have to admit that, after all, the other person is right.

I enjoy this place ... lots of knowledgeable divers here who are interested in exchanging views about their passion rather than arguing all the time.

To respond to the initial question ... I think there are other boards out there just as good, but more "localized". I am very active in one that focuses on diving in the Pacific Northwest. Like this one, it's very moderated (Popeye wouldn't like it much) ... more so even than this one. But because it's so moderated, there's no spam and no arguments. It's focused, fun, and very active. We often have group dives and get-togethers ... and I've made quite a few friends and dive buddies through that board. The moderators do an excellent job of letting folks carry on discussions about scuba, while keeping the community a friendly place to play.

This board, on the other hand, gives me the opportunity to see how folks in other parts of the world view things. Different diving conditions tend to spawn off different mindsets and approaches to the activity. I may not get a chance to dive with all that many folks in here ... because we're so geographically separated. On the other hand, when the occasion arises for me to visit other parts of the country (or world), it increases the opportunity for me to find someone to dive with in a place where I otherwise might not know anyone.

I haven't ever visited alt.rec.scuba ... I've heard enough about it to know I wouldn't like the place all that much. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you ... but just that it's not my taste. Likewise, I'm also not much into Jerry Springer or the National Enquirer either. I like the saying "whatever floats your boat" .... this place floats mine just fine ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
DON'T want the T-shirt!

I have been on the Internet long enough to have "paid my dues" on Bulletin Boards and Usenet groups like rec scuba et al.

The latter have devolved into little more than flame-fests where more insults are traded than genuine dive information.

Frankly, at this point in time it's like comparing apples to oranges when you talk moderated boards like this one vs. Usenet: one is a place where people actually have a dialogue, the other is BS.

Remember, you always have the option of not participating in any msg board....

Scuba Board has the most intelligent divers out of any other boards..And trust me I've been to most...The best thing I like about this board is the willingness to help others out with questions and not bash them because someone felt it was a stupid question...

Besides all of that UnclePug is here....What else needs to be said..
I have checked out a couple sites, I always end up back here.

I have grown to know who to respect, who is a crackpot and who is trolling. I guess that familiarity and the fact that the mods don't let things degenerate to the normal internet idiocy also keeps me coming back. They do their best, they volunteer time, they may not please everyone but they are responsible for keeping this site as good as it is.

Popeye stated: I've already been told once that I shouldn't argue too much with popular posters, because the masses won't approve

That is crap as far as I can tell. Who said that to you and in what context... I don't believe that is true at all... view the past posts with these so call popular posters, I am sure there has been enough dissention, disagreements and argument to suit you fine - so you got a soft-tail or a hammerhead? Ford or Chevy?
Shellbird once bubbled...
I have grown to know who to respect, who is a crackpot and who is trolling.

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