opinions on communication units?

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Tom you are so right, but do you need to spend thousands to be able to say a few words??? My device is now being used by Underwater Astronaut Trainers. Also many professionals. Something Mario does not understand is big price does NOT mean better. Also I did not start this thread for advertising but to get a feel for what people are looking for. I have used high dollar com units and believe for Commercial diving it is needed but not for speaking "are you OK, look at that eel, hey dive buddy look..." This is what we offer and will have a $10,000.00 challange at DEMA in New Orleans this year. NO we have not spent a million on advertising yet but that is comming this year for 2001. As I have said many times this is for the true Sport Diver who loves to dive and share what they see with a true friend or partner. Why wait till shore and who really dives side by side and able to HEAR or see hand signals. Oh yeah I can blast my SUB DUCK and wake up everthing in a 50 feet area. Thank's again and hope to see you all at DEMA. If you don't believe put up 10,000.00 and take the challange we will. I really enjoy the imput everyone is saying and it is helping us find out what real divers really want...J.P>
JP, what divers really want is equipment that works and is not for kids. I have seen many devices come out over the years and most of them last a short while then they are gone and so is all the support promised. A Company a few years ago came out with a device similar to yours. It looked like a funnel with a bullet on the end. As they sold everyone on, you simply speak into the device and everyone within range hears you, NOT. They sold a bunch and are gone now. I looked at your site and had a good laugh. The device reminded me of a one-man band. One thing I know for sure, OTS has been around since 1984! If our space center is using your device, I bet you gave them away and they won’t use them for long.

With an OTS unit, I can be 400 yards away and ask for help or as close as a few feet. Why don’t you spend your time and energy making something divers could use and stop trying to reinvent the wheel?
JP, If I go to DEMA, what do I have to do to get $10,000? You got my attention!

I think a real good challenge would be for everyone interested to go underwater and listen to a diver talking using your system. Whomever can figure it out what he is saying, wins! Or maybe just use the video clips on your site. Have everyone write down what they think they hear then send it in. Whoever gets 100% wins the 10K! What do you think?
Deep Sea,
I actually heard through a lil birdy that the $10 large is now a $100 large. Maybe J.P. can confirm or deny the rumor... (ehem) For a $100 large most people would do anything... J.P. can you share some more info with us.

Mario :D
JP, what's up? You shot off your mouth about $100,000.00 and now you go silent? Let us in on the plan. I want to be around when this takes place!
It's probably something totally unattainable like you have to arm wrestle Mr Universe or like :royal: getting a life or something... LOL

Hey I know, maybe we have to talk Don out of dressing like a little school girl for a month to win... Or, prosecute OJ, or maybe San Diego needs to win the superbowl... who knows since no one is bothering to comment (ehem J.P...) then we can just assume a load of horse s(tuff)...

Now no one knows heh Don... LOL

Mario :D
I think it's great that you believe in your product. But you have to remember if you are looking for feedback, you're going to have to take the good with the bad and be able to respond to both. You've come to a forum that thousands of people read and we represent a large share of the diving market. So what you have to say is important.

Comm. units are expensive (ones that actuallly work) and to be able to offer one that is cheap (affordable) puts us all in the skeptical mode.

Diving is kinda like fishing or golf, there are new gadgets that come and go on a daily basis, only the ones that really work last. They come in, sell to the novice, make a fast buck then when sales start drop off, because they don't work, they're outta here.

Noway, even had a lace collar put on my leopard skin print wetsuit.

This nobody wants to know

Boy, I sure did get some replys while I was gone!!!! We will have all the details for DEMA and it is a 100 thousand. I have tried all the other com units on the market that is Non-electronic and I know it does not work. That is why we got the Scuba Voice. I for one will not spend alot of money to be able to speek to my buddy. Now if I was doing a serious dive I would but as a sport diver I want something at a good price range. As for the people saying we give them away that is crazy. The reason the Space Center uses them is because it does not cost much and they can talk right through the steel tank and to the people standing outside the tank watching the divers. I am very sorry I got so many people upset but as a guy from Kirby Morgan told us, You will tick off alot of people and since all the other non-electronic stuff did not work it will take alot to prove it works. I really hope to see alot of you all at DEMA so you can see and hear what we mean. This is for the Sport Divers who want to be able to speak to a buddy and not spent alot of money. Sorry I did not get a reply up sooner but as with all electronic things it sometimes does not work. Over 280 thousand people were out of electric since the ice storm this past tuesday. But it is back for now and here is my reply....J.P.
I am an Instructor at Space Camp and had the pleasure of meeting JP when he visited our Facility a few weeks ago. He taught all of our staff members how to use this new easy way of talking underwater. I found it intriguing and I am excited to see an affordable way to talk with my dive buddy, my assistant and students. I own the OceanReef Full Face mask with com gear and I love it, but not all my friends can afford it and I can't use it when I teach..... this just takes the place of your mouth piece!
I will be attending and want to know what I will have to do to take the challenge or is this one of those challenges that is stack to your advantage? It seems if you are going to make a challenge, you should give people time to react. Let us know what we have to do in enough time to do it. Otherwise, your challenge is a one way joke or put on.

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