Question about maximum depth???

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Good post Chad, many on this board have never spearfished and have no knowledge of the techniques and equiptment used but are quick to offer advise.

An Old Rig Diver
CMAS 3 star is a 60m qualification (air). The BSAC qual (equivalent to CMAS 2*) is 50m.

However, the ascertion that people dive to these depths "all the time" is a bit crazy and totally wrong.

A quick look at all the European divers taking trimix qualifications will soon tell you that deep air is becoming a thing of the past.


Just out of curiosity....where does one go dive in Luxembourg? :)
I was there last year and it looked pretty land-locked to me.
At 150f, on air, you'll be spearing your dive-buddy.

You must be a very experienced spearfisherman.
....My question is this: other than air, NDL times and nitrogen narcosis is there are reason that I can't continue to dive like this. Let's hear some opinions. Thanks!!!

Those are the reasons and issues to consider for this dive. You should also have backup equipment such as doubles or at the very least a sufficient sized pony bottle. To give you an idea how close to deco you are....if you are staying at that depth for literally 2 minutes you are still within NDL's. If you are spending 4 minutes at this depth you are in deco. Recreational dive computers are not considered adequate for any type of deco diving. If you are banging down and back with a single valve alum 80 you are under equipped in my opinion. Though you did not specify your gear configuration.

You are narced at that depth. You may not feel it dramatically but you are. It's important to keep this in mind if you decide to do these dives. Be deliberate and careful - and this is assuming you are either deco training and equipped or religious about not going into deco.

Of course you can do it on air. Yes, you will be more clear-headed on trimix but so what.

If you are bouncing down, spearing a fish, and coming back up air is fine. Most of the people saying otherwise are just repeating what they have read. You have people with 50 dives lecturing on how terrible it is to use air at 150. In Europe rec diving is to 165fsw and people use air all the time.

First, I don't spear fish but I do dive to 150'. I have done it on air in a cave and don't care to do it again if I can help it. I took the trimix route. Definitely look at adv. nitrox or deco procedures course and think about redundant gear. After that, you'll be in better shape to make your own assessment of the dives. After all, its your #@$ down there
Deep air will always have a place and use as long as trimix fills are still 20x the cost.
Most of the people saying otherwise are just repeating what they have read. You have people with 50 dives lecturing on how terrible it is to use air at 150.

Interesting. I didn't see any lectures in this post at all, just opinions. Wait, let me see...

Let's hear some opinions. Thanks!!!

Yep, thats what he was looking for. While we are at it...

Hi, not a lot of experience but here goes. I was certified and took the AOW course several years ago. I didn't do much diving until the last month or so. I've just taken a Dry Suit Specialty course since getting used to my dry suit was somewhat of an issue for me.

I just went on my first boat dive with the same group that I got checked out in the dry suit with.

I work from home and have flexible hours so I can go diving most any time. I live in North Seattle. I'm looking for some fairly easy diving to get my experience level up before taking more specialty courses.

August 2003, a new diver with 500 - 1000 dives? Wow, what cert course did you have to go thru?
August 2003, a new diver with 500 - 1000 dives? Wow, what cert course did you have to go thru?

Well now ... knowing the guy you're addressing this to, I'd say "the school of hard knocks".

It's not unusual for avid divers in this area to do 300+ dives a year ... and pick up knowledge in the process that they would never get in a classroom.

He and I have very different ideas about and approaches to how we dive ... and have often found ourselves at odds because we both take our diving, perhaps, a bit more seriously than we should. But I can say with conviction that he's a solid diver, and earned his opinions on the subject the old-fashioned way ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
, and earned his opinions on the subject the old-fashioned way ...

Ah... a modern day pioneer who isn't afraid to make all the mistakes himself .... :D

(just kidding -- couldn't resist)

Hi, I have been certified since 1991 but I have just started diving with a group of guys that routinely dive deeper than I have ever been before. I must admit there are a lot more fish down there and we dove this past weekend to as deep as 150 feet. You basically just drop down and shoot the biggest fish you see and then come up. I have plenty of air, my computer says that I am still well within the NDL times and I have not felt narced at all. I feel like this is safe but when I mention how deep we go to some other divers they freak out and say we're going to die. My question is this: other than air, NDL times and nitrogen narcosis is there are reason that I can't continue to dive like this. Let's hear some opinions. Thanks!!!

In addition to increased air consumption, lowered NDLs and getting narced, what do you mean by "You basically just drop down and shoot the biggest fish you see and then come up."? Because if you basically drop down from 30 ft to 150 shoot something then rocket back up, within NDLs or not, you can bend yourself.

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