SB Diver Littlejohn - Rest in Peace

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Allen who was his dive buddy??? What was his dive profile like??? Man I hope he's going to be ok. I only met he once at Blue Springs nice guy.

From another thread.

...he was in serious condition and on a ventilator.

I am glad to hear that they have managed to contact a relative, and I'm hoping he will recover.

Hey Tim - I'll post all the details if/when this gets written up in the Incidents forum, but what I can say for sure right now is this: John did not violate his computer. He pushed it on that second dive, and his computer shows one segment away from deco, but he did not go over. I was not with him on the first dive, but I ascended with him on the second dive and we did do a standard three-minute stop at about 17fsw. We were with the divemaster and basically went up with her as she wound up the flag reel, so it was very controlled and gentle. Dive 1 was 70-80fsw, dive 2 was 60-70fsw, both with about 0:45 bottom time (again, I was not with him on the first dive). Area 51 and The Bluffs. 0:50 SI. We were both diving HP120's and coming up with 800psi or so. He was diving 32%, I was 35%. Seas were 2'-3', current was typical for Jupiter, viz on both dives started great but got down to only 30' or so towards the end.

He was OK at first, right after the second dive as we rested on the bench. He said he got close to deco on the second dive, but did not go over and was glad he went diving that day. 5-10 minutes later, he started to complain of difficulty breathing and that's when the DM put him on oxygen and called EMT's who were waiting for him at the dock.

That's all for now, but let me reiterate - John did not violate his computer! Not only did he tell me as much, but at the hospital they wanted details of his dive, so we accessed his computer to pull up the dive details and saw that it was one segment shy of deco.

>*< Fritz

I just got off the phone with John's brother, who is there at St. Mary's. I passed on the details of the dive to him and let him know John's vehicle is safe with me.

He said John was conversational after his first chamber ride, but then got worse. Breathing became very difficult so they put him on a ventilator. At this point it sounds like the physicians are not thinking the dive itself (i.e. DCS) is the cause of his problems, but they're not sure, possibly an MI ("heart attack").

Nevertheless, right now he is on the ventilator and not conscious. His brother is thankful for everything that has been done for him so far. He is aware that I have John's vehicle safe and sound and that John's dive gear is also secure with Jupiter Dive Center.

Keep John in your thoughts.

>*< Fritz

P.S. A thread in the Incidents and Accidents forum has been opened to discuss and analyze the incident, to keep that discussion separate from this one.
Thanks Fritz for the update. Lots of us care for John, it's very distracting for the hospital to get dozens of phone calls about John. It is also hard on the family to continue to repeat the same information over and over. The hospital at this time is only transferring calls from family into the ICU. Please be patient, and continue looking at this forum for information.
Feel free to send cards, flowers, etc.
Most importantly, Keep Praying...
Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people. Ephesians 6:18 (CEV)

I don't know John and I have never dived with him, but I surely wish him a speedy recovery. If this is truly a DCS incident, it is also undeserved based on his profiles.
Hi John,
I'm wishing you the speediest and least painful recovery. Get well and come back to us soon. I am sending you a bunch of positive energy.

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