Scholarships for Dive professionals

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I Happen to agree with you H2O mostly old guys. Another trend I've noticed from the same people that respond over and over again is negative :mooner:. They don't help they just bash and treat people like there better. WOW you can spell better then me and your grammar is better. But do you know the how the diving reflex affects the human body? Well I do. Do you know the dangers of a PFO? How about a Thoracic Squeeze is? Most of the people on hear are consumer level that put there face in the water and go oooowwww pretty things. So I take what you people say with a Grain of salt. H20 thanks for the good advice. Basher go tell you wife her cooking stinks or something leave me alone unless its constructive and has not been said.
I can assure you that before you were born, most of the people posting here knew more about PFOs and Thoracic Squeeze than you do today. So what? Do you want to impress us? How about a good two page essay on the history of diving instruction? And get it right, because some of us GOGs were there. Or if you'd prefer, a clear exposition of the difference between surfacing ratios and M-values? Either of these might serve to rehabilitate our perception of you.
Well Matleycrue anyone who knowes what a PFO is would understand what im saying. That shows a understanding of Dive science. Valdimir go tell the owner of the aggressor fleet or Nekton that a dive wages are bad. :wink: And if you would have read on it would have told you about the Maritime Archeologist part there guy. Reading fully through things helps sometimes. Glad you two are not instructors your people skills stink. Peoply like you to make workers go postal.
As the supplicant in this drama you sure do seem to not know how to make friends and influence people.
Give a chance to the people the dont have the chance not to the ones that already do.
That's not how it works. You not only need to convince us that you need the help, you need to convince us that whatever we do will not be a wasted efforts because you will both be able to complete your studies and make a contribution to the industry. My present view is that your poor English skills (as in a lack of knowledge of the difference between "to" and "too") argue strongly against either eventuality, so I am not persuaded to shift my giving priorities in your direction, in as much as it appears to be, as they say, "money down a rat hole."
If there was a scholarship foundation for diving sciences would anyone be willing to donate? After many long hours of searching the web I noticed there are maybe 2 scholarships offered for graduate level students. This bothers me for the simple reason I am school for sport management Diving industry and need funding!

The reason that there are no scholarships available for this niche of schooling is that a program such as this simply could not charge over $36k/year without government subsidy. $150k+ is astronomical for an undergrad degree. The vast majority of people simply cannot even consider spending that sort of money on such a diffuse major. While this may be the only degree program that offers this specific four year degree, there are many programs that offer specialized four year programs for specific subjects within your program. The key to those programs and the scholarships extended to students in those specialized programs is the specialization and focus.
To answer your question, I may, as a broke-ass college student, be open to donating to a scholarship foundation 'for diving sciences'. But first, you would have to further define what you mean by 'diving sciences'. Further, to answer the extension of this question, no, I would donate to this 'foundation' in order to give you a free ride to a school that overcharges for a nonsense degree.
As far as the funding goes, as many have mentioned; have you looked at this from an investment vs.return standpoint? How long would it take you to pay off that amount of debt or to amass the amount of money to pay for that out of pocket? It seems to me that if you had a better idea of what you specifically wanted to do after school, you could look around for a more specific program elsewhere, get a respected degree, and end up paying much less.
Give the guy a break.
He's obviously ADD and ADHD with a borderline personality disorder.
School=scholar=learn to spell. Problem can't pay for school to learn to spell.
It wouldn't surprise me if Barry had remedial classes that covered spelling and the rest of the elementary-school curriculum, but it isn't what most people consider university-level education. I think that Thalassamania gave you good advice in recommending a community college; that seems more appropriate for your background and for the career you are planning.

If you have a sincere desire, you can educate yourself with an ease and to a degree not possible in the past; the first step would be to recognize the serious gaps in your education to this point. It can be corrected, but you have a lot of catching up to do and it will take hard work.
I don't recommend Florida Keys Community College as a denigration, it is a damn good program.
First thank you pollywogg for A Real Post.I didn't care for the respected Degree part. FishPie funny stuff if you got shot at for part of you life you would have personality defect too. As for vladimir dude you opion is nothing just like you. So stop with the bashing and insults put your efforts in a more postive manor like im trying to.
Oh well, you can lead a horse to water ...
skiz22285....Yes...I agree. Newbies should NOT be bashed. The older divers seem to "know it all" and have become all too "salty". They are resentful of new opportunities to fund a dive career. I am also looking for CONSTRUCTIVE information but I am afraid to post only to get bashed. So I read and absorb the comments that are useful to me.

If older divers are genuine (and friendly) with information....its MOST appreciated.


Think they made a good point maybe you guys should listen I got many more messeges like this.
I don't recommend Florida Keys Community College as a denigration, it is a damn good program.
Yes, that's the way I took your post, but I can see how mine might look dismissive of community colleges in general. I am not, however. I think they are probably more appropriate than a four-year program for a vocational course of study like the one the OP is pursuing for the simple reason that they cost less--in time and money. The student can embark upon his career sooner and repay his smaller debt load faster.

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