Shooting salt water up my nose everyday & feeling good! Anybody else doing this?

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I looked at the cost of the premade packets and decided to do the DIY version. About 1/100 the cost too.. Mix equal parts of baking soda and sea salt, making sure it does not have any iodine or anything else in it. I use a 1/4 teaspoon mix.
Yeah, I use tap water.. bad me..

Ditto to the above.

I've been using this treatment for over 2 1/2 years, and I'm happy to report I've only had a couple of bouts with a cold or flu. Both times were when I was lax in my regimen.
Twice a day and it has given me a very good dive friendly tool to manage allergies.
I still get sick on occasion but I move up to three times a day and it shortens the cold or flu.
Remarkable how much it helps everyday.

I've been doing the sinus rinse since this thread started. I think that's how I heard about it, LOL.
this was the first year that I've had any kind of cold.. and I had it twice, so I think something else was going on..
this stuff works! Love the clean feeling.
I always use tap/well water. Normally I use 1/4-1/2 tsp of Canning salts, and no baking soda.
Quite effective, and a huge savings over the prepared packets!

I used the technique before this thread if I was congested, but substituting the canning salt I learned here
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One thing that fresh water divers might take from this is that many times you get that initial "salt water burn" and runny nose when diving salt versus fresh. By rinsing for several days prior to a salt water trip, you become less sensitive to it.
From NYT.

WELL; A Warning to Use Sterile Water for Nasal Rinses
Published: September 4, 2012
Neti pots -- those odd teapotlike vessels used to wash out the nasal
passage -- have won legions of fans who rely on them for relief from
allergies, congestion and colds.
But now, after two cases of a deadly brain infection were linked to
neti pots, government health officials have issued new warnings
about using them safely.
The Food and Drug Administration last month reported on two cases
in Louisiana in which patients contracted infections after using neti
pots filled with tap water. The culprit was an amoeba called
Naegleria fowleri, which is commonly found in lakes, rivers and hot
This kind of infection is exceedingly rare, but it usually occurs when people get water up
the nose after swimming or diving in lakes or rivers; Naegleria fowleri can travel from the
nose into the brain, where it causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a disease that
destroys brain tissue and is almost always fatal. In 123 known cases from 1962 to 2011 in
the United States, only one person has survived, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
Last year, Louisiana state health officials reported on two unrelated deaths -- of a 20-yearold man and a 51-year-old woman who were believed to have been infected by tap water
later found to be contaminated with Naegleria fowleri. Both had used tap water in a neti
pot. (Because stomach acid kills the amoeba, drinking contaminated water does not lead
to infection.)
As a result, the F.D.A. has issued new warnings reminding consumers to use distilled or
filtered water in a neti pot. They can use bottled water, or they can boil water and let it
cool before using.
Doctors say the new warnings should not dissuade people from using a neti pot, which can
be a safe and effective home remedy for allergies and congestion.
To use a neti pot, a person mixes water with a saline packet to create a mild saline
solution. Leaning over a sink, the user inserts the spout of the pot into a nostril, allowing
the water to wash up inside the nasal passage and flow out the other nostril. Nasal lavage
bottles can also be used, although it is important not to squeeze the bottle too hard.
''Initially it's a weird sensation, but if you're congested and it washes out some of that
stuff, you're much less miserable,'' said Dr. Rohit K. Katial, a professor of medicine and
allergy specialist at National Jewish Health, a respiratory hospital based in Denver.
''People end up really liking it because they feel refreshed -- it's wellness with water.''
Several studies show that regular nasal irrigation can reduce symptoms of allergies and
congestion. One 2008 study found that children with severe allergies were less reliant on
steroid nasal sprays if they regularly rinsed their nasal passages. /9/13 WELL- AWarning toUseSterileWater for Nasal Rinses - 2/2
''One of the primary functions of the nose is filtration,'' Dr. Katial said. ''That's where you
capture all the pollens and particulates. Irrigation is the way to wash some of that out,
and we think it's very beneficial and we use it fairly extensively in our patients.''
Doctors say it's important to keep the risk of Naegleria fowleri contamination in
perspective. Most cases are in the South, although some have been documented in the
Midwest and as far north as Minnesota. Millions of people swim and dive in lakes and
rivers each year, yet from 2002 to 2011 there were only 32 reported Naegleria fowleri
infections, according to the disease centers. By comparison, from 1996 to 2005, the most
recent period with available data, the United States had more than 36,000 drowning
With neti pots and other forms of nasal lavage, the greater risk comes from improper
cleaning. Bacteria or fungi can form on the spout of a used neti pot or in a partly used
nasal lavage bottle. Regular use of an improperly cleaned neti pot or contaminated lavage
bottle can lead to chronic irritation or allergies.
And like toothbrushes, neti pots shouldn't be shared with anyone. People with a
compromised immune system should consult a doctor before using a neti pot.
While the two recent cases of amoebic infection may be terrifying, the public should not be
alarmed or fearful about freshwater swimming or neti pot use, said Dr. Philip T. Hagen,
vice chairman of the Mayo Clinic's division of preventive medicine.
''If you talk about the general population, there are more common things to be aware of
and worry about than a scary amoebic infection,'' said Dr. Hagen, who is also the editor of
''The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies.'' ''It's an opportunity to remind people to be
cautious and use good cleaning approaches and maintenance of their neti pot.'
I did my first treatment today using the Nasaline syringe. I'm breathing better, but my ears are bothering me. They didn't hurt right away, it was a couple of hours later. So I took my ear drops as well and that has helped a little.

Does anyone else's ears get irritated after a nasal treatment? Btw: I don't believe I applied too much pressure. I did gag once or twice, maybe that caused my ear problem?

Also, it seemed like if I tilted my head, id have more water come out, how do you guys deal with that?

Ive used the nasal sprays in the past and they work well. I wanted to try this to see if it did something more. If my ears weren't irritated, the answer would be that I'm breathing better for longer than just the spray.

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