Stop the Madness!!

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jonnythan once bubbled...

quote: Popeye once bubbled...

I know scores of people who've switched from BC to BP/W.

I don't know -anyone- who's switched back.
Anyone who's been here for a year or more does..

I've been here less than a year. I really like my Black Diamond BC. It doesn't accomodate doubles. OK - Got a BP/W. WOW!!! I never knew such comfort existed - How can diving double HP 120's be this easy!?!?! Well - DiveRite recommends the Classic Wing not be used with a single tank. Hey - my Black Diamond is still comfortable and functional and I don't feel like lugging doubles. WOW!!! This rig is comfortable and light!! Point is - now I like both. The BP/W is very comfortable, streamlined and accomodates what I need for a lot of the dives I like to do. On the other hand, the Black Diamond (back inflate) BC has integrated weights, pockets that tuck away and can be deployed if needed, D-rings in all the right places, iit's comfortable, streamlined and accomodates what I need for the rest of the dives I like to do without the extra weight of lugging around the doubles.
Something that I cant understand is how the old scuba equipment manufacturing companies like SP or perhaps Sherwood can even still exist in todays world of BPW and all the other gear that has been mandated by the GUE folks. I think that someone like me thats been diving for a long time and not been found dead in some equipment related accident is beyond belief blessed by the scuba gods. I was shopping for a truck to haul horses a couple of years ago and a salesman encouraged me to buy this monster of a truck telling me it was unsafe to haul the weight with anything less so I asked him how all those horses got moved fot the fourty or fifty yrs before this particular model was produced, He had no answer. I'm sure the gear recommended by the DIR folks is wonderful but it is refreshing to hear people chat about other stuff from time to time. I have a collection of BC's hanging in my garage and I now use and have used a RIG for maybe 8 yrs and its probably gotten wet more times than most people using this Board. I love learning or at least having the option to learn new things but the lessons should be of my choice.
Bill...........Dive safe
I'm still not sure what the thread is all about, but what started as a rant looks like a nice 4 page troll.

Bottom line: you ask for opinions, you get several answers. It's the nature of a board to be repetitive. But I'm glad some of the members did that.

Arnaud, a very satisfied owner of a B/P&W :wink:
cornfed once bubbled...

I often get the impression that the two jackets in question are what the poster's LDS carries and they haven't seen anything else. Sometimes you get, "these two where rated very high in Rodales" This is a clue that they might not beaware of what else is out there. In such cases I don't see anything wrong with jumping in and pointing out alternatives.

If I where content with the selection and advice at my LDS I wouldn't bother going online for other opinions.


Ps For those of you that think this thread has been hijacked I've go news for you -- It hasn't been!

Excellent post, excellent point on the LDS

Most people shopping for a BC have never even heard of a BP/W.

If you ask for advice in an open forum, but only want to hear what -you- want to hear, you're wasting your time, and ours.

A closed mind is like closed parachute...

You're just hear for gladhanding.

Personally, I think a Poodle Jacket is more comfortable, especially on dry land, than a BP/W. But a BC has no other redeeming factors after that.

Any BC has virtually no modification possibilities, where as a BP has many different styles of weight systems, wings, accesories, tank adapters if you choose, ect.


If you're looking at a back inflation BC, and say you don't want a BP/W, your head is -really- in the sand.

PhotoTJ once bubbled...
I didn't care for it, which is why I still dive a jacket. It's entirely possible that it was not set up for my frame, or that that particular model didn't suit tall folks as well (6'3"), I 've only done the one time. (Demo gear.) I don't condemn the system, I just dive what is comfortable for me, at this time. I am still considering trying such a set up for rigging doubles, it seems sturdier for that purpose.

You touched on a good point. Maybe it was setup wrong for you. I’m 6’3” 175# and am quite comfortable with my gear on. BP’s can come in different sizes too, not all of them have an “H” on them. Gary’s Underwater Technical Supply makes his own plates and they come in a short and long, SS or Al. I’ll give him a free plug:
Dyno Bill once bubbled...
Something that I cant understand is how the old scuba equipment manufacturing companies like SP or perhaps Sherwood can even still exist in todays world of BPW

I would wonder the same thing except I know how they stay in business. They essentially put the shop in a situation where they must sell what the manufacturer makes. Not to mention the fact that most divers (including instructors have never been tought anything about balance and trim and have only seen the run-of-the-mil stuff.

In the las couple of years I've sold bp/wing almost exclusively. I have no reason to decomment anything else and when the vast majotity of divers tries it they agree. It's funny because when they shop around the other shops they visit have usually never even heard of it. If it wasn't for me or the internet they wouldn't know the bp/wing exists. I have often been asked by customers why the other shops don't know anything about a bp as good as it is. Of course I have also been told how when they tell the other shops how much the bp/wing helped their trim that the other shops don't seem to know what trim even is. LOL

I guess that explains why sp and some of te others are still in business. BTW, sp has no problem telling a shop what else they can carry or demanding such huge anual minimum sale dollars that you can't afford to carry much else.

I sure wish they would go out of business.
H2OHead once bubbled...
Check out the valve on your oxy/acetylene rig, check out every valve in a hospital, check out the valve on your grill’s propane tank. Check out every other gas valve on the planet. Most of them have Sherwood written on them. That’s another way they stay in the game.

Sherwood (scuba) is a seperate division from the rest of the company. In fact the reason that Crammer and Decker got control of sherwood distribution is that the parant company has little interest or understanding of scuba in general.
In all sence of fairness to the debate if you will, I took some time today and visited the Halcyon website so that I might be able to see what all the conversation was about. Now if I am seeing it correctly the BP/W is a base with a harness mounted to it, the boyancy bladder is attached to the base with the obvious ability to vary the lift ability depending on the needs of the particular diver. The harness is somewhat like a parachute rig allowing a firm and direct attachment to the diver. The weight system attaches to a lower or base belt with removeable weight bags. If I'm incorrect please explain so I can get a clearer picture of the rig.I didnt see any mention of dump valves and their positioning in the bladder assy. I also didnt get a clear picture of mounting points for extra gear like tanks, lights or whatever else the individual might desire. I would appreciate and explanation that someone that uses this gear might offer, thanks.
Halcyon does sell weight pockets, but most people stick with a regular weight belt.

There is the standard inflator/deflator off the left shoulder and a rear dump off the left hip. (On the left side so you can do all dumpling with one hand.)

There are 5 d-rings total on the harness. 2 on each side of the chest at collar bone level, 1 off the left hip, 1 near the front of the crotch strap and 1 at the rear of the crotch strap. These are really all you need in terms of carrying/managing additional gear. Handheld type lights clip off to the chest d-rings and a canister light would go off the right hip. There are reasons why everything is so specific, but it would take a while to explain.

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