Stop the Sea Shepherd

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Yeah and us humans aren't causing a bit of trouble for this planet. Plenty of whales, plenty of everything, including plenty more human mouths to feed. Lost in these responses (as is the OP) are the OPs original comments; that Watson is "endangering the human race" and that if it persists "we will only be able to dive in swimming pools". Nothing fanatical/radical there. And of course calling those whom you object to "a bunch of smelly, incompetant hippies" is a very objective approach to solidfying one's own arguments. It'll zing 'em for sure. (To heighten the impact you might add "nanner, nanner".)

Saying that far more whales were killed simply because the Japanese were harassed by Watson at least moves this thread to an ultimate absurdity. It's a bit like saying criminals commit more crime because the police try to stop them.

I know, Watson isn't a policeman and he has no international authority for doing what he does, just his own wobbly moral compass. It surprises me though that anyone who dives in this blue planet's oceans would be ok with whaling. Objecting to a group's approach I understand but jeez, taking whales because they are "nowhere near endangered" ? Dive while you can gang, I'm suspecting this grand old planet is getting it's fill of all of us. // ww
I see your point.

A problem I have with Whaling is the technique, an explosive tipped harpoon.
It seems barbaric and who knows how much the whales suffer?

The whole point of the explosive tipped harpoon is that massive hydrostatic shock causes near instantaneous death.

If I was going to be harpooned to death and given my choice of harpoons I would choose the explosive.

Of course, I would rather NOT be harpooned at all. :eyebrow:
Yeah and us humans aren't causing a bit of trouble for this planet. Plenty of whales, plenty of everything, including plenty more human mouths to feed. Lost in these responses (as is the OP) are the OPs original comments; that Watson is "endangering the human race" and that if it persists "we will only be able to dive in swimming pools". Nothing fanatical/radical there. And of course calling those whom you object to "a bunch of smelly, incompetant hippies" is a very objective approach to solidfying one's own arguments. It'll zing 'em for sure. (To heighten the impact you might add "nanner, nanner".)

Saying that far more whales were killed simply because the Japanese were harassed by Watson at least moves this thread to an ultimate absurdity. It's a bit like saying criminals commit more crime because the police try to stop them.

I know, Watson isn't a policeman and he has no international authority for doing what he does, just his own wobbly moral compass. It surprises me though that anyone who dives in this blue planet's oceans would be ok with whaling. Objecting to a group's approach I understand but jeez, taking whales because they are "nowhere near endangered" ? Dive while you can gang, I'm suspecting this grand old planet is getting it's fill of all of us. // ww

Ok then. What are your actual arguments for why whaling should not take place then? Cos all I can see is you complaining about what has been said without making any valid argument against whaling.

I personally eat no seafood. For moral reasons. But it would be hypocritical for me to complain about whaling given I'm not vegan.
The whole point of the explosive tipped harpoon is that massive hydrostatic shock causes near instantaneous death.

If I was going to be harpooned to death and given my choice of harpoons I would choose the explosive.

Of course, I would rather NOT be harpooned at all. :eyebrow:
for a minute.. I pictured Capt. Ahab & MobyDick
Sas, I'm still trying to figure out if that's a rhetorical question--"why whaling should not take place". It's a bit like high school debate class, where you would be arbitrarily assigned to argue for or against capital punishment. It was an intellectual exercise (to the extent any of us were intellectual at that point) done to build critical thinking skills. Hopefully most of us never went on to actually be impacted by the question. As adults, heck, as DIVERS I would think it not necessary to argue why we should leave whales alone, anymore than I would expect to not be asked seriously about why shark finning shouldn't be allowed.

I know the whaling industry is much more efficient at making better use of their kill than shark finners but does it make it right? You either think so or you don't, my arguments against either won't change anyone's mind. I know too the minkes the Japanese take are not endangered but why do we seem to get near the end of the line on something before we say "Hey wait, maybe we ought to save something for the future." ?

I'm against whaling because at some point the recognition has to be that, as a top of the food chain species, we have responsibilities not to mess up so much. It isn't a meat eater vs vegan thing, it's a moral imperative thing. I think it is immoral to plunder the environment in order to sustain an apparently blinding commitment to overpopulate the planet.

Something like 88 countries, including Australia, belong to the International Whaling Commission. This comes from their website:
In 1982, the Commission took a decision, which came into force for the 1986 and 1985/86 seasons, that catch limits for all commercial whaling would be set to zero. Of course there is more to the Commission statement than that and it is often contested by some nation members, like Japan and Norway, but still; a lot of countries support the notion to stop whaling.

I am impressed you don't eat seafood, something I can't claim. I do choose not to eat certain sea foods, most kinds actually. Hypocritical? So what? Employing discretion on what one eats is still possible so no, I wouldn't eat whale meat or shark fin soup. Whether you and I agree on whaling is not the real issue, the real issue is over-population by humans. Period. It drives ALL the other environmental problems we see (ok, sure--there are still earthquakes, floods, volcanoes etc. but I'm talking avoidable problems).

Ah what the heck. My excessive hot air is probably damaging the ozone and you know, originally my kick was how the OP had made the claim that Watson was endangering humans and would keep all of us out of the ocean. Guess I'd be curious how many divers support whaling but it is irrelevant to this thread and just knowing won't really alter anything. Except for this. We divers see what is going on in the waters that are this planet and we know, if we simply observe, that things down below are being messed up. We can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution, though we may not always agree who is really on what side. // ww
...It isn't a meat eater vs vegan thing, it's a moral imperative thing. I think it is immoral to plunder the environment in order to sustain an apparently blinding commitment to overpopulate the planet.

...We divers see what is going on in the waters that are this planet and we know, if we simply observe, that things down below are being messed up. We can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution, though we may not always agree who is really on what side. // ww
Not trying to be argumentative, but; do you feel the same way about, ranching, fishing, hunting, and farming? They are all methods of feeding/sustaining the human race or "Blind commitment to over-population". I'm willing to bet you spend more time breathing air at the surface of this planet than underwater. There is plenty to see where mankind's blind commitment is evident and more destructive than whale hunting. Whale hunting isn't going to destroy mankind or the planet. It is just one of the many fronts that man is working, to the detriment of the overall health of the planet and it's occupants.
Really getting off topic, but since you sorta brought it up; Just who will decide who can still procreate and who do we stop feeding?
I agree with his goals. I don't really have a major problem with his methods. I do have a problem with the fact he and his entire crew are incompetent. He shouldn't be allowed to command a row boat.
I hunt bambi and he tastes good - sometimes I get a doe tag as well. I wear leather shoes and a belt too. I prefer Burger King over McDs. My freezer is filled with halibut and salmon, and I wish I had a chance to legally harvest a seaslug/sealion (which are decimating our fisheries on the Westcoast, but they are "tourist cuties"). I eat what I harvest, but I also scuba with a spear gun and don't shoot everything I could. I'm very picky and love swimming with my "friends" the fish. However, those nasty pelicans and seals spoil my fun and eat "nemo". Human beings are predators whose digestive system, including our teeth, are made to digest both vegetables and meat.

My opinion of these terrorists are that the Japanese should give them notice that anyone interfering with their lawful shipping will be disabled by whatever means needed, including sinking the offending ship. They have been far too patient with these publicity hungry fools.

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