Suunto And Bare: A Major Disappointment

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Two weeks later, having not heard from either company, I phoned Bare and was told that my unit was now in Finland and that they would contact me when they knew what the problem was. One week later, I received a short, terse email informing me that I would have to pay $245 as the computer needed a new module. I was neither asked if I wanted the repairs completed or if I wanted the unit returned to me as is prior to the modules installation. In addition, I was also told without being advised in advance that I would have to pay an additional $45 to have the Mosquito returned to me.

$245+$45 = $290.

For about that price I would have ordered a new computer from They always have some good specials and 10% off for SB members. Or I'd just buy a used computer from ebay for about $150 (that's what my used oceanic versa pro cost from ebay including shipping). No warranty, but if it breaks you can buy another one for $150 so that's your warranty.

Sorry to hear about your experience.
Duh! Let me rephrase my question then :D What is the RDP proceedure for a lost computer?

Drop to the bottom, perform a fin pivot to ensure nuetral buoyancy, perform hover to double ensure, perform CESA to 15ft, stop, do 3hrs of deco or until no remaining gas, get on boat with an ear to ear grin knowing you did good. Monitor for signs and symptoms of stupidity and stay out of the water for an undetermined amount of time.

That's off the top of my head, and it's been a while so I may be incorrect here. :D
Duh! Let me rephrase my question then :D What is the RDP proceedure for a lost computer?
I don't think that there are any specific RDP procedures. If you are primarily using the tables, then losing your computer wouldn't affect that.

If you are diving a computer AND also check that you are still on the tables, then if you were to lose your computer, you could switch back to the tables and continue diving. Of course in reality, the tables assume a square profile (or at least a discrete multilevel profile when using "the Wheel", which is another PADI dive planning tool, similar to the RDP), while in practice, most people do multilevel dives when using a computer (ride it up). They might end up with a dive with max depth of 100' but 60 minutes of "bottom time". This dive would be off the table if it were a square profile, but it might be safe if it were properly done as a multilevel dive.

OK, I think what Scuba Steve :anon: was referring to was losing a bottom timer or timing device. Given the contect, this makes the most sense since we were talking about diving tables. In which case, the procedure is pretty much like you laid out.
Good thing you can't purchase those Suunto's online because if the service is this bad from a manufacture that does not allow online purchases, think how much worst it could get if you could get them online! :D

I'm sorry to hear of your issues. Poor customers service really suxs.

I'm also curious about this *emergancy deco* stop? You con't carry a Backup BT?

If my puter goes south durinig a dive, I also have an aquamaster watch that gives me BT, and current, max, and average depth. I know my plan and I know how long I expect to be down. No computer, fine, continue the dive as planned.

As others suggest, maybe time to get another puter. You can get a new Aeris Atoms II or the newer model (forget the name) both niktrox compatable, both at ScubaToys for less than you just paid for repairs for the missing Suunto.

I hope you get your puter back from service, and working well. I would suggest Oceanic, or Aeris. They may break, but we have reps on the board for those products, and I guarentee that you would get better service.
My guess is that the "emergency deco stop" is just an extended safety stop, since the PADI RDP doesn't teach deco, per se.

yes, I just paid about that to fix one we dropped on a marble floor.

I heard Solomon bought Suunto. So..things might be changing for the worse.

I used to get better service, i thought.
I agree with *Floater*. I dive with two computers, one in computer mode, the other in guage mode. I've had my one computer fritz on a dive and was able to finish it because of the backup. A good dive watch would be a good backup as well. Since you are a professional, a backup computer is not very expensive. I have a Cressi Archimedes and an Oceanic Versa Pro.

Sorry to hear about the crappy customer service. They definitely should have given you the option.

Good luck!
Two weeks later, having not heard from either company, I phoned Bare and was told that my unit was now in Finland and that they would contact me when they knew what the problem was. One week later, I received a short, terse email informing me that I would have to pay $245 as the computer needed a new module. I was neither asked if I wanted the repairs completed or if I wanted the unit returned to me as is prior to the modules installation. In addition, I was also told without being advised in advance that I would have to pay an additional $45 to have the Mosquito returned to me.

I think that email represented their "asking" and you giving them your cc info represented your answer. Why didn't you just tell them no, send it back as it was? I can't believe you shelled out $290 (plus your original shipping) to repair a $350 computer that can be bought used for $200.
It would be nice if the OP would post back here, but it's not likely considering he's only posted 3 times in the several years he's been around. For the benefit of others I'll say the following.

I would suggest to anybody in this same boat is to STOP diving with that flaky computer. Why on Earth would you knowingly dive with something that's not reliable and most likely will quit? That's just asking for problems. IMO a DM should know better and I would further add that this is not a good example to be setting for your students.
....... IMO a DM should know better and I would further add that this is not a good example to be setting for your students.

Actually he said.....
As a teaching-status and active PADI MSDT with 19 years of experience,...

If anyone, pro or not with 19 years of diving under their belt told me they were doing an emergency deco stop cause their computer died on an NDL dive........

well..........nuff said about any percieved experience here.

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