what funny things have you seen kitting up

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Hate tell one on my wife BUT - when we lived in Michigan Pat went to buy a new 7mil wetsuit; not really thinking, she didn't wear a bathing suit. After she tried on the siut she realized she couldn't get it off without help; guys working in the shop had to go down the street to a flower shop to get a woman to come assist her!
the best i have done this far, {more than once} wading in for a shore dive, final thing for me before going under for me is putting my mask on, realising i have still got my sunnies on, trying to pull my mask on over them
I walked to the back exit gate of the boat with my sunglasses on and discovered them only when trying to put on my mask, so I stuck them inside my front zip shorty. During the dive I got the bright idea of handing off my mask to my buddy at the safety stop, putting on my sunglasses, then surfacing behind the boat as if that's how I did my dive. The boat crew was only puzzled for a few seconds, though, since my buddy blew it and was holding the mask up as he surfaced.

If you're gonna screw up, ya gotta handle it with class :)
On a boat this summer there was this guy who's diving with his wife/gf and he's really impatient to get in the water. So he's pushing her to get ready, but you could tell she was a fairly new diver and she's taking her time to properly check everything. Finally he gets exasperated and jumps in the water and is floating on the line 30-40' off the boat while she finishes her prep and does a g/s 30 secs. later. Just as she hits the water, he realizes his weightbelt is still on the boat, but he's pretty far away, so the DM hands it down to her to take to him in front of everyone else still on the boat who are barely able to keep from LOL.
Once while towing a flag for an instructor the husband (certified ?) of one of the students asked if he could tag along. Being a small group the instructor agreed. As the husband geared up he relized not only did he not have his booties he was also lacking fins. Because this was a shore dive he confidently declared that he could still keep up. We managed to scrape together some gear for him but we still had to call the dive after 15 min. because he had nearly drained his tank. His wife did a second training dive that day. A refresher course was offered. I don't know if he took the offer and we haven't seen him since.

I use this story to keep my own ego in check.
I was doing a refresher dive last week with an navy diver that had been out of the water for 11 years. Had the usual run of small problems but no big deal. Just as he is finaly ready, I reach back and zip up my suit. Thats when he figures out that his zipper is in the front! LOL I never even noticed. Add that to my check list I guess. The Navy wet suits zipped in front or so Im told......I haven't jumped in with out my intragrated weights YET, but Im sure I will.
Did you ever remove your tank straps from the cam-buckle without paying proper attention to the threading sequence ? ? ?
In a rush, I bought this wetsuit from the local dive shop, dove it for a year and never realized it was a female suit. The suit was very tight in some places and very loose in others.........
Hey, Shaka, I bet it fits a lot better now since your operation, doesn't it?
Well, given the avatar ?!?!?!?!?!

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