Shooting salt water up my nose everyday & feeling good! Anybody else doing this?

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Well I'm sorry to hear that so many people are afflicted with sinus infections. I hope that this is not as a result of diving, I would not want to look forward to that. I do notice that when I dive with my cousin in FL. he fills his mask and then snorts it which I find to be insane. Would that be for the same purpose?? Hope everyone is better.

I have been troubled with sinus infections--one after another years before I became a diver.

As far as diving and sinus infections go--they have kept me out of the water most of the summer. My first planned dive of the year had me staying on the boat and I hadn't been diving for a few months before that, so there was no connection between diving and the cause of the infection.
I've seen photos of the yoga people pouring a treapot of salt water through their noses and also flossing their nostrils with a hankie.
Man those people must have some really clean noses. I tried the nasal irrigation so I could have a clean and shiny honker too, but it didn't work too well, and it was not good to see or hear me attempt it ONCE.
More power to ya if you can do it.
Thanks UnderSeaBB. Just thought that there may have been some kind of connection with diving and sinus infections. I've been diving for some years now and never had any issues but you never know. I hope you can find a remedy that suits you permanently so that you can dive as often as you would like.
Kinda makes you wonder about the very first person to try this. Were they really sick, or really crazy?
Well one dive buddy told me to get on the bed with my head hanging back off the side and drip warm water mixed with sea salt in my nose until my sinus passages were full. Let that soak a minute and then flip over and let the crud come out on a towel.

Well the first time I did that, my buddy told me to make the stuff to strong and it burned the back of my eyes. And it took me a while to recover from the horror.


My eyes are completely bloodshot, the tears won't stop, my nose burns, my throat burns, and I've gone through a box a Kleenex in the last 30 minutes.

I've been using NeilMed Sinus Rinse with success for the last week. Today my allergies were worse than normal so I thought I'd try the lying on the bed method using some Ocean saline spray I had around the house. The directions on the back say if you hold it upside down it will deliver drops so I incorrectly assumed it was for this method of cleaning out the sinuses. Boy was I wrong. I've tried everything to get the burning to go away. I repeated the process with water, I used the Sinus Rinse bottle with plain water and tried using one of the packets with hopes that the baking soda in it would help. None of it worked. DON'T BE STUPID LIKE I WAS AND TRY THIS!

Edit: 4 hours later and my nose is still burning.

My eyes are completely bloodshot, the tears won't stop, my nose burns, my throat burns, and I've gone through a box a Kleenex in the last 30 minutes.

I've been using NeilMed Sinus Rinse with success for the last week. Today my allergies were worse than normal so I thought I'd try the lying on the bed method using some Ocean saline spray I had around the house. The directions on the back say if you hold it upside down it will deliver drops so I incorrectly assumed it was for this method of cleaning out the sinuses. Boy was I wrong. I've tried everything to get the burning to go away. I repeated the process with water, I used the Sinus Rinse bottle with plain water and tried using one of the packets with hopes that the baking soda in it would help. None of it worked. DON'T BE STUPID LIKE I WAS AND TRY THIS!

Edit: 4 hours later and my nose is still burning.

Do not use plain water! Hurts like heck!! And most of the fine mist aerosols have a higher saline content because they deliver a smaller dose. Probably why it burns. Also, if the water in the neti pot is too hot, also cause some pretty strong discomfort.

My eyes are completely bloodshot, the tears won't stop, my nose burns, my throat burns, and I've gone through a box a Kleenex in the last 30 minutes.

Edit: 4 hours later and my nose is still burning.

You used a solution way way too strong! I use about 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 cup of water when doing the head tip. If it is stronger than that when you lay on the bed and fill the back passages--it will burn. I think I mentioned that earlier in the thread about the first time I tried it and it was too strong. Now you know that it really is true that if you mix it too strong or use something that is only meant to be applied as a mist that it will burn. More is not better in this case.

The advantage of the head tip is that is rinses the back passages where as the Nasaline or Nelipots only rinses the front portions of the sinus passages.

this thread has gotten so large people just read the last posts and not realize a too strong of a solution can irritate the sinuses so bad they will shut and close making an infection more probable if they cant discharge normally.

My solution form a recipe I found is:

10 ounces distilled H20
1 pich of salt
1 pinch baking soda
1 part to 10 of 3% peroxide or 1 ounce of 3% peroxide. Use 3% only as they due make higher concentrations. You should use caution with even 3% peroxide and never use it full strength in the nose. It needs to be dilutted.

I warm solution 30 seconds (no more) in a microwave; test with tip of tongue to make sure its not to hot.

Peroxide H202 (hydrogen dioxide) is an oxidant and kills a lot of harmful bacteria on the spot. Salt either creates a hyper or hypo tonic environment bursting or crenating bacterial cells.

Supposedly, harmful anerobic bacteria hate peroxide and useful aerobic bacteria like peroxide or the extra oxygen atatched to peroxide.
this thread has gotten so large people just read the last posts and not realize a too strong of a solution can irritate the sinuses so bad they will shut and close making an infection more probable if they cant discharge normally.

I've been following this thread from the beginning and realized that too strong a solution could be irritating, I just thought that the pre-made solution wouldn't be too strong. The directions on the side of the bottle said that using the bottle upright would create a mist, using the bottle on it's side would create a stream, and upside down would result in drops. Because the bottle/solution was intended to be used upside down I thought it was designed for the hanging you head upside down method and would therefore NOT be too strong. Nope. Although the salinity content is on the label in % form, I had no reference to how much salt this is for the volume of water and therefore no idea the strength of the solution as compared to some of the recipes given so far.

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