Shooting salt water up my nose everyday & feeling good! Anybody else doing this?

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The saltwater thing.......I have never intentionally shot it up my nose, but after surfing for 35 years I can tell you that getting your sinuses sloshed with saltwater is one great way to keep the insides of your head clear.
As for the bit of advice from one diver stating that he thought a saline solution inside your nasal passages might make you more likely to gain an infection/inflammation..........your body is pretty much a saline environment. Keep yourself hydrated and flush away.
Better yet, if you live near the ocean, get yourself a pair of body surf fins and go attack the shorebreak. Might as well have fun and get some exercise while you are flushing.
wow- this thread is awesome - how come I have never heard of this??? I have heard of the saline nose spray, but not this "let it drip" stuff. I'm gonna give it a try- I will post reactions, but it will be three weeks before I can test it in dive conditions.

thanks to everyone for sharing experiences and thoughts.
If you mix your own salt water, don't use tap water-use distilled water. As for sea water.......well check out national geographic's photo op for November issue (I think it is November) and you might think twice after seeing see water magnified 15X. All kinds of little critters. hee hee!
Yes rdbeard we are saline but only at 5% I think. Much less than the strength of some of the home made solutions that burn the sinuses and cause the nasal passages to swell closing them and them blocking normal nasal discharge from excreting.
I have been using 1 cup of warm tap water--straight from the tap with 1/2 teaspoon of Morton's Sea salt WITHOUT I REPEAT WITHOUT IODINE. The tap water doesn't seem to bother me, but if I put too much salt--well then that is a problem.
To: jeraldjcook

Please contact me directly about your experience with SinusRinse as I am the physician who did the study with divers for NeilMed Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Mehta and I are very interested in both positive and negative feedback as many divers are using it these days. If divers are having possible adverse experiences, then the company wants to know about them.

David F Colvard, MD


My eyes are completely bloodshot, the tears won't stop, my nose burns, my throat burns, and I've gone through a box a Kleenex in the last 30 minutes.

I've been using NeilMed Sinus Rinse with success for the last week. Today my allergies were worse than normal so I thought I'd try the lying on the bed method using some Ocean saline spray I had around the house. The directions on the back say if you hold it upside down it will deliver drops so I incorrectly assumed it was for this method of cleaning out the sinuses. Boy was I wrong. I've tried everything to get the burning to go away. I repeated the process with water, I used the Sinus Rinse bottle with plain water and tried using one of the packets with hopes that the baking soda in it would help. None of it worked. DON'T BE STUPID LIKE I WAS AND TRY THIS!

Edit: 4 hours later and my nose is still burning.
Please contact me directly about your experience with SinusRinse as I am the physician who did the study with divers for NeilMed Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Mehta and I are very interested in both positive and negative feedback as many divers are using it these days.Also, if divers are having possible adverse experiences, then the company wants to hear about them.

David F Colvard, MD
To: TownDiver

Please contact me directly about your experience with SinusRinse as I am the physician who did the study with divers for NeilMed Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Mehta and I are very interested in both positive and negative feedback as many divers are using it these days. Also, if divers are having possible adverse experiences, then the company wants to hear about them.

David F Colvard, MD

I use and love NeilMed Sinus Rinse. I have not had any sinus infections since I started using this in the sping.
Do you know what is causing his problems? I have some serious allergy issues and my doc has me taking 2 benedryl before bed every night and Alevert and flonaise (sp?) in the morning. Although since I have been doing the salt water I have dropped the Alevert and flonaise (sp?).

Sorry it has taken me forever to reply to the post, but we've finally got enough time to try out the nasaline thing. Anyway, a doctor hasn't told him what his allergy problem is, but he is most likely allergic to the normal stuff.....grass, pollen, mold, and definitely cats. He also has a polyp in his nasal passage.

We both tried the nasaline syringe the last couple of days. We are using the recipe that mfpikeil suggested. It burns the back of my throat some and I'm getting clear snot...I guess that is normal.

The first day he couldn't get anything to pass through one of his nostrils. It ended up coming out of his mouth and eye, even though he can some what breathe through both nostrils. Then, the next day the same thing happened, but it was the opposite nostril that was stopped up. Has anyone had this problem or knows what in the world causes this??
I have had a FESS, Functional Endoscopy Sinus Surgery. At the time, my ENT gave me a piece of equipment that connects to a WaterPik. Add 1 tbs of salt and 1 of baking soda to the water container and shoot it up your nose. Works good.
Now I'm using the NellMed <sp?> system. That's works good too and is easier to travel with. I saw a really good ENT recently and that what he gave me and also a perscription. pvt me and I will give you the name of the med. It thins out the sinus drip down the back of your throat.

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