Unusual challenge. Significant weight loss with diving as goal.

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One of things we did as a family was look at how much TV we watched. Turned out to be what we considered significant. for us that meant 1 - 2 hrs per night. Then looking at the habits of having a beer or bag of chips, the pounds started adding up. We tried the Gym membership, but that meant getting out and a significant effort.

Our solution. We put the TV in the basement. Bought each member of the family (4 of us) a bike or eliptical or treadmill. From costco, this was similar in cost to a gym membership anyhow. Now when we watch TV we ride, walk, eliticize. There are no couches in this room for a reason. We dont work hard but while watching we are burning calories etc. It is amazing the results we have seen as a family when we lightly exercise for a hour each night.

It was annoying at first, but it didnt take long to get used to sitting and lightly pedaling while watching TV. It has also cut down on our TV watching. Now we go down stairs to actively watch something, not kill time watching the best of what we dont want to watch.
I wouldn't worry too much about a fitness program tailored specifically to diving. Follow your doctors instructions and engage in any activity you can tolerate well that increases your heart rate and burns fat. If you can, try to find a partner so that you can each encourage and support each other. Walking is a fantastic exercise for someone starting off and from there you can graduate to faster walking, jogging, swimming, aerobic conditioning machines etc.

I was very overweight and a heavy smoker until my first son was born and I made the decision to take care of myself. I quit smoking and started to excersise regularly and now (25 years later) I run marathons!

Start small and stick with it and congratulations on your decision...you will not regret it for a minute!

Bob (Toronto)
One of things we did as a family was look at how much TV we watched. Turned out to be what we considered significant. for us that meant 1 - 2 hrs per night. Then looking at the habits of having a beer or bag of chips, the pounds started adding up. We tried the Gym membership, but that meant getting out and a significant effort.

Our solution. We put the TV in the basement. Bought each member of the family (4 of us) a bike or eliptical or treadmill. From costco, this was similar in cost to a gym membership anyhow. Now when we watch TV we ride, walk, eliticize. There are no couches in this room for a reason. We dont work hard but while watching we are burning calories etc. It is amazing the results we have seen as a family when we lightly exercise for a hour each night.

It was annoying at first, but it didnt take long to get used to sitting and lightly pedaling while watching TV. It has also cut down on our TV watching. Now we go down stairs to actively watch something, not kill time watching the best of what we dont want to watch.

Fantastic idea!!! If I can do the same for the time we are on the computer on SB, we will all be slim and trim in no time.
BTW, in some of the literature I read in the past it is mentioned that swimming actually leads to either some weight gain or retention of weight since the body reacts to "cold" by retaining body fat to stay warm. I don't have specific details where I am now but that was the "essence" of what I remember when reading up on the subject long time ago. Can anyone verify based on real information??
For me personal trainer, its pricey, but I'm a terrible self starter, and they help make sure I am continually pushing myself and not slacking off. My PT is a very good torture master, always pushing me up in weight/laps/time before I think I am ready, but always when I really am so I can continue my progress.
BTW, in some of the literature I read in the past it is mentioned that swimming actually leads to either some weight gain or retention of weight since the body reacts to "cold" by retaining body fat to stay warm. I don't have specific details where I am now but that was the "essence" of what I remember when reading up on the subject long time ago. Can anyone verify based on real information??

Swimming burns calories for the same reason any exercise burns calories...the muscles need a constant supply of fuel. When the body is cold , blood is diverted from the extremities to protect the more important organs...the brain..but regardless of water temperature you are still using up your caloric reserves. There are more efficient cardio vascular exercises but if the OP engages in a swimming program he will use calories.
Actually, if you have "biggest loser" amounts of weight to lose, I'd focus on getting closer to "50 pounds left" before worrying about specific dive fitness. Keep diving as your goal, but if you have more than 30-50 pounds to lose, specific sports fitness isn't what you need and won't likely help you very much.

That said, swimming is one of the best sports you can do for aerobic activity and general muscle tone over your whole body. It's very low impact (except for shoulder issues occasionally) and works your back, abs, arms, glutes, and legs. There really isn't any other "sport" that works every major muscle group as consistently as swimming does with as few negatives.
I have lost probably 50ish lbs over the last 3 or 4 years, and my wife even more by both diving and changing our lifestyle in stages.

First and foremost, go talk with your dr. or one that specializes in weight issues. They found a thyroid issue with my wife when they looked at her that really made thigs worse as far as weight gain goes. He will also be able to tell you or recommend additional assistance in so far as impulse control, or otherwise if it is not a medical issue.

Next thing we did was get rid of ALL junk food. I mean ALL - carrots and the occasional bag of dry popped popcorn are our only indiscression right now. Our grocery list is done ahead of time by us, and we agreed that we get NOTHING that is not on the list. - Really seemed to help with the impulse chocolate bar type buys. Also meals as planned in advance so the quantity did not add up over the day. Boring I know but it worked.

Next can the TV. I know we all love it. But seriously we started walking so much more, not to mention started doing much more other husband wife activities once we lost the TV and started to bored. Granted I am still a computer addict, but baby steps.

Then check out your local gym or swim club. Likely they have a fitness trainer led class designed specifically for larger people. My wife did one a few years ago when biggest looser tv show first came out. The trainer will show you correct fitness techniques and will help you with your lifestyle goals.

Find a friend, who is just as motivated with you. It is hard to brush it off when it is just you. When your friend is there it is hard to blow them off.

Lastly hit the pool. It is great for streching and low impact weight loss. Don't just hit it lightly, you should feel yourself sweating even in the pool if you are working hard enough. Keep in mind that the harder you work now the easier it will be later. I know our local swim club had a lap swim program, where we can go in the evenings and swim say 50 to 60 laps. Keep a log and just keep adding one lap per hour to your total set of laps each time you go to the pool.

Also remember larger people can dive to (check with a dr first). Nothing says you have to be chicken thin to have fun diving.

Good luck.
chicken thin to have fun diving.

Good luck.

You really should see the chicken they have here in Libya. Some of them are almost as big as turkeys. :D

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