Warped Dive World Evolution - BP/W Subgroup Mindset

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I think Haleamano has turned more divers to BP/W than Tobin.

If you look to the top of the page, at the title of this thread; the second half is "BP/W Subgroup Mindset" - which makes every TOS violation, every hijack and every dogpile, ON TOPIC!

For the record the only posts I have "reported" are back early when Tortuga68 was speed spamming serious garbage. I personally would have preferred that all the vicious mud slinging had not been cleaned out; because it accurately shows a very small but very loud SB BP/W Subgroup Mindset.

This is not the first time something I have already brought up in this thread is then later "used against me" by the SB BP/W Subgroup. And presented as a revelation.

I'm pretty sure all I've ever said with regards to BC purchasing advice is along the lines of "the gear the vast majority of divers diving dives like the purchaser dives (or intends to dive) seems like gear that should be considered."

*dave* made the quoted post above for the 424th post in this thread. Below is post 168. :idk:

An alternate concept in the thread is BP/W proponents stating their anecdotal opinion as if it were fact when advicing people who are seeking information with which to make a decision. There are plenty of valid reasons one might chose a BP/W, so there should be no reason to MAKE UP reasons.

Another recent thread whined about a Dive Magazines dive gear advice articles not being much more than biased advertising of the gear made by the manufacturers paying for advertising in the magazine. How can anyone say the advice on SB does not have a similar bias towards the core supporters of SB?

The vast majority of divers who own their own BC own Vest BC's. If one is doing dives similar to the dives being done by that vast majority, why is it so bad to say vest BC's just maybe should be considered, especially considering vest (jacket :confused:) is in the title of most of the threads posted by members looking for advise.

Dan claimed divers who have gone the BP/W route "as a group, have typically gone this route becuase they wanted to be more streamlined and to have a system that allows easier weight shifting and customization to achieve optimal trim and perfect fit." Please quote DAN when he has ever indicated anything he has claimed about BP/W's superiority over anything else as his OPINION.

I think the on topic responses to this thread have shown that at least with regards to the brave few who managed to stay on topic, Dan's OPINION typed as fact was not even a very accurate OPINION.

I think the top valid reasons someone should consider a BP/W are a strong desire to eventually go tech, cold water diving necessitating a Dry Suit, someone really big and someone wanting to use doubles. By typing I think, I qualify it so that it is obviously my opinion. That way if you think differently, I am not implying that your thoughts are inferior.

That is my point in all of this lately; we are all scuba divers so we have something in common and we could easily get along better if we typed in a way that accurately described anecdotal opinion as anecdotal opinion.

Sas eventually admitted that she feels every BP/W she has used worked better for her than every vest BC she has used. Opinions based on a list of different gear. Where have I ever given Sas any grief for saying that?

Dan says that "I DO say the bp/wing is always the right tool," which implies that every one who does not chose to use a BP/W is using the wrong tool! What about side mount or no mount divers? Do you think they think that what Dan typed as if he were speaking the one knowledge of diving is actually the one knowledge of diving?

"BP/W's vent better than Vest's" and "BP/W's are more streamlined than Vest's" are ignorant statements even if they are qualified as opinion, because not every BP/W vents easier than every Vest and not every BP/W is more streamlined than every Vest.

How can giving someone ignorant advice be considered helping someone make an informed choice? This thread has given people with those kinds of questions some really good reasons why many members have gone the BP/W route. I have probably done more for the pro BP/W movement with this thread than all the ignorant absolute BS ever spewed by the BP/W propagandists here on SB, but I have also let many members see the true colors of a lot of the so called INTERNET EXPERTS.

Many of the so called INTERNET EXPERTS are not interested in free expression of opinion, unless it is the same opinion they hold themselves! :shakehead:
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You got exactly what you wanted: an argument and an opportunity to show everybody a picture of your sweet ride :rofl3:.

IMO your original post should be reported for a clear and obvious :troll:

If you look to the top of the page, at the title of this thread; the second half is "BP/W Subgroup Mindset" - which makes every TOS violation, every hijack and every dogpile, ON TOPIC!

For the record the only posts I have "reported" are back early when Tortuga68 was speed spamming serious garbage. I personally would have preferred that all the vicious mud slinging had not been cleaned out; because it accurately shows a very small but very loud SB BP/W Subgroup Mindset.

This is not the first time something I have already brought up in this thread is then later "used against me" by the SB BP/W Subgroup. And presented as a revelation.

I'm pretty sure all I've ever said with regards to BC purchasing advice is along the lines of "the gear the vast majority of divers diving dives like the purchaser dives (or intends to dive) seems like gear that should be considered."

*dave* made the quoted post above for the 424th post in this thread. Below is post 168. :idk:
Maybe this thread should be moved to the humor, games and clips forum?
As a member of the SB BP/W Subgroup, I heartily protest!

Where's my SB BP/W Subgroup cert. card?
Where's my SB BP/W Subgroup t-shirt?
Who's going to show me the SB BP/W Subgroup secret handshake?

It's not fair. Come on folks, if we're going to have a conspiracy to warp the dive industry, let's do it right!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not a member of this subgroup you yammer about, but I do dive and conduct OW in a Hog config.

I also use a LiteHawk BCD when I'm in the pool and that is at least 8hrs/week. I have tested every jacket in the shop in the pool at least once. I put over 100 dives on a Black Diamond when I returned to diving. I believe just about any jacket can be dived effectively, but it can take a lot of technique to compensate for design which is driven more by fashion and dry comfort instead of in water functionality.

I've never sold anyone at the shop or directed a student to a BP/W or a long hose. I've never suggested they needed such a rig to dive effectively in a recreational environment. My job as an instructor would have been much easier if I had.

The thing is....
BP/W facilitate horizontal trim
Horizontal trim facilitates buoyancy control
Solid buoyancy control reduces gas consumption
Lower gas consumption=A more relaxed diver
Relaxed diver = Relaxed SB poster

Jackets often force you to dive at an angle, especially if not configured properly
Diving at an angle forces you to be negative
Being negative means you have to fin to maintain depth
Finning increases gas consumption
Higher gas consumption=Stressed diver
Stressed diver=Frustrated SB poster

halemanō, you've convinced me I've been doing everyone I have contact with a disservice by not promoting the BP/W to them. Hmm, we'll need to carry a few more lines, get 30 sets for rental, subgroup specialty patches....

If you look to the top of the page, at the title of this thread; the second half is "BP/W Subgroup Mindset" - which makes every TOS violation, every hijack and every dogpile, ON TOPIC!

For the record the only posts I have "reported" are back early when Tortuga68 was speed spamming serious garbage. I personally would have preferred that all the vicious mud slinging had not been cleaned out; because it accurately shows a very small but very loud SB BP/W Subgroup Mindset.

This is not the first time something I have already brought up in this thread is then later "used against me" by the SB BP/W Subgroup. And presented as a revelation.

I'm pretty sure all I've ever said with regards to BC purchasing advice is along the lines of "the gear the vast majority of divers diving dives like the purchaser dives (or intends to dive) seems like gear that should be considered."

*dave* made the quoted post above for the 424th post in this thread. Below is post 168. :idk:
I find obsessing over other people's gear choices to be an incredible waste of energy ... but I guess if somebody didn't do it there wouldn't be nearly as much misinformation to talk about on internet forums ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
IMO your original post should be reported for a clear and obvious :troll:

I would really love to get a summary of Moderation / non-Moderation for this thread. I would really be surprised if there weren't many "troll" reports with regards to my OP; yet "there it is!" :D

Or an endless source of great entertainment.

halemanō .....................50
NWGratefulDiver ............37
Tortuga68 .....................20
cool_hardware52 ............17
ZKY .............................17
Kern ............................16
Sas .............................15
ScubaSteve ..................15
danvolker ....................13
fnfalman ......................13
*dave* ........................13
Crush ..........................12
BurhanMuntasser ...........11
Blackwood ....................11
DevonDiver ...................10

That is the double digit posters list for this thread, at this time. I think it would be very entertaining if SB Staff would let us know how many posts each member had deleted from this thread, how many posts each member had Moderated but not deleted and how many posts were reported but not Moderated. :coffee:
I would really love to get a summary of Moderation / non-Moderation for this thread. I would really be surprised if there weren't many "troll" reports with regards to my OP; yet "there it is!" :D

That is the double digit posters list for this thread, at this time. I think it would be very entertaining if SB Staff would let us know how many posts each member had deleted from this thread, how many posts each member had Moderated but not deleted and how many posts were reported but not Moderated. :coffee:

I recently had a post deleted from a different thread, and I was notified. If that's SOP, all my posts in this one are intact, and I am now officially beating

Edit 1: BTW did you count that by hand? Or is there some thread stats feature I'm unaware of? Just curious.

Edit 2: FWIW, when it isn't boring antagonistic back-and-forth between Halemano and NWGD, I generally enjoy the former's posts. I may not agree with all the content, but they are entertaining, and I do come here at least in part to be entertained.
I would really love to get a summary of Moderation / non-Moderation for this thread. I would really be surprised if there weren't many "troll" reports with regards to my OP; yet "there it is!" :D

That is likely because most of the people in your threads have accepted you for who you are, agendas and all, and would not consider reporting such a glorious comical source of entertainment.

That is the double digit posters list for this thread, at this time. I think it would be very entertaining if SB Staff would let us know how many posts each member had deleted from this thread, how many posts each member had Moderated but not deleted and how many posts were reported but not Moderated. :coffee:

I lobbied to have such information available by user and apparently it did not fly. But for once I agree with you......it would be interesting to see these statistics.
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