chat problem.........

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Howard I am having the same problems and I just verified via the Java website I have the lastest version. Firefox for me is version 13.1. I checked my add-ons only to find java there as well.. when I click chat I get an empty page with no chat.

I was fine when I had firefox 7.0 I made a huge leap to upgrade to 12.o and after that no chat feature.. At one point I was told I needed to install java back, I did that and verified evrything was fine and up to date.. I am mystified what to do next.. thanks so much

All I can say is try a different browser. Try Chrome or IE. Perhaps you have an addon that is preventing it. I can't do anything for the chat, it's just a service that I pay for.
All I can say is try a different browser. Try Chrome or IE. Perhaps you have an addon that is preventing it. I can't do anything for the chat, it's just a service that I pay for.

thanks... all along I have thought it might be me, I only chimed in after someone else had the problem.. thanks aqain..

So I switched to Chrome.. don't have IE on this desktop computer. It Windows 7, 64 bit. Chat would not load and Chrome kept telling me that my version was out of date. Not true, but I did some investigating. The problem most likely IS Javascript on my pc.. that it might be I am running a 32 bit version of Chrome/Firefox on a 64 bit OS.

Some of the suggested fixes are to run both the 32 and 64 bit versions. Here is the page to download offline either or version. You have to manually install.

Here is the page I found some ideas on.:!topic/chrome/dWGciXTttqg[1-25]

IF I find a definitive fix, I will post here.. but so far since I have eliminated SB, and my browsers, it keeping coming round to a Javascript problem. Oddly I don't have this problem on my netbook running Firefox 3.6 mobile and java. Laptop is in Chetumal, so I cannot check it for sure, but I know its running 64 bit Vista service pack 2 and, I think, firefox 7 or 8. Chat loads on it.. so again I suspect javascript. Technology.. makes me crazy... :spit:
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I'm marking this case as closed, since it's not really anything that needs to be fixed on my end.

I'm marking this case as closed, since it's not really anything that needs to be fixed on my end.


Agreed this is mosdef a problem with the browser and its plugins.

still cannot get it to work, but I so rarely hit the chat room its a nonissue for me.. IF I find a sure fire fix I will post it in this thread if you see nada then you know its your problem dear reader not Scubaboard's
thanks Howard, yer a peach!!! :blinking:
Howard I am having the same problems and I just verified via the Java website I have the lastest version. Firefox for me is version 13.1. I checked my add-ons only to find java there as well.. when I click chat I get an empty page with no chat.

I was fine when I had firefox 7.0 I made a huge leap to upgrade to 12.o and after that no chat feature.. At one point I was told I needed to install java back, I did that and verified evrything was fine and up to date.. I am mystified what to do next.. thanks so much

I know this issue has been marked as "closed" but I am experiencing the same issue. I have FF 13.0.1, all my plug ins (Java, flashplayer, etc.) are up to date, but chat refuses to load. I just get the blank screen with the little circular loading tickler that Java sometimes displays when it is trying to load.

Additionally, after I navigate away from SB & go elsewhere, when I close my FF window, FF is still active: I have to go into Windows Task Manger to stop that process. Otherwise, if exit FF & then try to open it again, it tells me that FF is still running. I don't experience this problem any other time except when I try to get into chat.

Help, please???
Try updating your firefox to version 14.0.1 or try another browser.

As stated many times, the Chat is an add-on product, entirely hosted by a third party, I just pay for the service.
I and another regular in the Chat are having a few issues after the latest Java update. I'm on Firefox in Linux and he's on IE in Win7. We can still get into chat but some of the functions aren't working.

I would say this is a Java issue and nothing we can do about it until they correct the issues on their end.
As Howard said try a different browser and see if you have better results.
The most popular ones are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera.
I just tried chat - I rarely do - for the first time since the Firefox 14 update. I'm currently running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1, Firefox 14.0.1, Flash 11.3.300.270 and (didn't want to write it down) here are my Java versions:


The first time I entered the chat it hung like you described
blank screen with the little circular loading tickler

and a window popped up asking me if I wanted to validate the security settings (token?) for Java. Then it took a few seconds but popped up the chat. The 2nd and subsequent times into chat its working normally.

Try updating your firefox to version 14.0.1 or try another browser.

As stated many times, the Chat is an add-on product, entirely hosted by a third party, I just pay for the service.

HowardE, I understand that the Chat is an add-on, but those of us using it have no recourse to bring our issues to you (SB) because this is where we are experiencing the problem. We have no way to contact the Chat developer/host.

I just updated to FF 14.0.1 (even though I wanted to wait until 15 comes out ~ Aug 28th). I made sure all my plug-ins and add-ons were also up to date, including Java & Flash. The problem persists.

Additionally, I tried using IE; I still cannot get chat to load.

Perhaps this version of Chat doesn't play well with the current version of Java? Is there anyway for us to test this out? Like others in this thread, this glitch only just surfaced for me.

Let me say this...

1) This is not anything I can fix for you, because I'm not technical support for your computer. I administer this site, and that's all I can fix, when something is broken.
2) While I'll offer you advice on how to potentially fix your problem, it's quite possible that there is nothing I can do for you, and that's just the way it is.

I checked on the support site for the chat. I don't see anything from anyone else reporting issues with their chat rooms.

Without having all of the specifics to your issue, I can't post anything on their site. By specifics, I would need to know all of the details of your computer, operating system, browser versions, plugins, and other software potentially preventing your java from working properly.

Are you using any virus scan? Firewall? Have you disabled all of your plugins and/or addons to your browser that could potentially conflict with java?

Did you try using Chrome, Opera, or Safari as a browser?

Beyond offering you suggestions above, there isn't really anything else that can be done for you. Nobody here on SB has the ability to change any code or re-program the chat code.

If you would like to contact the developer directly, the product is and their support forum is here AddonInteractive Community Forum

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