Ten Days - ZERO Cigarettes

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Denver, CO
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200 - 499
Today is my 10th day of being smoke free! This may not be the most appropriate place for this, but it could lead to a healthier life for whoever is interested.

I knew all about the dangers of smoking and that I should kick this horrible habit, but I had no intention of really quitting anytime soon. Thing was, I really enjoyed it. It was both relaxing and stimulating, I liked the taste, the physical part was fun, and I liked the social bits. I smoked a pack a day, sometimes more. Wake up, have a smoke. Eat, have a smoke. Going somewhere? Have a smoke. Working on something important or creative, there goes a pack. Night at the bar? Forget it, 2 packs down in one evening.

2 weeks ago, I ordered a “personal vaporizer” (aka: electronic cigarette) in an effort to maybe wean myself off of the stinkys. I was open minded but VERY skeptical. I thought I might like it but it wouldn’t replace my desire for actual cigarettes. To make this point short, I haven’t had a cigarette since my first puff from my vaporizer. I had 4 cigarettes left when I received my package in the mail, and I still have those 4. I was absolutely SHOCKED by this. In no way did I think this would flat out REPLACE smoking, and I most definitely didn’t think it would be this easy! I look at it more like ‘switching brands’.

Now before you all say it’s still smoking (like I thought when I first saw them years ago), it’s not even close! There’s no tobacco, there’s no burning of anything, there’s no smoke, no tar, no 4000+ chemicals, and NO STINK!! There IS nicotine though (which is optional and can be had in varying strengths). The important part to take from all of this is that nicotine isn’t all that bad for a person, but the delivery system of getting it by smoking can cause a plethora of health problems and is deadly. Vaping it, not so much (like getting nicotine in a gum or patch form). We all know the gum and patch have a poor rate of success, but vaping it delivers in a way that smokers are accustomed to. It’s a water vapor, but it’s dry, warm, and scratches at your throat the way a cigarette does (can be made to really scratch your throat or not at all!) – 3 things that took me by surprise, and I think played a big part in kicking cigarettes. The flavors are also really fun and reeeaaaallllly tasty! There really is a flavor for ANYTHING you can think of! I currently have a horchata flavor, cucumber melon, banana blueberry, and I made my own Colorado Bulldog with Kahlua, fresh cream, and cola flavors (I even found that these are being used in weight loss (with no nicotine) to curb cravings for sweets… people are ‘vaping’ their caramel apple pie rather than eating it).

So yes, I’m still addicted to nicotine, but I’ve found a MUCH MUCH better/safer/healthier/cleaner/tastier way of getting it, and in a way that wants me to say good-bye to cigarettes for good. My plan is to gradually lower the nicotine level to 0, but that story can only be told in time. One thing I do know is that I’ve had ZERO cigarettes since picking this up, and every single cigarette I don’t smoke, is a ginormous WIN for me!

I could really go on and on and on about this, but I’ll leave it at that for now. I don’t have a goal with this thread and I’m not trying to convert anyone or preach about it, but I really wanted to share my success story, as I feel this is a HUGE life accomplishment that could potentially improve the health of another person!

Here’s to being a better buddy, longer bottom times, more money to go diving, and not having to stand next to engine exhaust fumes anymore!! I just wonder what flavor I’ll take with me to compliment my next Pina Colada!

If you’d like more information about “electronic cigarettes” (I really dislike that term), I highly suggest visiting this forum: E-Cigarette Forum
This is a great start. But go ahead and post your accomplishment everywhere you can. Don't just tell all your friends but brag about it to them. If they will listen, do the same with strangers. That is what I did almost 30 years ago. What an ******* I would have been had I gone back to smoking.
Congrats man, that's a real accomplishment.
Good job!

I used the patch to quit about 6 years ago- you might try it with the non-nicotine option of the e-cigarette and then step down the level of the patch over a couple of months to see if you can separate the nicotine need and the reflex action of reaching for the cigarette.
Congratulations! As a long time smoker who has no been off of them for over 5 years, I know how hard it can be.

Be proud of yourself and keep it up!
I'm more of a caffeine person myself. Drinking cola as a kid really put a thick mucous lining on my esophagus, that or it numbed me to acidic stuff.
Hot sauce didn't help either.

Congrats :wink:

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