Another sad scam........

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So, $5-$15 per hour...ugh...I make about $5 every 2 minutes (if I make my full bonus)...I guess its the political influence perquisites that are the big draw...LOL...:eyebrow:

When I get a "good" cab driver (one that tells me it's 20 pesos from Chedraui to Casa Mex) I always pay at least 30. Sometimes I speak Spanish and right away you get the "locale" price, and I'll always throw an extra buck in there, especially if its a 40 peso fare and I only have 50 - I'm not waiting for the less than a dollar 10 pesos back. Sometimes when I am feeling (funny) evil I ask in English, then when the guy says "50 pesos" I go into a Spanish rant about it until he says 20, and then pay him only the 20...and tell him I would have paid Gordon said, sometimes it's just a game - you play along, you give, you get, you win, you lose a's all in fun as long as it's all done with a smile and no one gets angry...(just like on Scubaboard!)
Neal has brought up an interesting point - in his own personable way....

> Some of us spent a lot of hard earned bucks for the total trip, want the most from the experience, try to avoid disappointments (yet of course weather is a risk), resent petty scams, and maybe worry a little too much about stretching our budget dollars.

> Some of us get there just barely with little room to express gratitude thru generosities - similar to above, but put too much of the trip on plastic already. Maybe not tip the maids and DMs well enough, but really get bent over petty scams.

> Some of us have money to burn.

And there are other variations, of course.
"Did we say whether or not anything was mentioned on the menu like "Service Charge Included" or anything like that? That would definitely change the scenario a little if it is. I personally just don't like the "typical in Mexico" kind of commentary"

Cowboyneal------------YES----WE said (and that would be ME) that there is NO mention of any service charge, tip, tax.........NOTHING..........and that is why I posted this thing in the first place..........if that had been the case, I would have had no problem at all!!........I also agree about the "generalizing" by a certain person and that commentary............and to the person who said that the OP was talking about "selling sisters" etc........I would like to make it clear that that was NOT me........AND Christi is 100% correct about the taxi drivers being JUST FINE economically...............Betsy

As I said in post #2 on this thread {now I am walking in Clint style with spurs jingling}

In other places in the world the TIP situation is not even expected nor is it considered, what I would like to re-emphasize here is the fact that many, and yes, I said MANY patrons in Cozumel and Cancun expect a premium Tip. OK, I will Tip for GOOD SERVICE! What I despise is some creep getting very loud in a public resteraunt, any public place or dive boat etc and yell at a CUSTOMER for not tipping enough!!!!
It is not pretty, it RUINS my day to witness such absurdity and for you to say this does not happen a lot is a big FAT lie. I would prefer to take my American dollars somewhere where I can expect a civil atmosphere of relaxation and politeness without the worry of a scene every day! This is my 2 cents, and for you reading this that have never had the pleasure of vacationing where the TIP BS does not exist you have been missing out on quality service.
As I said in post #2 on this thread {now I am walking in Clint style with spurs jingling}

In other places in the world the TIP situation is not even expected nor is it considered, what I would like to re-emphasize here is the fact that many, and yes, I said MANY patrons in Cozumel and Cancun expect a premium Tip. OK, I will Tip for GOOD SERVICE! What I despise is some creep getting very loud in a public resteraunt, any public place or dive boat etc and yell at a CUSTOMER for not tipping enough!!!!
It is not pretty, it RUINS my day to witness such absurdity and for you to say this does not happen a lot is a big FAT lie. I would prefer to take my American dollars somewhere where I can expect a civil atmosphere of relaxation and politeness without the worry of a scene every day! This is my 2 cents, and for you reading this that have never had the pleasure of vacationing where the TIP BS does not exist you have been missing out on quality service.
FWIW, I have been going to Cozumel since 1978 and I have never once experienced or even seen behavior remotely like you have described coming from a Cozumel waiter. I certainly would never claim that it never happens, because I can't make assertions about the times when I wasn't there, but I can assure everyone who doesn't already know for themselves that such occurrences are at the very worst the exception rather than the rule. Call me a liar if you will, but my experiences in nearly 30 years of going to Cozumel give me a little street cred, I believe.

I have, however, witnessed several embarrassing incidents initiated by my own countrymen over the years, most commonly with an alcohol assist. Some clearly had the attitude that Mexico would be a lovely place if it weren't for all the Mexicans living there.
I have, however, witnessed several embarrassing incidents initiated by my own countrymen over the years, most commonly with an alcohol assist. Some clearly had the attitude that Mexico would be a lovely place if it weren't for all the Mexicans living there.

Wow, could not agree with you more Gordon. As many places as I have traveled, the rudest people I have wittnessed are undoubtably Americans. It's really pretty sad. Its very simple, treat other people the way you want to be treated and you'll be fine. Are there exceptions, of course there are but were not talking about the exception, we're talking about the rule. People in Mexico are some of the nicest in the world IMO. They will go out of their way to make you feel welcome. Why dont Americans start showing them some respect for what they do. Its not their fault they have such tough living conditions. Lets some Americans be forced to live as many Mexicans do and they would not last a week. The biggest moron I have ever seen, of course was an American, in Panchos Backyard about 5 years ago. A group of about 8 people were sitting two tables away from us and the "leader" was bossing the staff around and then was having trouble with communication. As the waiter walked away, this moron had the nerve to say, loud enough for everyone within 50 feet to hear, "Damn, why dont they learn to speak english, How the Hell are we supposed to order"? I couldn't take it, I stood up and said, "where in the world do you think you are? Your not in the states, your in THAT mans country. Learn to show a little respect"!!! He couldnt believe it and said nothing. My wife was so embarrassed but I had to say something. Later she was glad I did.
Wow, could not agree with you more Gordon. As many places as I have traveled, the rudest people I have wittnessed are undoubtably Americans. It's really pretty sad. is sad and it is humiliating to me when I see it happening. I just CRINGE!

..."Damn, why dont they learn to speak english, How the Hell are we supposed to order"? I couldn't take it, I stood up and said, "where in the world do you think you are? Your not in the states, your in THAT mans country. Learn to show a little respect"!!! He couldnt believe it and said nothing. My wife was so embarrassed but I had to say something. Later she was glad I did.

Amen again! This one REALLY infuriates me. How many AMERICANS speak the language of their tourists???? How many even TRY???? If non-English speaking tourists visit the states, they are expected to speak English if they want something. It's an unacceptable double standard IMO.

The thing is that most other countries teach English in school as a requirement. Most Americans speak one language.

When I moved to Mexico, I didn't EXPECT the locals to cater to my English speaking...I EXPECTED myself to learn THEIR language. It doesn't mean it hasn't been difficult and frustrating at times...and even today I encounter language barriers...but it's MY problem, not THEIRS. I get someone to translate for me if I need to. Fortunately, I can handle most conversations in Spanish on my own now.

Mauifish...I totally agree with you that a customer in a restaurant, on a dive boat, etc. should NEVER be chastised publicly or privately for that matter for not leaving an "acceptable" tip. However, I HIGHLY disagree with you that it is the norm here. I've never seen it happen in Cozumel. Just like another poster, you are equating what you've experienced in Cancun and Playa del Carmen with Cozumel. I can't stress enough how DIFFERENT these places are.
The biggest moron I have ever seen, of course was an American, in Panchos Backyard about 5 years ago. A group of about 8 people were sitting two tables away from us and the "leader" was bossing the staff around and then was having trouble with communication. As the waiter walked away, this moron had the nerve to say, loud enough for everyone within 50 feet to hear, "Damn, why dont they learn to speak english, How the Hell are we supposed to order"? I couldn't take it, I stood up and said, "where in the world do you think you are? Your not in the states, your in THAT mans country. Learn to show a little respect"!!! He couldnt believe it and said nothing. My wife was so embarrassed but I had to say something. Later she was glad I did.
Good for you!!! I would've been thinking exactly what you said, but I don't know if I would've had the guts to say it to his face. I think it's great that you did.
Good for you!!! I would've been thinking exactly what you said, but I don't know if I would've had the guts to say it to his face. I think it's great that you did.
I was sitting in a sidewalk cafe in Lima, Peru, with an Aussie friend some 30 years ago when a family from the States came in and sat a couple of tables away from us. The dad, a burly stereotypical Texan, was trying to order some ice cream for the kids. I was trying not to eavesdrop, but eventually everyone in the place could not help but overhear as he talked louder and louder (like that makes a difference) trying to make himself understood. I looked over, and he had the diminutive Peruvian waiter by the lapel, practically shouting into his face, "VAA-NILLA! VAA-NILLA! What's the matter, boy, don't you speak English?"

If there would have been a hole nearby, I would have gladly crawled into it. My Australian friend just looked at me with a wan smile and shook his head.
Sounds like a new RWLI* : Make the Whole World Speak English Now!

*Right Wing Lunatic Initiative
I hate to even mention this.... the reason Americans expect others to speak English in other countries is because of being on the winning end of wars in other countries and making English the official international language. Don't take that as a statement of arrogance, please. I will qualify further by saying we Americans have been spoiled because of it. And because our schools no longer teach our children what a privelege that is and what our forefathers died for, many Americans do not draw the correlation, but simply feel entitled. It used to be that eveyone spoke Spanish or French (when Spain or France were wining wars), and then we took a large role in a large war and helped rebuild a few countries after killing a lot of people and destroying their country. For this we were awarded with the privelege of having our native tounge declared the international language. Those that act so indignant about English being spoken in other countries simply need to be reminded of the 'why' ... in my opinion, of course.

I've lived in a couple of countries outside the US and found the 'obnoxious American' scenario to be more frequent than I've cared to see. Ashamedly enough, this occurred with my aunt while she visited me in Germany. She threw a fit in a German gift shop because they chose to serve someone beside her the moment she walked in, and they didn't speak English. After witnessing her public tantrum, and explaining to her what an idiot she was, I approached the poor lady working the counter and (though unable to speak German) managed to communicate my apologies and purchase the $15 souvenir over which the international incident was made.

That being said, a scam is a scam is a scam regardless of the country and, if caught, I deal with it as appropriately as I can with my initial reaction being to see if it's simply a mistake. If it's an obvious attempt to take me for money that isn't owed, and I don't go to a local jail over it, I simply don't pay the extra amount and do what Besty did and tell everyone I can. In about 6 more weeks we can sit down at an establishment across from Bianca's (Casablanca?), hoist our drinks, and thumb our noses at them if you like - either way, I'll be on vacation in Cozumel, for which I've saved up just enough to eat, sleep, dive, ... and tip. In the meantime I feel this is exactly what these types of forums are for - to provide the unknowing with a little insight. Thanks, Betsy!


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