Bad attitudes continued......

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London, England
A continuation from last weeks temper tantrum couple........

Nobody could believe it when they both turned up for the class. They both came in sheepishly and apologised to the instructor for their previous behaviour and asked if they were ok to carry on training. The instructor took them aside and spoke with them both for about 10 mins before the class carried on as normal. I decided that I would enjoy my session without letting them bother me.

Anyhow while we were at poolside the female of the two came up to me and said sorry for last week but I still got the feeling that she was looking straight through me. I replied "And so what?" and she just looked puzzled before calling me a stupid f***ing C**t! I almost choked on my own tongue and moved away quickly before she tried to bite me or something. I was shocked but also laughing my ass off.

At the end of the day I only have another few weeks to put up with them and then it'll be like a lottery cos one of you poor guys might end up on a trip with them. :confused:

I used to have aspirations to swim with sharks, but feel that after being in the pool with the female out of the couple I am now a grand master and like the saying goes - 'Been there and done that, have got the t-shirt too'. Or something to that effect.

Life goes on...........................
Thanks for the laughs. I was wondering if they were going to show again. Their lawyer probably told them they needed some more material!
Watch out for the land sharks...they can be a heck of a lot worse than the swimmy kind:D
I hope you don't get afraid of females, not all of us bite :boxing:
I'm not sure I know what the "C**t" stands for. Any clues?

I understand the story (a diving course saga?) will be continued?
If anything funny happens I'll keep you all posted.

Vicky don't worry about me being scared of females as I married one and when I last checked, she didn't have anything downstairs that shouldn't be there. :wink:

As for C**t, put UN where the stars are. It's probably the most offensive expletive in the English language, but when coming from a lady snob with a posh accent it's amplified x 100.
I have seen exactly what you are writing about with both male and female students. The good news is once you are done you never have to deal with them again. If you are concerned about them during the class request that you are not paired up with them during any of the training or open water dives. I help teach classes and I would respect a request like that. In fact, during my open water training there was a male student that I thought might cause me problems during the open water dives and I asked that I not be buddied up with him since it would take away from my training and the request was respected. It's too bad they can't check their bs at the door and just make an effort to get along. Someday a divemaster on a boat with straighten them out in a hurry. I know if I was the DM on a boat with them they would be kept under close supervision if I let them dive at all.

Originally posted by Choke
A continuation from last weeks temper tantrum couple........

I almost choked on my own tongue and moved away quickly before she tried to bite me or something. I was shocked...

After reading your bio, I doubt that you were all that nervous. Maybe we should share your bio with the female entity? But then again, as the T-shirt says, "you just can't fix stupid!" :( :rolleyes:
Landlocked, trust me when I say I was very nervous.
Let's just say that she displaces enough water to earn the nickname of 'Very positively bouyant'. :eek:

Seriously though, I heard the DM talking on the phone to a member of his crew about the dip in numbers who had been attending classes. You see, in the UK diving isn't really a necessity or a desired sport. It's not as if we are blessed with ideal diving conditions here, so drumming up new business is always going to be an uphill struggle. That's the only reason I can figure that these guys have been allowed back to the course. If I was the one in charge I would have told them to take a hike.
I was hoping you would update us, Choke. Too funny. A-holes are everywhere. And your right, the "C" word is the most offensive word, IMO, one person could call another. I do know a few individuals who fit that profile.....

Keep us updated.....

that ain't no lady, as reflected in her crude choice of expression. It is an odd one, though, considering that you are male. That was the point of confusion.
I had an obnoxious couple in my OW class - the man, who had been diving without benefit of C-card, knew everything already and couldn't be bothered with the course materials. The woman wasn't so bad, but she didn't leave him and giggled a lot (probably nervous laughter), so she was guilty by association. They both flunked the exam...The instructor told them he would not be able to certify them, and the shop refunded their $$$ and told them not to return. Yes, you can flunk a PADI class.

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