Catching a fish with my bare hands. Video

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As Kraken stated earlier, this is a perfect example of how NOT to dive.:shakehead:
So, all things having been said . . . go, dive, look and leave.

Leave the little creatures be.

the K
A single touch by a human finger can kill coral polyps. You may not kill the entire colony, but you could. People have bacteria on them that are not good for sealife. We should never touch the coral. Having said that, can I actually claim to have never touched coral? Of course not, but I can say that I do my very best to not touch the coral.

I am not against hunting, but please be responsible when you hunt. Always eat what you kill. Take a reef ecology course, you will learn a lot and have a lot more respect for the environment.
Oh, and to were wearing gloves when you caught that fish.....bare hands my :mooner:

It did not get damaged. I don't think it will die if you touched it gently without damaging it.

Ok, let me make an attempt at this.

You posted a video showing certain actions. Those actions include catching (harassing) a fish and touching coral. Although you claim the fish was unharmed, you may have caused stress to it, or damaged it in ways you don't realize.

During your attempt to catch the fish, you had your hands all over the coral, bracing yourself as you struggled with it in the hole. There are various other scenes and pics where you are touching or in contact with the coral.

As others have explained already, much marine life (including fish and coral) has protective coatings on it (slime if you will). Touching it, either bare handed or with gloves can remove the coating, which can cause stress or damage to it. You can also introduce foreign bacteria that may be harmless to you, yet deadly to aquatic life.

You asked for opinions, and you got them. Quit trying to defend the actions by stating it was already like that, or something/someone else caused the damage. Realize that your actions are continuing to contribute to the environment that you claim to enjoy.

If you truly want to make a difference, focus your energies towards education and conservation of the environment, not defending your action.

I think I can speak for many of the members here to say that they would feel much better for you to just admit you weren't aware of the effects of your behavior and you're doing something proactive to combat it.

You asked us to tell you what we think of your video.

I think you need to consider what it means to be a diver. You are a GUEST in the fish world. Your constant hand placement on coral and on the fish is wrong.

How many times do people come to SB and show video or still pics of them holding onto the back of turtles. Their excuse is always the same as yours: It didn't hurt the turtle. Until turtles have a cardboard sign saying "Free Rides", then leave them alone!

The same goes for people who hold fish or touch coral.

Your video made me nauseated.

You tell em, girl! Real men take rides from stingrays:popcorn:
Hey...let's do an experiment and see the effects of having no bacteria on your skin does to ya and see if you notice how much good bacteria you have on ya that may be harmful to coral :D

Experiment = mbader takes antibiotics for a few days.

Very interesting effects that antibiotics has on a person. I luv my good bacteria...not that I would know from experience or nothing. But try the experiment:D

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