Chicken of the Sea - A True Story

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Is that DIR? I was wondering where to clip my chicken.....:D

Now that's hilarious!!!

Chickens should be strapped to your BCD crotch strap so that we can swim over and choke your chicken. If your BCD does not have a crotch strap, chickens can be utilized attached to your leg with a knife strap... so that we can all call you "chicken legs." If you don't like to put them in either of these places, attach them to your buddies tank knobs when they're not looking and allow about a three foot line... they'll be the hit of the dive as everyone sees the chicken following them all over the place... Good fun had by all.
You guys are killing me! I literraly have tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing so hard!
This one just gets better and better!
Thanks..I needed a good laugh!:D
Come on, your trying to tell me that an adult with at least enough intellect to absorb the minimal information needed to be certified and enough interest in the ocean to want to dive bought that?? Can I teach you how to sell steel??

You haven't met my wife, have you?
I was diving with a group from my local shop in San Salvador one day when suddenly I saw a Rubber Chicken go shooting by to the surface... I thought it to be a bit odd so I swam towards it to get a better look... it was indeed a rubber chicken with a piece of fishing line (filiment) tied to it... I looked below and didn't immediately see anyone down there... so of course I had to wonder where in heck this rubber chicken came from.

I continued my safety stop and after a few minutes I see this new guy (new diver on his first trip with the group)swimming towards me making all kinds of hand signals... so I swim to him thinking he may be low on - or out of air. I grab his gauges and look and he has plenty of air, but he is still making some strange hand signals that I can't decipher (almost like he was doing the chicken dance underwater.) I waited for him to finish his safety stop and ascended back to the boat with him (all this time still wondering where his buddy was.)

When we get to the dive ladder I immediately asked him where his buddy was and he explained that his buddy had went off with someone else (good buddy I thought.) He seemed a bit uncomfortable - but calm, so I asked him if he was alright... He looked me dead in the eye and very seriously said to me... "I'm not sure." I had to keep prodding him and finally he says... "I think I was attacked by a Chicken."

Sensing an opportunity to have some fun, I asked him why he thought that... and he said when he was on the wreck, he felt like something was tangling him up and the next thing he knew he swore he saw a chicken bobbing all around him.

I said, "well Thank God you were able to get away... those Sea Chickens are dangerous." He told me he had never heard of Sea Chickens and no one had warned him about them during his OW class. I said , "oh yeah... they're pesky suckers... but good eatin... you know... Chicken of the Sea." "Chicken of the Sea" he says, "I thought that was Tuna?" "No", I said, "thats a common mistake, you should have grabbed that sucker and brought him up for dinner." "I didn't know," he said.

So now I'm walking away laughing my @$$ off and the rest of the group is returning to the boat. One by one this guy is standing on the back of the boat asking each person if they saw the Sea Chicken down there... Each one telling him No or asking him "What?" "The Sea Chicken, it attacked me he finally blurted out... just as the Dive Master gets back on the boat asking who took his chicken. "Attacked you?," says the dive Master, "a rubber chicken attacked you?" ... and we all had a good laugh.

It seems this DM liked to tie a rubber chicken up on the bow of the boat and put some food in it for the fish to peck at... and that's what it was doing when it attacked our friend. Beware of Rubber Chickens

Don't get me wrong, I thought that was completely halarious.....but depending on how thin a line this chicken was attached to....could have been more hazardous than funny if he really did tangle up in this thing....His buddy left him remember?
that is the funniest story i have ever heard..
i agree it could have been dangerous.. but since no one got hurt.. this is pure jokes..
That is hilarious. I will definitely have to try and pull that on a newbie.

OK, I'll admit it.

I have on rare occasions been known to slip a few Aka Seltzer / Berocca effervescent tablets into the velcro'd pocket of a friend's I'll have to try it on a noob:D

Serves them right for not seeing the light & going BP/W...eyebrow

I have just add "rubber chicken" into my equipment list next time I go out and do my DM role.

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