Did my ability to give "thanks" just get revoked?

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Baltimore, MD
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200 - 499
So, I posted a question regarding double tanks. And, when I got helpful responses I posted thanks to those posters. And now I apparently have lost the ability to thank even in the "serious" forums. I want to confirm this and ask why. Why was this revoked when I used it as it SHOULD be used, to thank legitimately helpful responses to a question posed?

Thanks in advance for any clarity that can be provided regarding this situation.
Well, CaveDiver restored Thanks for certain forums, but he may not have done it for the DIR forum. It isn't personal.
So, I posted a question regarding double tanks. And, when I got helpful responses I posted thanks to those posters. And now I apparently have lost the ability to thank even in the "serious" forums. I want to confirm this and ask why. Why was this revoked when I used it as it SHOULD be used, to thank legitimately helpful responses to a question posed?

Thanks in advance for any clarity that can be provided regarding this situation.

A cap was placed on the number of posts per day that an individual user could give. If you exceeded that number then you may have appeared to lose the ability to thank. There is still some discussion on what (if any) the limit should be, so feedback on issues is important to us. For the time being I'm going to bump it up a bit more.
So, we can only post 10 times on the word games threads?

There is no cap on the number of times you can post.
A cap was placed on the number of posts per day that an individual user could give. If you exceeded that number then you may have appeared to lose the ability to thank. There is still some discussion on what (if any) the limit should be, so feedback on issues is important to us. For the time being I'm going to bump it up a bit more.

OK, thanks for the info. I will be a bit more stringent with my thanking criteria from now on :)
Sorry, I just realized that the sentence below was poorly worded, causing confusion and resulting in the question about the number of posts someone could make. I've put the correct wording in parentheses. Also, as noted previously that cap has been bumped up some.

A cap was placed on the number of posts per day that an individual user could give (thanks to).
Unless I missed it there seems to no longer be a record of "thanks received". If that is the case, why put a limit on the number one can give?
Unless I missed it there seems to no longer be a record of "thanks received". If that is the case, why put a limit on the number one can give?

Those are among the issues still being discussed.

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