Freaking out over giant stride...

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Long Island, NY
Newbie, novice, fng, whatever you want to call me....

I'm about to take my open water dives for my certificate - and I'm freaking out because I'm afriad of heights. I'm an avid swimmer in rough waves, but heights terrifies me. It took me about a literal 3 minutes to work up the nerve to do the giant stride from the edge of the pool. I kept imaging either my leg hitting the edge, or doing a full face flop into the water...I found the flip backwards much easier as I didn't have to look at where I was going.

Is there someone out there, that has had this issue and is now completely competent? I live in fear of seeing myself crawling off the boat into the water to do my dives....

Any suggestions?
Well crawling off the boat isn't against the rules. It's just tougher than dropping into the water. I suggest doing a lot of them without scuba gear, just snorkling gear, for awhile.

Most giant strides are from heights of well under 3 feet. It honestly isn't something people get hurt on, unless you try to push off, or jump straight up. Just walk on out there and let gravity do it's thing.
Just keep doing them. Easy as pie. I personally prefer a backroll entry myself, but then I like the excitement of tumbling over :D

Just don't jump. lean a bit forward, look straight ahead & step out as far as you can. The trailing foot will follow you.

If you look down you're more likely to face plant. If you try to jump you may not get far enough from the edge. if you just look forward & step wide, it works perfectly every time.
Newbie, novice, fng, whatever you want to call me....

I'm about to take my open water dives for my certificate - and I'm freaking out because I'm afriad of heights. I'm an avid swimmer in rough waves, but heights terrifies me. It took me about a literal 3 minutes to work up the nerve to do the giant stride from the edge of the pool. I kept imaging either my leg hitting the edge, or doing a full face flop into the water...I found the flip backwards much easier as I didn't have to look at where I was going.

Is there someone out there, that has had this issue and is now completely competent? I live in fear of seeing myself crawling off the boat into the water to do my dives....

Any suggestions?
I've not had the problem myself, but I can see your point. Here's some food for thought.

1. Remember you will only use the giant stride off a boat or dock. The only thing below you (usually only a couple of feet below) is water.


2. Once you are at the edge and have your reg in your mouth, your hand in place over your reg and mask, close your eyes and just step off.


3. Easist one I think for you, once you get to the edge of the boat and are sure the area below you is clear of other divers, turn around, do your regular pre-step prep, and fall off backwards. Actually it's kind of fun.
head up, look straight ahead, hold mask and reg, piece of cake.
oh, and welcome to ScubaBoard.
Look down to make sure there is nothing under you then lift your chin and look at the horizon as you step in. Nobody is going to drain the lake before you step off so there is no reason to look down after you have verified that your landing area is clear. Get as close to the edge as you can, the balls of your feet should be just about hanging over the edge. If you sort of "goose step" off the side keeping your body upright you will slip neatly into the water without smacking your tank on anything. Do not push off with the back foot as that throws you off balance and into the dreaded "face-plant." Your back fin will pivot toward the water as you enter if the ball of your foot is either on or almost beyond the edge of your platform. That back leg will slip neatly into the water behind you unless of course someone comes up behind you with a chainsaw and lops off your leg then it kind of flops in BESIDE you. I always feel better if I'm exhaling while I enter, I have a thing about inhaling while hitting the water but that's just me :D

Have all your gear in place when you step up, look for obstacles and enter don't dally around about it or give yourself time to think.
Good luck!
Ber :lilbunny:
Look WAY out on the horizon. Left hand covers your weight belt buckle just in case. Right hand, fingers spread, holds both your mask and reg in place. Step off, wait for the splash, you've done it. Remember to have your BC about half inflated.

Doesn't hurt at all. I was a little apprehensive out at the Flower Gardens at first, where it's about a 4 foot drop, but everyone gets used to it. You will too.
yeah, the magic step can be a pain. I remember a worry I had (won't tell you though so I don't add to your anxieties). It's easy and I've never had my worry come true once.

Like everyone else has said, just step way out. I like the advice of doing in in the pool with a mask and snorkel.

good luck and congratulations on finding diving.
Newbie, novice, fng, whatever you want to call me....

I'm about to take my open water dives for my certificate - and I'm freaking out because I'm afriad of heights. I'm an avid swimmer in rough waves, but heights terrifies me. It took me about a literal 3 minutes to work up the nerve to do the giant stride from the edge of the pool. I kept imaging either my leg hitting the edge, or doing a full face flop into the water...I found the flip backwards much easier as I didn't have to look at where I was going.

Is there someone out there, that has had this issue and is now completely competent? I live in fear of seeing myself crawling off the boat into the water to do my dives....

Any suggestions?

It seems there is a lot of great advice on how to do a GS but not much coverage on your phobia. This probably isn't the time or the place but some good advice is to do them in your mind. See yourself doing it over and over again successfully. When fear starts to play into your mind pick a tune that makes you laugh like the Mickey Mouse song or a cartoon song and run it in your head while you imagine doing them with your eyes close.

Once you associate humor with the stride you have it beat. I know people who can't do a GS the just flop. Whatever works for them. Some like to roll as previously mentioned. All you have to do is demonstrate you can do it once more time on the boat for your cert and your free to flop or whatever makes you happy.

Its easy for us to tell you "Its Safe", "You won't get hurt" etc. but phobias are real and you are the only person who can get over it.

Hope I helped some.
I'm no fan of heights either and my first giant strides into the quarry were leaps of faith, no pun intended. To make matters worse the quarry wall had a bit of an outward slope that I could envision myself scraping on the way down, oh and the drop was closer to 5 feet. Well it was stride or go home dry and I wasn't going home with dry gear nor was my wife.

Waddle to the edge ,balls of feet at the precipice, one hand at the regulator & mask, the other to stabilize my weight belt and console and out with a leg until gravity took over, pull the second leg kinda forward and the splashdown was a great sensation, bob to the surface signal OK and prepare to descend. After that I almost looked forward to it and it was easier every time.

It's all part of the adaptation. it may be something we are not accustomed to but we know that divers do it all the time practice breeds comfort.


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