Gary D.

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Day Six (Friday):

The best thing that happened that day was Gary M’s wife smiling in my room. But there was a down side to that smile. You see, early in the day she came into my room with two closet poles. You know those 4 foot long wooden Q-Tips you can hang clothing on. She holds up the two packages like Chop Sticks and says “Guess where these are going”. Where’s my call button? Someone call 911! I’m not guessing!!! Arrest that crazy woman!!!

She say’s “Remember My Propane Tank”? Ooops, I do. It seems a while back someone drew a big red :) on the end of it. Now I’m getting the pay back.

She says she is going deep into my sinuses and throat. Yuck but ok. Then she opens the package. CRAP double packs. Four of them suckers. This isn’t going to be my day. She did very well doing it fast and painless. That was my first time so I’m glad she was gentle. :D

I wish I could have kept her the entire time. Made me relax more knowing her.

Sometime in the AM my family MD comes in and tells me I did a good one this time and expect to stay until Sunday morning. What is it doc? We are still testing and don’t know for sure.

A little later the Infectious Disease Specialist comes in. We chat and he say’s I’m staying for several more days. I say my doc said maybe Sunday. He say’s No way at this rate so count on several more days.

Other than that it was a painful 5 IV half a yogurt sleepless day.

Back to horizontal Deco.

Gary D.
"Infectious Disease Specialist"????
Next time you fall through something try just breaking a leg ok? :shakehead:
Ber :lilbunny:
She says she is going deep into my sinuses and throat. Yuck but ok. Then she opens the package. CRAP double packs. Four of them suckers. This isn’t going to be my day. She did very well doing it fast and painless. That was my first time so I’m glad she was gentle. :D

I guess you're lucky that she went in from the near end :11:
Gary, in all seriousness we're all pulling for you. This aint not chicken **** business you're dealing with dude. Do what the docs say and GET BETTER!
Day Seven (Sat):

Around 0500 Nurse comes in takes my vitals and starts another IV. BP concerned her because it was 92/58. I told her to chill because normal is 110/70 and I’m at rest. Besides, any BP at 61 in the hospital is good. :D She did good not waking Wobbles up.

Later in the morning my family MD comes in and says some of the tests should be done today and we should know a little more.

After a few more IV’s the nurse comes in and say’s it’s not MRSA but they are still stumped. Now the IV every 12 hours goes oral to taper it off. That one was specific for MRSA. The redness and swelling is still spreading.

The rest of the day was up and down with lots of welcome visitors. I still had no urge to eat anything but got down a bit of cottage cheese and yogurt. Wobbles force fed me 3 or 4 small pieces of grilled chicken and some broccoli. :11:

Still very little sleep. I want Gary M.'s wife back. She made me feel better.:10:

Back to the horizontal deco.

Gary D.
Jeeze Gary.. if you need anything give me a call... Im living five hours closer to you now, Ill make the drive over!
I'm waiting for the part where the alien comes popping out of his chest.

Get better Gary!
Day Eight (Sun):

Best day yet during this ordeal.

0500 nurse comes in and sees that I’m still breathing. Plugs in the first of three IV’s for the day and quietly leaves. About 45 minutes later she comes back in and unhooks it. Now with the light on we see that the meds are starting to work. The swelling is way down and my arm no longer looks like a can of red Krylon blew up.

The day was a constant stream of visitors and boy was I showing off the arm now. Still no appetite at all but now there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Late in the afternoon the nurse came in to tell us they still didn’t know what I had but it was now confirmed that it wasn’t MRSA.

Then around 2000 hours the highlight was almost my entire shift shows up. I was still feeling like I was on a roller coaster ride with high and low feelings but during the couple of hours they were there I was mostly high. Wobbles, two grand kids, daughter and her X were there as well. Trust me the room was fool and it must have sounded like a kegger was going on.

Throughout the night I kept watching the swelling and color. The swelling would come and go a bit but the color kept improving.

Day Nine (Mon)

0500 Nurse checks my pumping and air transfer before starting the IV. I got some sleep but still don’t want to eat.

Shortly after the IV starts the Specialist comes in and says I can go home later today if everything stays stable. He is now my very best friend ever.:lotsalove:

A little later my family doc comes in and gives us some information that scared the holy crap out of us. He said had this happened just a very few years ago at the very least I would have lost my arm.

Around 1300 the nurse comes back in with a pill. Seems that my last IV is going to be oral. But then she pokes a couple of needles in me for some extra protection.

It didn’t take long to get packed up and exit that big Blue Resort Hotel.

Now I’m supposed to stay down as much as possible with my arm elevated. But I can get up and do things within reason. He specifically said NO SNOW SHOVELING. So I asked about using my double bladed International tractor to move snow. He said ok but wait a few days and then just short periods at a time.

Now the rehab is at home. I go back to the doc in the morning but there has been improvement.

Now the moral to this story. If you bang something and it starts to swell and change color go see a medical professional ASAP. A doctor’s visit is much cheaper and safer than what I just went through. The conditions were just right for a simple smack to turn serious.

Back to my Horizontal deco.

Gary D.
Dang dude - I'm just finding this and man, what an ordeal you've been through! Keep gettin better dude! Oh, and keep us up to date... :)

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