Is there an instructor crisis?

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How much of the cost of living is self imposed?

We dont need massive houses.
Smartest thing you've ever said, and something I ruminate on often.
We didnt have AC, huge houses, video games, cable, or 7 cars and boats, either.
The houses in Europe are the same size and nobody has 7 cars. Must be the video games... makes sense.
You might not understand what cost of living means. Maybe look it up?
And which generation raised those parents?
The ones that had to sacrifice a lot! The one that had to fight the worst war to date and prior to that suffer the worst economic low of all time.
They didn’t want to see their children have to suffer like they did so they raised a whole generation of spoiled brats that gave birth to the 420 life and a bunch if other crap AKA the boomers - Hey Boomer! Wow is all your idiocy working out for ya eh?
And we’re still suffering their wrath, just look at what SF and Oakland have turned into and the general politics in the US now, hippy values hard at work.
Or maybe it just seems really out of place that you keep using a forum for scuba diving as a platform for your completely unfounded bashing of people younger than yourself, and your equally unfounded self-praising.
It reminds me of another thread in which you tried to shoot down what I said because I'm not a California diver, and California has harsher diving conditions than anything I've ever experienced. I actually laughed out loud when I read that.

I'll do us both a favor and try to use this "Ignore user" function, because you're clearly unable to not post this kind of nonsense, and I end up wasting my own time and yours when trying to explain why you might be wrong. Good luck with your life, thank god we'll never meet.
You poor thing, I’m so sorry I hurt your feelings 🥲
The ones that had to sacrifice a lot! The one that had to fight the worst war to date and prior to that suffer the worst economic low of all time.
They didn’t want to see their children have to suffer like they did so they raised a whole generation of spoiled brats that gave birth to the 420 life and a bunch if other crap AKA the boomers - Hey Boomer! Wow is all your idiocy working out for ya eh?
And we’re still suffering their wrath, just look at what SF and Oakland have turned into and the general politics in the US now, hippy values hard at work.
The original hippies? Where are they now?
Just to put an end to the argument about what people could afford at different times.

As someone who works with econ data every day, I will say that it is a fact that that income has not kept up with general price increases. An average worker is way worse off today than 30-40 years ago. Please remember that statistics are just numbers and they do not speak for themselves, there are a billions ways to slice the same number. I will just show one chart to make my point.

Also, I don't want to sound rude, but please don't tag me with counter arguments, I know all of them. An average worker is worse off, and its one of the basic facts that anyone who remotely works with international econ data knows.

Here is a brief conceptual explanation why it is the fact also:

All the economic models that are currently used at central banks and governments always strive to achieve an efficient outcome. In economics, the definition of "an efficient outcome" is such an outcome where nobody can be made better off without making someone worse off. Therefore, if we live on an island with only 1 banana tree, and I own that tree with all of the bananas, and you all guys starve, that is an efficient outcome because you cannot make anyone better off without making me worse off. Therefore, you must understand that under the current economic paradigm, it is a systemic design that the big/rich will be getting bigger and the poor poorer. You can do things to offset it (subsidies, transfer payments, tax bracket etc etc) but it will not change the structural trend.

Please also note that I am not saying that the system is good or bad, or that the rich people are good or bad, I am explaining why things structurally the way they are.

The ones that had to sacrifice a lot! The one that had to fight the worst war to date and prior to that suffer the worst economic low of all time.
What are you talking about?
Boomers are people born in the 50s. What war did they fight that was the worst to date?
As someone who works with econ data every day, I will say that it is a fact that that income has not kept up with general price increases. An average worker is way worse off today that 30-40 years ago.
Thank you! ... that was all I was trying to say.

I don't get why people get triggered by that.
What are you talking about?
Boomers are people born in the 50s. What war did they fight that was the worst to date?
No not them, their parents.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

This thread has crossed the TOS for Basic and gone way off topic
Thread locked as there seems little new to be added.
A new thread on a similar topic is, of course, welcome, though perhaps not in the Basic Forum.

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