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What's disturbing about this situation, and it is not uncommon, is that some dive shops do exude the attitude that the customers have a moral obligation to be exclusive to them. The only reason they can get away with this is because in the recreational dive industry instruction is tied to gear sales, and instruction is required to participate. It gives the dive shop a position of authority (at least in their minds) with beginning divers. Eventually I hope that this business model disappears and the industry is dominated by separate facilities for training and gear sales. I'm pretty sure we'd see a big drop in BS on both fronts.

Yet another reason why I always recommend to my friends to get OW certified in the caribbean, at some place that specializes in dive training, in a beautiful environment with easy conditions, and best of all, nobody's trying to to ram gear down your throat while they're teaching you how to stay alive under water.
Ok, im in a little bind.

Im almost done with my SSI OW cert. I like SSI. I like my Dive Instructor. I like my LDS. What i do not like, however, is my Dive Instructor's integrity and way of running his LDS and some of his attitudes.

I know of another dive shop around the corner that is PADI. I went in today and they have much better policies and are more upfront on costs and requirements.

I did not want to go in there and badmouth my current LDS, but when they asked if i had a weight belt and i told them he said we had to buy a weightbelt and weights or buy a BC with weights (instead of letting us buy weights for the rental BCs) they knew who my LDS was.

Anyways, I've decided to switch to the PADI store after I finish my OW cert. However, the PADI store doesn't do too many local dives, whereas the SSI store does one or two at least every week.

Would it be considered bad to do my training and big dive trips with the PADI store, but to do local smaller dives with the SSI store and get gear wherever it is cheaper?

As a consumer i feel i should be able to, but i also feel guilty about going to another LDS.

Sorry for the long post, feedback would be appreciated.


Pf, thanks for the thread. I'm in a similar situation in that I am being certified through an SSI program (no LDS affiliation), and most of the LDSs near me are PADI. There is an SSI shop near me, but the PADI shops are closer, can service my gear, and do a lot more of the "fun dives". Based on the feedback that you have recieved so far I feel like the best strategy for myself is going to be to patronize multiple local shops. Also, based on my research of the local shops so far, I will probably be taking any future specialty classes at a PADI shops too. Hopefully there aren't too many problems that will arise from getting training through different agencies.
It's too bad you don't like the way the guy runs his shop. SSI has some pretty high standards, and there is a LOT of training in being an SSI affiliated shop.

Have you told the shop owner this? Our local SSI shop is beyond great, and they adhere to the SSI philosophy of the customer is right. You might drop SSI a line, as they have a shop QC program, too. e-mail them at

But as others have correctly said, you're the customer.
If that happens, tell the guy that you shoplifted the gear from the other shop, and to please not say anything to them about it.

oh that made my day!

Thankyou everyone for all your replies.

I haven't yet sat down with him and told him all the grievances i have with him, however i am sure he knows, per our last conversation in store, that he is well on his way to loosing both mine and my dive buddy's loyalty.

When we went to return our rental gear he made jokes about us getting lost on the way to our second dive, called us stupid for not mapquesting the location in addition to using his map, and refused to take any of the blame for not putting directionals (like north, south, east west) on the map. We admitted we should have realized that one of the roads had a north or south option, and from this point on we will have multiple directions/maps, but he was unproffessional about it in the store.

Any time he tells us we have to buy this or that if we have ever (and we have often) mentioned looking online he gets completely bent out of shape (in the nicest way possible, which is actually amusing to watch). When we were looking for mask/fins/snorkel/boots/weightbelts/weights/wetsuit for the OW course, he said it is a requirement to buy from him to take the class. My friend finally said her cousin had a bunch of equipment he would give her, and he said that was fine. so if i end up taking any classes or going on any dives with him ill use the excuse "it was a gift from so and so". Though I doubt i will be using him.

I do like SSI and their quality of education, and the high standards to advance, and i will be checking out some of the other LDSs around here, i know of 2 that i havent stopped in yet.

I'll think about contacting SSI depending on how he acts when we go to do our private study session for the written exam and our second set of dives if he ever gets the dates up for us.

oh that made my day!

Thankyou everyone for all your replies. ....

I do like SSI and their quality of education, and the high standards to advance, and i will be checking out some of the other LDSs around here, i know of 2 that i havent stopped in yet.

I'll think about contacting SSI depending on how he acts when we go to do our private study session for the written exam and our second set of dives if he ever gets the dates up for us.


The SSI guy is obviously a jerk and it is clear that you do not trust him with little stuff like maps and directions, then why trust him with training? SSI MAY have a better program than PADI (I don't know) but it is much more important to find a good instructor that you trust and that you feel comfortable with than to worry about the certiifcation agency.

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