Need recommendations for our summer dive trip to Cozumel

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I also suggest the small boats. Especially since it sounds like you have to watch out for your boys. You get on a cattle boat with 20 divers, it's going to be that much harder to herd them. Cozumel has so many good dive ops and you are certainly on the right site for advice. Just remember that when selecting a place to stay you have to keep in mind that the dive ops have a limit as to how far up they will go to pick you up at your hotel. Last year I stayed with El Cid La Ceiba and Dive with Martin was right next door. This year I'm staying at Hotel Barracuda, which is just about right in town, and that op doesn't go that far up. I'm using Blue XTsea because they are just about right where I'm staying (and for other personal reasons). So while you are shopping for a place to stay it's a good idea to have a list of 2-3 good dive ops and ask them their pick up limits. Steel tanks will limit you somewhat because not all ops have them. Whatever you decide, you and the boys will have a blast.
I would reccomend deep exposure. I personally found it really great and professional, while there is time to time tech divers they usually do bottom times somehow similar to those of rec divers on other boats like the anita , swordfish or my way boat. As many all time divers come to cozumel there is times thet want to do bottom times over 90 minutes with nitrox. I found this shop really accomodating as if you are a novice diver or an experienced diver, as well u will find here anything u need if u are a tech diver or a rebreather diver too. The boat is really fancy and the crew always willig to help, like if any trouble with gear thet likely fix it right away with thier expertise and knowledge as most of the crew are not newbies like happens in other boats and companies. At the end this really matters at the time to be pickep up and locate by your captain. Nonetheless nowadays divermasters happen to be trained tech divers as well good guides with experience in many endeavors apart from cozumel So i would recommend to take the plunge with them. You wont regreat it. Go for it !
I would reccomend deep exposure. I personally found it really great and professional, while there is time to time tech divers they usually do bottom times somehow similar to those of rec divers on other boats like the anita , swordfish or my way boat. As many all time divers come to cozumel there is times thet want to do bottom times over 90 minutes with nitrox. I found this shop really accomodating as if you are a novice diver or an experienced diver, as well u will find here anything u need if u are a tech diver or a rebreather diver too. The boat is really fancy and the crew always willig to help, like if any trouble with gear thet likely fix it right away with thier expertise and knowledge as most of the crew are not newbies like happens in other boats and companies. At the end this really matters at the time to be pickep up and locate by your captain. Nonetheless nowadays divermasters happen to be trained tech divers as well good guides with experience in many endeavors apart from cozumel So i would recommend to take the plunge with them. You wont regreat it. Go for it !

If I were paying $80+ for a two-tank dive, I would find it very off-putting to be on the boat with a group of technical divers and having to wait for them to do their deco-stops and then their surface interval after I've already done my 60-70 minute dive and had over an hour surface interval. I don't find anything professional about this at all. Tech divers and recreational divers should not be forced to share a boat.
There are numerous posts on this forum...usually at least one a week about "Where to stay" and "Who to dive with." A search, or simply scroll through the posts will bring at least a weeks worth of reading.

Where to stay depends on what you like... We don't like the all inclusive resorts on the South end of the island. We stay in town at Casa Mexicana. Nice rooms, included fantastic breakfast buffet, $70 a night ish, and within walking distance of almost everything we enjoy. La Perlita take a cab, but we walk most everything else.

Who to dive with? again, what do you like? We dive with Aldora because they pick us up at their dock about a half a block away from the hotel and they use steel 120 tanks for longer dive times. They also have at least 6 boats so you are grouped with divers of the same skill level. If you are diving with new divers, that wont matter as much.

Christi with Blu XTsea and Dave with Aldora are huge supporters of this site. Both run top notch operations. We have dove with Dive with Martin and Blue Magic and have nothing but good things to say about them. Tres Pelicanos has a large following on this site too.. Primary differences will be cost, tank size/type, pick up point, pick up time, # of boats, surface interval location, snacks on the boat, # of divers per boat, surface strategy (as a group, timed, or as you hit 700 psi) and several other minor differences as well.

You really cant go wrong on Cozumel as long as you stay with an op using smaller boats with no more than 8 divers. There are some cattle boats operating so I would stay away from those. If you are diving with a group of at least 4, you might consider chartering your own boat through any of the operators listed in this post. We did that with DWM on our first dive trip with our daughters and it worked out great. I believe the going rate is $400 ish plus tips.

Its not hard to find great dive operators in coz, its hard to find the operator that works best for you. Luckily, that just means trial and error (not really error...), several trips, and meeting lots of great people and making new friends.

I also saw your question about crime on the lionfish post. there is a similar post last week. We have walked everywhere in Cozumel and never felt overly concerned. I'm naturally wired a little paranoid anyway but have not had a situation that I was apprehensive about. I still would not get in a beat up van with a sign that said "Free puppies, candy, ice cream, and beer" on the side of it....ok...maybe depending on what kind of beer. I would say that the crime rate per capita is much lower than the main land. Probably much lower than Jamiaca, Honduras, or the DR. Keep your senses about you, don't do anything overtly stupid, (pass out on the sidewalk with your purse next to you) and stay with someone when walking and you will be fine. Like anywhere else, don't look like an easy victim. Assholes are everywhere, but our experience in Cozumel is that by and large the people are very warm and friendly. I have too many stories to support that to include here. We like it so much we plan to move there for the better part of the year within 10 years.

Good luck, safe travels,
Hi Jay,
I'm in a different situation as I drove down from Florida so I'm thinking about taking my car over to dive most of May. I won't do a cattle boat and I'm really good on air so smaller and longer bottom time works for me. I can however drive each day to the dive shop. I don't want to sound like a snob but I am only interested in diving with an operation who "mostly" takes out experienced divers so that I can maximize my time. Unfortunately, I'm traveling solo so I cant really offer up another diver.. but I don not need a lot of bells and whistles in accommodations other than WIFI for work and of course a pool would be nice.....under these circumstances..who would you recommend?..Thanks in advance..
I would also recommend Aldora Divers and Villa Aldora. Aldora has several small boats, max 7 guests. You may end up with a private boat. When we had a group of five, we were normally the only divers on the boat. The Villa has two big units, the North Suite and the Aldora Suite, with two bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 floors, 2 balconies, and a full kitchen. They are great family accommodations and very reasonable, considering what you get. The shore diving off the Villa is very nice. Lots of little critters along the shore.
Hi Jay,
I'm in a different situation as I drove down from Florida so I'm thinking about taking my car over to dive most of May. I won't do a cattle boat and I'm really good on air so smaller and longer bottom time works for me. I can however drive each day to the dive shop. I don't want to sound like a snob but I am only interested in diving with an operation who "mostly" takes out experienced divers so that I can maximize my time. Unfortunately, I'm traveling solo so I cant really offer up another diver.. but I don not need a lot of bells and whistles in accommodations other than WIFI for work and of course a pool would be nice.....under these circumstances..who would you recommend?..Thanks in advance..
Check out Tres Pelicanos, while they are not an 'experienced diver only ' OP but they also have a good attitude about letting you dive your tank and do not mother you if you seem to know what you are doing. I have been diving with them (solo) for the last 4 1/2 years / 500+ dives and on the average go about 70 minutes per tank. On the average dive, typically, 75% + of the divers are experienced and this allows the DM to concentrate his attention on any novice divers while remaining divers loosely follow. It's a good system they have worked out that allows folks who do not want regimented close assitance to enjoy their dive without being nannied but also allows those that do want interesting things pointed out to them to stick closer to the DM. If you do dive your tank you may need to surface on your own and I highly recommend carrying and using a SMB to avoid surface traffic. As to accommodations there are lots of good places and I would suggest talking with Jeanie at
As for WiFi most hotels/bars/restaurants have free WiFi but the actual service can be spotty. Several years back I switched to T Mobile to get phone service throughout the United States of America, the United states of Mexico & Canada which also comes with unlimited data off the local cell providers.
I would also recommend Aldora Divers and Villa Aldora. Aldora has several small boats, max 7 guests. You may end up with a private boat. When we had a group of five, we were normally the only divers on the boat. The Villa has two big units, the North Suite and the Aldora Suite, with two bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 floors, 2 balconies, and a full kitchen. They are great family accommodations and very reasonable, considering what you get. The shore diving off the Villa is very nice. Lots of little critters along the shore.
I would also recommend Aldora Divers and Villa AI ldora. Aldora has several small boats, max 7 guests. You may end up with a private boat. When we had a group of five, we were normally the only divers on the boat. The Villa has two big units, the North Suite and the Aldora Suite, with two bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 floors, 2 balconies, and a full kitchen. They are great family accommou Aldora Divers and Villa Aldora. A+ ldora has several small boats, max 7 guests. You may end up with a private boat. When we had a group of five, we were normally the only divers on the boat. The Villa has two big units, the North Suite and the Aldora Suite, with two bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 floors, 2 balconies, and a full kitchen. They are great family accommodations and very reasonable, considering what you get. The shore diving off the Villa is very nice. Lots of little critters along the shore.

I did make contact with Aldora and Matt responded by saying they offer no packages/discounts whatsoever for 14 + days of diving and their pricing is about 20% higher than other operations on the island I've either contacted or dived with. That's disappointing and they charge $95 for 2 tanks + the park fees and a $15 an extra for taxes , 16%. I actually find that a tad bit out of line and I've done a ton of international diving. They advertise such long bottom times, ( which really appeals to me as I don't breathe much) however if there is no one else on the boat ( instructors , DM included who utilize their air as I do ) I would be forced to surface anyway. This is the problem I'm running into with other operators, I may just head across Mexico and travel the other coast of which I have not seen. I've been diving on Cozumel for 2 weeks now and can't seem to get past the 60 minute mark with anyone. Thanks so much for all of the information and safe diving to you!
I did make contact with Aldora and Matt responded by saying they offer no packages/discounts whatsoever for 14 + days of diving and their pricing is about 20% higher than other operations on the island I've either contacted or dived with. That's disappointing and they charge $95 for 2 tanks + the park fees and a $15 an extra for taxes , 16%. I actually find that a tad bit out of line and I've done a ton of international diving. They advertise such long bottom times, ( which really appeals to me as I don't breathe much) however if there is no one else on the boat ( instructors , DM included who utilize their air as I do ) I would be forced to surface anyway. This is the problem I'm running into with other operators, I may just head across Mexico and travel the other coast of which I have not seen. I've been diving on Cozumel for 2 weeks now and can't seem to get past the 60 minute mark with anyone. Thanks so much for all of the information and safe diving to you!

True, Aldora does not offer discounts (other than a 10% discount if you pay in cash) or package deals, but we have always found it a good value, and my friends are very value-conscious. On a dollars/minute basis, we find it works out well. Our dives are at least 70 minutes, even on deep dives. 80-90 minute dives are common. On Columbia Shallows, I've gone a little over two hours. You might not always get down to the last 700 psi in the tank, but dives are very rarely cut significantly short. I guarantee every Aldora DM (they are all instructors) has outstanding air consumption. They will not cut a dive short. The only time I had a dive less than 60 minutes was a time I stopped to look at some little critter, lost the group, and had to surface. Surfacing as a group with Aldora has never been a real problem for us. There are some dives where I surfaced with enough gas and NDL to stay for a while longer, but not enough to feel really disappointed.

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