Ok, just switched to Verizon's Mexico cell plan

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Scuba board travelers and Dandy Don. On recent trips abroad I have discovered that the verizon plans all suck. they tell you they will work only to get to remote locations to find out your F#*!ED -If you have a internet device such as a Ipod - yes the music device ? You can download a APP called Line2. Like skype it turns your device into a phone - free for 30 day trial ( for your trip ) or 9.99 a month or 90 a year. no call plans or minutes. Has worked anyplace there is wi-fi to date and humans in California actually pick up the phone when you have questions. it gives you a answering / voicemail that you can even access through your e-mail - way cool

have a great trip - thanks for all your great travel tips. Cat
I am getting much better cell service than internet. TG I am not trying to use Skype. The tests that go to the Florida server do ok, but the ones that go to Honduras suck - and I don't guess you can control that. What is up with Yucatan servers?! :confused:

The thunderstorm blew away by pickup time this morning, which was delayed as someone at the original boarding overslept - but we got away ok, couple of nice dives. I met Kevin/Firstdive who is everywhere in the water hunting Lions, another couple from here on SB, and some other nice divers who put up with me ok - and not much laughing. :laughing: Hey, every boat needs someone to talk about. Had another nice siesta so maybe I am over my jet lag.

My dinner thread didn't do much after the lunch hijack, but still looking forward to whoever shows up tomorrow/Monday night. I think I will even shave. :eyebrow:
Glad you are having a good time Don. Sounds like you need to come back in November. We will be there October 30 through November 12 and always love and appreciate a good laugh.

I'm happy to hear your cell service is working well. Not sure what the previous poster was talking about since we have always got great service on our Verizon phones while in Cozumel with the exception of the East side. We also had spotty internet service at Hotel Coz at times but found it worked great on our balcony or down at poolside. Just remember to switch from your room internet to lobby. I seemed to have trouble remembering to do that but it may have been the Tequila haze.

Please do me a favor and tell Rudy the bellhop that John, Lynda and Bailey can't wait to see him in November and the Stevens will be coming with us this year. If you happen to see Apple from DP tell her we love her and will see her soon.

Have a great trip and think about coming back in November! I think you would fit right in with our group.

Thanks for posting and helping me with my Coz fix.
I'm getting fine reception on the HotCoz router, full 5 bars, but the speed sucks. My Verizon 1x signal is ok, nothing to brag about but workable - altho the 3G is weak here. Any chain is only as strong as the weakest link.
Hey Don, keep the updates coming... nothing better than live island updates to help pass the time for all us high and dry state side.
Don are you going to shave off that moustache? Heck no one will recognize you:rofl3:
Anyway, Happy belated birthday to you, enjoy your days of diving amigo.
Nah, just the 3 day stubble on the rest of my face. Feels like a baby hiney now.

Nice dives today. I still suck air like no one but oh well. I never said I was good at this. I have fun. I could have sworn I had checked out my new strobe & new camera well in advance, but the old flash link does not fit my DC1200 - oops! I'll fix the pics in shop but wow - lousy battery.

Siesta time then Parrilla Mission Restaurant | The best Restaurant of mexican and seafood in Cozumel
We can all watch for him in his speedo and cowboy hat on the webcams :D
Uh, I'll pass... No offense Don.

I could have sworn I had checked out my new strobe & new camera well in advance, but the old flash link does not fit my DC1200 - oops! I'll fix the pics in shop but wow - lousy battery.

Post 'em if you got 'em!
We had a nice dinner gathering at Parilla Mission last night. Not a lot of people showed up this time - you just never know, and there was a big gathering just two days earlier, some divers had too many dives in a day to make it, and the announcement thread was hijacked into a lunch discussion, but it was nice - nice people who did show. I bought some torn bills and coins off of Deb with the Red Cross to fly back; glad to help a little anyway. PM is just not the same place as it used to be tho; don't know if I will go back?

I am checking my voice mail at least. Nothing going on that needs my attention, and that's good. My daughter was stressed about the first day back teaching school which is odd as accomplished as she is. Ended the evening on the balcony in my undies overlooking my private courtyard. Nope, no pics. I posted some on the Carbon Monoxide thread about the hits in New England, then it got pulled?! :confused: I'm wondering and waiting but I have the entire thread saved.

I let Scuba Mau rinse and dry most of my gear as usual, but bring some of it back to rinse in my shower. HotCoz has nice drying racks on the balconies, altho the relative humidity is at least 100%. We had a shower last night and another try to roll in as we were doing a SI & chick watch at Paradise Beach, remnants of Harvey I suppose but overall the weather is good.

A couple more nice dives this morning. We have some wild lion fish hunters on the boat but I suppose they are diving within their experience and training. I am really disappointed in the DC1200 battery but that's long been a Sealife issue. I'm eating at least twice as much as I do at home as usual, something about the sea air and diving, and the AI food at HotCoz is really okay. Glad the internet speed is holding at 1+ Mbps but I still don't know why Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test says that no Yucatan servers are available and everything is going thru Florida or Honduras, usually the latter?

HotCoz changes sheets every other day unless you ask for them to be done every day, but I asked them not to until I leave - pointless. I guess that worked altho they still clean nicely, yet leave the towels I leave hanging up. :thumb: I did ask them to leave the AC off but they leave it on cold! Brrr. I click it up to 24C quickly, 26 while asleep. Hmm, 3 nights here and I am almost over my jet lag. Yeah, this is nice. :wink:

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