Pregnancy and Diving

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wow, so abortion is the solution! Thanks guys, you are so helpful!
I have not one proof that their actually is a risk of the baby getting hurt, despite extensive research. Give me proof, and no macho opinions please!! Besides, where is all the women? is this a men only board and I wasnt aware of it?
fine, express an opinion on your wife s pregnancy but not on mine. and if you do want to express it anyway to it in a respectful way

I will refrain from any more posts in here....I have expressed how my fiance and I choose to handle our pregnancy however for you to ask for respect when broadcasting to the world that you are endangering your unborn child is somewhat ironic. I agree that respect should be dealt but with how you presented your situation I honestly do not belive you have earned a lot of respect. I will refrain form not showing you respect and will become a lurker BUT, what did you really expect? People to pay you on the back and feel sorry for you? For everybody to cheer you on while you possibly negligantly endanger the life of your unborn child? Go for the Trifecta and tell us you are smoking and drinking at the same time as well.
I am sorry I am quite that heated, but this is my and my baby s life I am talking about, and both our health but also our happiness are important. I do think about the babys future, and it s looking pretty bleak if mama s getting depressed because she is forced to live in a country that she hates passionately.

However, i do thank you for your suggestion that young people forget to remember that there is other good things that can happen even when what they want badly right here right now is not possible, I will give this a thought and try to think of other solutions but to keep on diving. Okay, I gotta go to work now. Yes and dive, cuz I need money to pay the gynelogist, who by the way sees no problem with me diving. Please everyone, remember, I do spend most of the time in the pool and do maybe one 6 to 12 meter dive in a day, sometimes two, but that s it. Also whenever possible, I let other people carry tanks etc for me saying I have back problems. And last but not least please think about the following quote of a pregnancy website> there is not much that can really disturb a healthy pregnancy. Just think of all the hard working women, like my grandmother for instance after world war 2. she worked in the fields, harvesting etc and bore completely healthy children, like soooo many others did before her. And please, please dont tell me anymore I should not dive, I know that! Instead give me solutions to my situations or let it be!
There's no conclusive research that diving while pregnant will harm the fetus, simply because it would be highly unethical to perform such tests on pregnant mothers.

However, it makes sense that an unborn child would be affected by diving. The baby will absorb nitrogen in it's bloodstream, because it's under pressure, just like you. However, the baby doesn't have the necessary physiology in place to offgas effectively. Remember that kids under 10 aren't allowed to become certified to scuba dive? It's not just a question of emotional maturity and ability to learn, it's because there little bodies are still growing and can potentially be damaged by those nitrogen bubbles we all absorb on every dive. Even as a 10 year old, the depth limits are very conservative. I'm positive that, as a dive professional, you'll be putting way more stress on your unborn baby than that 10 year old will.

Sure, you might skate through and your baby might be just fine, but there's no way to predict the outcome at this point. You might wind up with a severely mentally and physically challenged child. Are you willing to live with yourself if that happened, never really knowing if your diving was to blame?

Plus, no diving organization is going to let you dive when you're obviously pregnant. They don't want to take on the legal liability if your baby is injured.

You're young, and right now this seems like a "now or never" opportunity. There is NOTHING in scuba worth dying for, and there is NOTHING in scuba worth hurting someone else over, especially a little unborn baby. There will be other, awesome opportunities in your life, but maybe, just maybe, this unexpected little "opportunity" in the form of a wee one, might be the best unexpected opportunity ever. Or, it might not, and you might not be ready for a child, in which case, abortion is an option.

But, don't take an unnecessary risk with some innocent person's life. Either give up diving for the next few months and let this baby have the best chance possible, or abort the pregnancy and dive.

I doubt anyone on this board is going to tell you that it's OK to knowingly be pregnant and still dive.
I am sorry I am quite that heated, but this is my and my baby s life I am talking about, and both our health but also our happiness are important. I do think about the babys future, and it s looking pretty bleak if mama s getting depressed because she is forced to live in a country that she hates passionately.

However, i do thank you for your suggestion that young people forget to remember that there is other good things that can happen even when what they want badly right here right now is not possible, I will give this a thought and try to think of other solutions but to keep on diving. Okay, I gotta go to work now. Yes and dive, cuz I need money to pay the gynelogist, who by the way sees no problem with me diving. Please everyone, remember, I do spend most of the time in the pool and do maybe one 6 to 12 meter dive in a day, sometimes two, but that s it. Also whenever possible, I let other people carry tanks etc for me saying I have back problems. And last but not least please think about the following quote of a pregnancy website> there is not much that can really disturb a healthy pregnancy. Just think of all the hard working women, like my grandmother for instance after world war 2. she worked in the fields, harvesting etc and bore completely healthy children, like soooo many others did before her. And please, please dont tell me anymore I should not dive, I know that! Instead give me solutions to my situations or let it be!

A few points:

Most OB/GYN's don't know a damn thing about diving...hell, most doctors in general aren't very well informed (just ask the urgent care doc who diagnosed my Type 2 DCS as a "shoulder strain" LOL).

That seems dive because you need money to pay the OB/GYN. It's responsible to go to an OB/GYN, but ridiculously irresponsible to dive while knowingly pregnant. It's like smoking while pregnant, knowing that your baby has a far greater chance of being born premature and with a low birthweight, but justifying it by telling yourself, "well, at least I make sure I get exercise once a week!"

It's not the carrying of the cylinders that's gonna get you into trouble, it's the whole "gas under pressure" thing that's going to harm your baby. And you know as well as I do, that the greatest pressure differential is in the first 33 feet of dive a day is a LOT to put your baby through. That's one dive a day for how long....a week, a month, 5 months? That's way more diving than the average vacation diver who accidently becomes pregnant right before vacation and doesn't realize it until after she returns.

You read on a pregnancy website that "not much will disturb a healthy pregnancy". That's assuming that you're not being irresponsible...there's a ton you can do to "disturb a healthy pregnancy", like smoking crack, drinking alcohol, exposing oneself to toxins, smoking cigarettes, and potentially, scuba diving.

There are only two good solutions to your situation...

1. Give up diving for the duration of your pregnancy

2. Abort the pregnancy

Anything else is your attempt to justify your irresponsible and selfish decison.

(Mods, I'm sorry if this was harsh, but I as a medical professional, I can't sit by and say nothing)
Please consult your OB/GYN doctor about diving when pregnant. You may want to ask your doctor to consult with DAN as well.

Don't rely on any medical advice you get from the internet. Internet advice is only opinion, and some of those opinions are way out there.

Get your doctor's advice and follow it.

Get [-]your[/-] a DIVING knowledgeable doctor's advice and follow it.


An important revision.
An important revision.

You may have missed the part about having the doctor consult with DAN. In any case, if the doctor wasn't familiar with diving, I would expect that doctor to consult a source that was familiar with diving, I.E., DAN.

My advice still stands--consult your doctor and follow his/her advice.


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