Talk about a rant!

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Scuba Instructor
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I recently learned that a couple PADI instructors that I know have just about completed the process of qualifying with SDI in order to teach their Solo diving course. I was somewhat disappointed to hear this. I have a more moderate view on solo diving than some but I don’t think it should be encouraged. I have read the standards for the course (as posted on the SDI site) and was not very impressed. The course requires two dives using a redundant air supply (anything up to and including manifolded doubles). The two instructors I am referring to have never dived with doubles so it would be fun to watch them help a student slap them together and learn to dive them. I would also like to hear their advice to a student who had trouble manipulating their valves. There are several local dive sites that rent ponies to certified solo divers and permit solo diving. To put my view in perspective; The IANTD advanced nitrox/Deep Diver combination that I teach includes confined water work (too many skills to list here) a min of six OW dives with valve shutdowns on every dive. The point is the course teaches redundant equipment and is many many times more comprehensive, yet, we do not suggest to our students that they solo dive. Am I in the minority in thinking that this is absurd?

Another interesting thing…I might have the chronology wrong but it seems that first I started seeing articles in Rodale’s about solo diving then I learned SDI was coming out with the cert. I first read about the course in Rodale’s. Kind of reminded me of a musician who goes on the road to promote an upcoming album.

I already have too many rescues under my belt. Last year I pulled a guy out who was diving alone with his reg on backwards, his hoses all tangled and his tank falling off. I suggested that he not reenter the water, as the dive site does not permit solo diving. He then told me that the buddy system was on its way out. I said not for people who can’t assemble their own equipment. These are the kind of divers I envision taking the course. For that matter, these are the kind of divers I envision teaching the course.

With all the supervision and canned dives, diving has become too safe and people are getting cocky (stupid). If the industry looses the good sense to self-regulate there are those who would do it for them.

PS - I will charge extra for rescuing graduates of a solo diving course.

I am interested in other thoughts on this subject. What do you think about a solo certification?
I'm a relatively new diver, so take me opinion for what its worth :)

I think in some circumstances solo diving is fine. If you have an experienced diver, with the proper equipment and training, not doing advanced dives, I don't see the problem. I think this is a lot safer than a lot of the diving you see out there - the 'resort' divers who dive once a year, and follow the DM down to 100' on poorly maintained equipement. I do aggree though that offering a course like that is going to lead to huge problems. You're going to have divers taking open water one weekend, advanced the next, and solo the weekend after that. Thats scary. I couldn't find solo diving on their website though -
Where is it?

In any case, at least for me, part of the fun of diving is doing it with my buddy (my fiancee). Diving alone doesn't really sound like fun to me.

Hey Mike,

I agree with you. I don't believe in promoting the solo dive certification.

I have been following posts on a few other lists, and I am amazed that some particular technical divers cannot do basic underwater skills. These guys are doing very big technical dives and they have poor buoyancy skills (their words) and had problems with valve shutdowns, etc. I am not, as of yet, a technical diver, but I can't understand how you get to that level and don't have the basic skills mastered. My buddy had me practicing buoyancy and everything else since the first time we dove together two years ago. What are the technical instructors teaching? I would think that if you are a technical diver, you better have your basic skills down. Now if these tech divers are having problems with the basic skills, what is the average Joe going to do in a solo certification course?

"The two instructors I am referring to have never dived with doubles so it would be fun to watch them help a student slap them together and learn to dive them. I would also like to hear their advice to a student who had trouble manipulating their valves."

This is a perfect example. You have two instructors who have never dove doubles teaching solo diving. How can they teach solo diving without this experience? I can't understand any of this. Maybe I'm just extremely demanding of myself (and I am), but I don't want to get into a situation that I can't handle.

Time to calm down. I have been ranting a lot lately. :wink:

along that same lines... What is the difference between diving Solo and diving Alone??

The reason is this line of thinking that SSI needed to apease divers, if you were to ask most divers Have dove alone and the industry frowned on them, not wanting guilty divers hey come here spend some money and ease your conscience.

now Instructors are use to diving alone,, how? when and instructor is doing a class, who is their buddy?and this leads to thought of going Solo..
I agree too... no sense to diving "solo"...

Originally posted by Fishkiller
The reason is this line of thinking that SSI needed to apease divers
The agency in question is SDI, not SSI. AFAIK, SSI does not do solo diving. I might be missing something though... :)
How can you certify someone to dive alone?
You can't assess someone in solo diving without diving with them but then they are not diving solo.
I dived solo today, shallow diving, snorkel depths. I had a great time, recovered some antique bottles so I am not saying where or logging it. No it is not as safe as an organised dive with stand by divers and a buddy. I find the risk level acceptable.
Originally posted by jonnythan
I agree too... no sense to diving "solo"...

The agency in question is SDI, not SSI. AFAIK, SSI does not do solo diving. I might be missing something though... :)

the keys were next to each other sorry

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