The "Official" SB Scuba Course?

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New divers just don't know if they've been taught correctly/appropriately or not. I've got a couple new divers where I work. They believe they can go just about anywhere. What we've been taught in classes/courses is taken as gospel - and is put forth as such.

Where did your friend get the notion that diving nitrox is *the* way to go? Prolly someone told him that and now it's true for him.
He walked into our one LDS and they had a sign that said stay deeper longer with nitrox certification. Asked his "highly experienced" scuba buddy and said that was all he dove because it added like 1/2 hr potential down time to his dives. I Explained to him if an AL80 lasts you 25 mins @30 feet, your going to waste a ton of cash on nitrox unless you get that fixed. I could understand I think its called Hypoxia (where your body sucks up oxygen and you get CO2 hits really easy) being a good reason to switch to nitrox early but other than that actual nitrox use should wait till your efficient with air
You might want to read: The Truth about NitrOx

I read a DAN study that those over 40 should use it, though I can't seem to find that study at the moment. It dealt with the diminished ability of cells to off gas nitrogen. I almost dive NitrOx exclusively.

I try to include NitrOx and O2 Provider at the OW level. They do not seem to add appreciably to the time of the class and both are skills that can be used by the new diver from the onset of their training.
Perhaps the macho attitudes can be shelved so that the regular programming can be continued. While I doubt it will go anywhere, I do believe there was a lot of good information coming out here until the fighting began that apparently cannot be stopped.

It's over Steve; I gave up. Sorry for the hijack.
He walked into our one LDS and they had a sign that said stay deeper longer with nitrox certification. Asked his "highly experienced" scuba buddy and said that was all he dove because it added like 1/2 hr potential down time to his dives. I Explained to him if an AL80 lasts you 25 mins @30 feet, your going to waste a ton of cash on nitrox unless you get that fixed. I could understand I think its called Hypoxia (where your body sucks up oxygen and you get CO2 hits really easy) being a good reason to switch to nitrox early but other than that actual nitrox use should wait till your efficient with air

The power of advertising - gotta love it.

25 mins @ 30 feet? You aren't talking about me are ya? LOL I had to switch to steel 100's just so I could keep up with my wife. Darn woman! :eyebrow:
Just being the voice of reason here!

Do you have a problem with a course that is more efficient and fun too? I'm just askin!

Not at all. What's tedious is the bickering over parameters that aren't even defined.

I'll assume you aren't promoting a 12 hour course and those promoting a longer course aren't talking about 100 hours. So.... where do YOU draw the line? Please define what an excessively long course would be FOR YOU.

My current course runs a minimum of 24 hours od class/pool and about 12 hours doing checkouts. I've used this format with at least 100 students and have NEVER heard a complaint about it taking too long...

One of the first things I do is explain my motives. Despite what you have stated, it's not about my ego. Well... maybe a little. I wouldn't think much of myself as an instructor were one of my students injured or they gave up diving because they weren't comfortable....or they dived like most of the newly certed divers I see. Is this a bad thing?

I can assure you my classes are fun. I could show you pictures, emails and a few cards I have. I've been tipped a few times and that doesn't usually happen when people are bored to tears. I've had certified divers recert with a SO or a child and they have had nothing but praise for the course and rate it far higher than their initial certification course.

You continue to whine about not wanting people to tell you how to teach your course, but I don't see anyone telling you what to do. We are telling you what we do and why we think it is better.

I have not lumped you in with the crappy 2 day wonder courses I know exist because I know nothing of your course. Which is exactly what you know of mine.

Let's cut the crap.
Do you have a problem with a course that is more efficient and fun too? I'm just askin!
What techniques do you use to make the course more efficient.
What do you do to make the course more fun?

Of course I'm for both of these things and they rank just below safety and competency for me. However, dropping content achieves neither objective.

Do I think I'm the model all other instructors should follow? HELL NO. I'm still learning and my classes improve each and every time I instruct. Most times I write of what I do, I'm looking for alternatives, errors or confirmation. It has taken a lot of effort and a bit of sacrifice to develop my course and I take great offense to being told I am an ego driven windbag by someone who has absolutely no clue of what they are talking about in regards to my courses.
What techniques do you use to make the course more efficient.
What do you do to make the course more fun?
Do the debriefs at a strip club always worked for me.
lmao.... you ****er
Darn it - there goes my keyboard. From diving to strip clubs. It *is* a natural progression, right?


And I can use a credit card? :cool3:

:focus: ? ?

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