The "Thanks" button is gone.

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The other option was to just stay away from those threads where it was being "abused". I had no idea any of it was going on since I rarely, if ever, went into those forums. Not having the option to tell a poster with a simple click that what they said helped me or was of real benefit is stupid. I myself used the thanks many times with new posters who maybe would not have gotten that bit of encouragement. There were many valuable insights passed on by newbies. Acknowledging that is not bad thing. Hit the abusers not the entire population. PC is really getting ridiculous. That thin skinned? Stay off the computer. was a freaking THANKS button....:idk:

This is perhaps why it is not in the non-scuba direct forums :idk:

SB Staff Member from January 2009:
Officially... The "Thanks" button is only supposed to be in scuba related topics. The concept is to have people just click "Thanks" instead of posting "Yeah... I agree"
Maybe we could change the "thanks" button to a "hugs" button. There can never be anything divisive about a hug, and there can never be too many hugs :)
The staff has reviewed the
feature and has decided to remove it. We felt that it has contributed to an unhealthy polarization of the community and was susceptible to abuse by a few.

As always, your input and comments were invaluable in reaching this decision. Now it's back to your regularly scheduled thankless program!
I heartily disagree... In fact, I used the thanks button many times to make a friendly gesture toward someone I usually disagreed with.
We will be configuring thanks for these forums and their sub-forums:

  • Introductions and Greets
  • Scuba Diving Central
  • Underwater Activities and Specialties
  • ScubaBoard Pro
  • Manufacturers Forums
  • The Equipment of Scuba Diving

So, instead of complete censorship of Thanks, censors can selectively decide when and where we can offer thanks.

Why not just treat members like adults, and not over react if occasionally someone "abuses" a privelege, which really causes no one true harm?

Now: the idea of having of a thumbs up or down button....I can see where the thumbs down option COULD be devisive in the wrong hands. :wink: :eyebrow:
The staff has reviewed the
feature and has decided to remove it. We felt that it has contributed to an unhealthy polarization of the community and was susceptible to abuse by a few.

As always, your input and comments were invaluable in reaching this decision. Now it's back to your regularly scheduled thankless program!

I have seen many people ask how "it has contributed to an unhealthy polarization of the community"? Yet no response from NetDoc has been forthcoming. What I have seen is that there are certain people who dislike members of a thread so they complain and whine about that thread. We all know that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". I hardly see how a group of about 8-10 people, who thank each other in one specific thread leads to "an unhealthy polarization of the community".

I personally can't stand Rush Limbaugh, when he comes on, I change the station. This is an apt analogy, except for the fact that in order to be subjugated to the thread in question, you have to click on it! It is a deliberate action on your part to go there. I don't actively seek out Rush L and then complain to anyone who will listen. So if the thanks abusers were largely contained in one thread for some innocent fun, how is that abuse? How can you "abuse" a button? As one of the so called "abusers", I don't mind that the thanks were taken away. I just see it as a knee-jerk reaction to some vocal members. NetDoc said it best,
As always, your input and comments were invaluable in reaching this decision.
As I said, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Seems to me the majority liked the thanks feature.
Why not just treat members like adults, and not over react if occasionally someone "abuses" a privelege, which really causes no one true harm?


Yes, I'm serious. It wasn't self evidently a problem from my POV and I was honestly surprised that anyone thought it was. When I see someone with 23,000 thanks I just chuckle and know a little bit more about them. What's the actual problem?

Yes, I'm serious. It wasn't self evidently a problem from my POV and I was honestly surprised that anyone thought it was. When I see someone with 23,000 thanks I just chuckle and know a little bit more about them. What's the actual problem?

Like they probably have a sense of humor:D. I guess if you're not asking about splitfins, spair air or BP/W vs. BC you're not contributing anything worthwhile.

Yes, I'm serious. It wasn't self evidently a problem from my POV and I was honestly surprised that anyone thought it was. When I see someone with 23,000 thanks I just chuckle and know a little bit more about them. What's the actual problem?

I was waiting to see what would happen when one of them hit 100,000 ... would the counter register the most significant digit? Or would it scroll to all zeros and make 'em start over again ...

... now I will spend the rest of my days pondering "what if" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
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