Tipping....how much do you tip?

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Wildcard, Heres a tip.
Change that avatar:D
I get lots of comments about it. Good and bad. My wife hates it, LMAO
That reminds me, I did want to change it!
Just because the DM isnt spending the quality time you think you must have in order to receive a tip ,Doesnt mean (If hes a pro DM) he wouldnt do anything you ask of him/her , within reason of coarse.

I didn't say I didn't tip in this situation, but people were talking about having to cover the DM's air fills and such, which is not the case here. One such a recent trip I was tipping about 10% of the trip or a few bucks a tank, but not five bucks/tank.
Quick Question: I will be going to an all-inclusive resort soon. That resort has a "No-Tipping" policy. Should I tip the dive crew anyway?
I tip 10 percent usually and that does come out to 5 bucks a tank on some boats.

Funny thing about dive leaders, the ones that deserve the tip the most don't talk about it and the best boats don't seem to have that tip jar out in the open. You actually have to track it down or put the money in the leaders hand :)
I think I dove with you. Next time I will not point out that you put your wet suit on backwards, your air is not on and your mask is fogging before you get in the water because you do not know what your doing.
If DMs/Inst were paid a fair wage your trip would have been more in the three grand range!

So a simple let me check your air is how you justify a tip?

Do you tip the DJ at the strip clubs for playing the music for the ladies to dance to?

The tipping stuff is total crap. I'd much rather pay up front to make sure the the DM's are recieving a fair wage. Maybe if the DM's do something exceptional, then tip them.

Don't get me wrong I am not about DM's not getting paid a fair wage, but the tipping crap is another way to trick people into thinking they are spending less money on something (like sales tax).
When on Cozumel on the fast boats I tip both the captain and the DM $10 each for a two-tank trip. Same in Key Largo, $10 for the captain and the DM (if he goes in the water) with me or as a group. The cute little girl who spells out the rules in her scandalous bikini gets a fiver just for being there.
I'd much rather pay up front to make sure the the DM's are recieving a fair wage. Maybe if the DM's do something exceptional, then tip them.

I agree but that's not how it traditionally works in the dive business. Most dive pros make next to squat and live off their tips. This is especially true in countries like Mexico with little to no enforceable labor law. They typically make below squat in wage in places like that with tips being their main form of pay.

So IMO, if you don't tip, all you're doing is screwing the people taking care of you. I follow typical rules of good service provided. If they don't provide a good service, they don't get any tip. If they take care of me and mine well, they are getting that 5 bucks a tank. If they do an exceptional job they are getting a 10 bucks a tank. It's peanuts in addition to normal dive fees for a job well done IMO.

Another nice way to tip is to buy a lunch, dinner or a couple drinks. I always enjoyed that more than money because of the added company. Or course i never made my living as a dive pro, just did it as a hobby/sideline.
RJP has a good a point. Whereas I have always been a good tipper, I will now throw a few extra bucks their way from now on...provided the service is good of course... Thanks for the heads up...for me anyway.
Im all for the pint of Ale or bottle of beer tip myself!
I am sorry. I personally hate what tips have become. They have lost thier true meaning IMHO.

The idea is simple. I pay a fixed advertised and agreed rate for services. If I get signicantly better service or a special accomadation etc, I should choose to give more as a means to say thanks. It should NOT be expected. Now we are talking that people get their salary's and plan for these to make ends meet. Jeesh.

Charge what it costs to operate and be upfront about it. A lot less 'hard feelings' would come from it. (of course, this will never happen though because it looks like it costs more)

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