Tired of Diving? Are you still in love with the sport?

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All I can say is I LOVE IT!!!!
Sure, there has been some lulls in my diving activity through the years and alot of people I used to dive with hardly dive anymore, if at all. So, I meet new dive buddies and go dive.
But like previously posted..."I can't imagine my life without diving." :05:
Doesn't matter where you dive, or how often...you always see something NEW!
Actually no, after 20 years of diving I've hung up my gear and moving on. My last dive was a year ago and I have no desire to hit the water again.

I'm going to hang onto my gear for another year and after that time, if I haven't made another dive, it's all for sale.
Yet you continue to hang out at a diver's forum...interesting.
I still love diving, (certified 8 years ago), I only wish I had more opportunities to go... And I live in the Gulf of Mexico near Tampa Florida! I enjoy the incredible feeling of dropping on to a reef and exploring in a place so few people will ever get to see face to faces! I also think that reading threads on ScubaBoard keeps me excited about diving when I've been out of the water for awhile! I get a ton of information, more than occasional laugh from the threads posted and it gets me psyched to throw my gear in the boat and head out for an adventure!!!

Let's go diving!
I can't imagine life without diving ...
I can. There is soooo much more. But then I kinda like diving too. :D

FD rescue diving took a lot of fun out of my diving for a period of time but I was able to recover. I stayed away from becoming an instructor because I saw that it had the same potential to suck the fun out of diving (for me that is.) I was concerned that becoming a commercial harvest diver would remove Shane from my buddy list... and it has to a degree, but only because he is busy; he still goes on major trips with us.

Sharkbait: PM me and I will go diving with you at Alki.

Even though I enjoy being underwater and don't mind diving the same sites hundreds of times (and I especially like the shallow portions of the dive) one thing that has really made a huge difference for me lately is having a point~n~shoot camera. I am down loading pictures right now from our dive yesterday afternoon/evening: 113' Max/100 minutes RT/EAN32

Being certified OW for about 5 years ago, I haven't dived for about 4 years now. Next year I will be diving again (finally, I can't wait much longer after seeing and reading about all the exciting things that come with diving) and hopefully complete some interesting courses.

I ask people all the time after they came back from holidays: "did you snorkel or dive?". Because I wanna hear underwater stories... but unfort. they didn't... They prefer the taste of chlorine (or perhaps pee?) of the pool to the saltyness of the ocean.

So, I gotta live my own underwater stories, so I can tell them ;-)
Fogelberg had a song a few years ago that said, in part
"The higher you climb, the more that you see
The more that you see, the less that you know
The less that you know, the more that you yearn
The more that you yearn, the higher you climb"
The same applies to diving.
Indeed, the same applies to love, and life...
But it pays to have diverse interests, for you never know when you may have to give up a passion... aging ain't for wimps!
Rick :)
Well, I got OW certified in March 2001 ... became an instructor in May 2004 ... logged my 1,300th dive last week, and celebrated the occasion by doing another dive ... :D

Yup, I enjoy diving as much today (if not more so) as I did when I first got certified. I can't imagine life without diving ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

You must have a rash or something by now. That's an insane amount of diving!!! Do you ever slow down, or do you have a regular schedule for diving? Give us an idea of what a typical dive week is like. I just can't fathom what it's like to dive this much. Do you ever try to climb stairs by taking a big breath, or exhale in an elevator so that you don't ascend too quickly? I really want to know. I get about 75 dives per year, and I thought that I dove a lot. More power to you! do you keep track of total bottom time?
Diving is something I'd always wanted to do since I was a little kid. Snorkeling was all I was ever able to do because I couldn't afford the sport. By the time I was out of college and working on my own, I lived no where near the ocean.

One day I got tired of driving by the LDS and looking at that damn flag hanging on his sign. Call it impulse or perhaps caving in after years of yearning, one day I just turned the wheel and pulled into their parking lot. I went in and a few minutes later I walked out with a book in hand and a receipt showing I'd signed up for their next class.

Since that day, the shop is now gone. I have my C-card and finding a dive buddy is nearly impossible. Heck, I have to cyber-dive through ScubaBoard half the time just to get my fix. I'd love to dive every week if I could.

I got into Solo diving just so I could keep diving with or without a buddy. Unfortunately, I have not figured out a way to get into either my full wet suit or dry suit by myself (who's idea was it to put those zippers back there?) so I generally need to have someone go with me just to zip me up!

One of these days, I will figure out how to drive around in my drysuit without passing out (from the heat) and I'll be able to go diving on my own (after I get someone from work to zip me up)! :D

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