Training for DM class

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N. of Dallas, TX
The other threads on DiveMaster classes have been very good and I've found them helpful towards gaining additional understanding of what's expected of a DMC. So now for an additional one.

I'll readily admit that I'm one out of shape swampster. Though I'm good to go for typical dives, I'm not 100% certain I'm going to succeed in the timed swim tests. I'd like to hear from the group on suggestions for a simple training scheme that will help me get ready for the swim tests.

(And if it happens to help with general fitness as well, you won't hear me complaining.)
Is your problem physical strength or endurance (ie. you get winded easily)?


PS. In the last few months, I've returned to PADI (after years of avoidance :wink:) to get my divemaster cert. for doing tech/rec charters this summer. Other than having to wear that obnoxious snorkle... :( :D
Or technique? If your stroke is poor, it might be worth getting some advice from a swimming coach.

He has a similar problem that Net doc does. His general shape is round. :p

I'm a reformed smoker (2 years) I have an endurance issue. I feel bad admitting it because I used to swim competitively and I was a life guard for several years.

thats easy you dont get better at swiming by running ya gots to swim, swim and swim a little more besides its good for ya and study phisics. everything else will fall in to place
I used to swim with a Masters Club (see US Masters, although I can only really comment on the New Zealand equivalent). I liked it... much easier to stay motivated when you're swimming with a group... and improved a lot. Might be worth looking into.

To build strength and endurance, try swimming intervals. For example, you might swim 10x50m on 1:30 intervals -- that means you swim 50m, rest until the clock reaches 1:30, swim another 50m, rest until the clock reaches 3:00, and so on. Again, better with a group b/c you can chat while you're resting. If you have any breath left. The distance, number of reps and amount of rest depend on your goals -- again, something a club or swimming coach could help you with. Or someone here might know more about this than me, I'm just writing down what I remember.

Zept is right. Runners will sprint a lap and walk a lap and (repeat)in order to gain endurance (lung endurance). The same can be done in a pool.

I started getting my in shape body (round -IS- a shape) to a better shape. I did my 450 yd swim in only 18 minutes... a mere 8 minutes longer than NAUI will accept. Today I did the same length in only 12 minutes... and I didn't pass out this time. I did 22 yds underwater... I could have stretched it more and done the full 25 but I wimped. I have already beaten the clock for the snorkle test. I have 10 more days to get "under the wire" and I think that my chances are EXCELLENT. The only other thangs for me to master are the 100 meter tired diver tow (thats me after all of this stinking swimming) and the mask/snorkle/fin doff and don.

My secret??? The E-L-E-M program... that's right, Eat Less Excersize More. The actual elements of this program have been hidden from us for years. So far I have gotten out of bed EVERY DAY to get to the gym by 7:00 and guess what... I swim lap after lap, after stinking lap. I also do the arm bicycle, the stationary bicycle and the stair master thingy.

Tomorrow I will miss the usual workout to go diving... I think I earned the rest!!!

I think the PADI point system lets your strengths come through and take up the slack for your weaknesses. It does not seem near as rigorous as this NAUI Suicide training.
Originally posted by Lost Yooper

PS. In the last few months, I've returned to PADI (after years of avoidance :wink:) to get my divemaster cert. for doing tech/rec charters this summer. Other than having to wear that obnoxious snorkle... :( :D

You don't have to actually WEAR the snorkel, just have it with you. I know a few DM's and instructors who carry those cheesy folding snorkels just to meet standards. Stick it in behind your lift bag, nobody will know it's there :) .

TM, the swimming advice is sound, I did a bunch of that but the thing that helped me the most was walking on a treadmill. My aerobic capacity wasn't the greatest and the treadmill was a quick way to boost that. I don't mean just wandering along on the thing I'm talking 4 to 5mph (start off slower, increase speed as you get comfortable) and set it so you have to do some hills. That's a fast walk, faster than a jog almost (for me) so make sure you wear the safety strap to the kill switch, one wrong step and the thing will eject you off the back! You have to take really quick short steps and pump your arms like you're running. It feels funny at first but once you get the hang of the movement (and the butt wiggling, hip movement is extreme!) you can cruise right through your workout. It only took me 2 weeks to make a big leap in my aerobic fitness combining the walking with the swimming.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck!
Ber :bunny:

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