Warped Dive World Evolution - BP/W Subgroup Mindset

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My Seaquest jacket style BCD did not have the HW to accommodate a slung pony. I liked what I saw and read about a BP/W, especially the sizing options, so I made one. Never looked back. Can't see any disadvantages.
The original post seems to have something to prove (vs. simply an open mind looking for information), but I'm answering because I would not have known about the bp/w option were it not for ScubaBoard, and for me it made a big difference.

Background: All my life I've loved anything in or around the water. Sailing, kayaking, rowing, swimming, snorkeling, etc. After doing quite a bit of snorkeling over a three year period, my thoughts naturally turned to diving. How neat would it be to be able to go deeper and stay down there longer? So in June 2005 I got certified, up north in a freezing cold lake. In July 2005 I traveled to the Florida Keys with a friend who was an experienced diver, and also very patient, encouraging, etc. The water was warm, the weather was great, and the stage was set for some fantastic first dives!

I dove one morning (two dives) and didn't really feel like diving any more that trip. We did other things.

In January 2008, some (other) friends planned a trip to the Keys and invited me along. Two of them were divers, and I decided to give it another try. It was better, but I just couldn't get "comfortable." I no longer felt the fun of snorkeling and swimming, but instead felt like the Michelin Tire Woman, with this bulky jacket on, completely filling up the area under my arms, and with the shoulders up around my ears. I'm short-waisted, so once the cummerbund was fastened the shoulders had nowhere to go but up. The tank was flopping around and the valve/reg banging into the back of my head. It was beautiful to be down there, but I just could not stop feeling stuffed with gear. Ugh!

On the way home from that trip I stopped at dive shops and tried on six or eight female-specific BCs, to see if I could find something that fit. After all, I had been using rentals. I'm not tiny by any means, but even the extra smalls, once I had the cummerbund fastened, were up around my ears, my arms couldn't sit down at my sides, etc. Even my friend (who was encouraging me to try them) was like "um, no, I see what you mean." No thank you! I'll go back to snorkeling...

But still... I wanted to like it, darnit. I knew I should like diving.

In late 2009, a friend wanted to do a holiday trip and for me to plan it. I still could not get the potential of diving out of my mind. I came here and poked around a bit, and noticed people talking about the bp/w. Hmmm. I started a thread asking if perhaps a bp/w might help me to get my "fish" back. It sounded like maybe they could. There were even a few other short-waisted women who specifically said they found good fitment with a bp/w. This sounded promising. I still wasn't sure though, but I found out I could rent a bp/w in the Keys. Nothing to lose with that option :)

So, I talked the friend into getting certified in the Keys, and then we would do some diving together (actually, having been certified in 2005 and only having done four barely-dives, I took the class again along with my friend as a refresher).

Well, the rental backplate and wing felt MUCH better on than the bulky, shifty (on me) vest BCs. I loved the feeling of having "nothing" in front, and how relatively stable the tank felt. Wow! (I say relatively, because the "regular" sized backplate was still a bit tall on me, so it was like a 65% improvement but not totally right).

Still though, I like check out all options. Back we went to the dive shops for me to try on female-specific BCs of various brands and styles. They clearly didn't fit me. Back to my rental bp/w for the duration of the trip (on which, btw, I fell [back?] in love with diving :) )

By June 2010 we had another trip planned and I had ordered my own bp/w (size small so it would really fit). Wow, now this was fantastic! Not only did it fit pretty well to begin with (yay small backplate), but I was able to make a few little mods and adjustments to make it even better. I loved having basically nothing in front of me, and also that "flat" feeling where I could swim right along the bottom without dragging or touching anything (now maybe that could be done in a vest BC too, if one owned it and could make all the little adjustments to tuck everything in just so). I loved the tank being stable on my back. I loved the reg not coming up and hitting me on the back of the head (once I had things tweaked). I felt more like a swimmer than a blundering equipment truck, finally. All I could think about was MORE diving :D

Luckily November 2010 came along and the friends from 2008 had planned another Keys trip. I was on it. More diving! Still really liking everything about the bp/w, with a few little adjustments and tweaks (love being able to do that). December 2010.... the newly certified friend wanted to go diving over the holidays.... yes please! Back to the Keys, plus a couple of dives in Springs country (ooh, nice).

Now, all that said -- and as much as I love my bp/w -- I'm not one to tell other people what to do, nor what to like or not like. The friend whom I got certified with in December of 2009 wears a Zeagle Stilleto. Works for him. I like my bp/w because it FITS, it's clean in front, and it just feels "efficient" to me. If someone asks about the bp/w, I will tell them what I like about it, and the pros and cons as I see them, and then they can make their own decision, as I did mine.

Blue Sparkle
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Today I will be grateful I do not define myself by my freakin' scuba gear.

"You are not what you own." -Ian MacKaye

You are however defined by the equipment you use and how it is implemented.
I wasn't pulling enough women in my JBCD. I moved to a Transpack, & things improved slightly. Still, I thought I could do better, so decided to try a BP/W. The increase in my pulling power was immediate & miraculous. Now, when I tell them I have 3 plates & 4 wings, they melt instantly & become putty in my hands. It's a bit messy, but I have access to lots of hot & cold running water.

Jepuskar? ... is that you ???

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You are however defined by the equipment you use and how it is implemented.

No, I define me. However, if you choose to define me by some nylon, d-rings, maybe some velcro, maybe a steel backplate, whatever... then we probably are not diving together anyway.

I live 15 stories up in a high rise in a massive megaopolis. From my window one can easily so many things which deserve our energy and passion. For instance, the homes built over a filthy river used as a toilet. The consistent haze of pollution that blocks the sun. Five-year-olds peddling newspapers in the middle of a busy street at midnight. A few miles from here people are fishing with dynamite and some store is selling dried shark fins. You get the idea.

I guess I just think the amount of time bickering over this (and several other) non-issue(s) is pretty tired.
I had a Scubapro Knighthawk that would ride up and cause my reg to hit me in the back of the head constantly. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was annoying and frustrating.

A guy at my LDS suggested I try a Dive Rite Transpac w/crotch strap. So i ordered that w/a Travel EXP wing, 2" crotch strap, etc. It took me a few dives to get everything adjusted to where I wanted it, as I had expected. I LOVE diving it! I still have that rig, though I am considering selling i since I don't use it anymore, but I really like it so who knows?

I started diving doubles a while after I bought the Transpac/Travel wing, so I picked up a BP/W. So now I dive my BP/W with an Oxycheq single tank wing or a dual bladder wing depending on if I am diving doubles or single tank. With the STA it takes about a minute to change them and everything is always in the same place - d-rings, waist band buckle, cutting tools, etc - every time I dive.
No, I define me. However, if you choose to define me by some nylon, d-rings, maybe some velcro, maybe a steel backplate, whatever... then we probably are not diving together anyway.

I live 15 stories up in a high rise in a massive megaopolis. From my window one can easily so many things which deserve our energy and passion. For instance, the homes built over a filthy river used as a toilet. The consistent haze of pollution that blocks the sun. Five-year-olds peddling newspapers in the middle of a busy street at midnight. A few miles from here people are fishing with dynamite and some store is selling dried shark fins. You get the idea.

I guess I just think the amount of time bickering over this (and several other) non-issue(s) is pretty tired.

Actually, I think part of the drive to a BP/W for me was to go back to basic gear that can be modified as my needs change rather than continually purchasing the latest and greatest gear. It may not solve the worlds problems but the less resources I use and the more I can reuse / re-purpose the better. So, yes I am proud to own a 200 year old house heated with renewable energy, drive 10-12 year old cars and dive a BP/W.
I got deployed to Iraq soon after I got my OW Cert, but hadn't bought any gear yet. I had 6 months where my job was breathing, answering the phone, and Scubaboard. That sealed it :wink:

I bought a SeaQuest Libra right out of OW class. It seemed to fit well in the shop, and the shop owner, whose advice I trusted, seemed to think it was fine. But the tank was never very stable on my back, and I had a lot of problems with turtling, and stupid stuff like not being able to figure out how to descend other than on my back.

On my 20th dive, I went out with NW Grateful Diver and I was totally amazed at his diving skill. I started diving with him regularly. He helped me work on my trim and develop a modified flutter kick. Then he told me I ought to go take Fundies -- but for that, I'd need a backplate and wing, and he had one he would lend me for a month. The FIRST time I put it on and got in the water, I was sold. (Well, actually, the first time I got it in the water. The first time I put it on was another story.) The clear and uncluttered chest, and the feeling that human, plate and tank were one conjoined thing, was SO delightful. Dropping four pounds was delightful, too. I have never looked back.

My diving skills now are such that I can keep a tank balanced on my back, even with less helpful equipment. But why would I want to?
I have debated with myself on multiple occasions whether or not to report the OP for it's inflammatory title and obnoxious quote. I haven't done it yet so I guess I probably won't but it is clear that Halemano has an agenda.

I bought my BP/W untried and unseen after doing hours and hours of research on the topic. It was a gamble for me because there are very very few divers here in CT who use a BP/W and, at the time, I didn't know any of them so I couldn't borrow one to try. Nevertheless I still bought one based on the glowing reviews of them that I had read and the concept of streamlining, non-clutter, additional ballast and rock-solid tank placement appealed to me.

From the very first dive with my new BP/W I was hooked. I fell in love with the system and haven't regretted my purchase for even a second. I've even tried to convert some of my dive buddies but so far none have been willing to buy their own gear because they get such cheap gear rental from our local club.

Nevertheless, every time I get into a club BCD for pool sessions with students I immediately miss my beloved BP/W. I can manage my buoyancy and trim just fine in a jacket BCD but it is just that much extra effort I could be using for other things instead.
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