Were you taught dive planning using tables or computers?

Were you taught tables or computer & were you taught how to plan a dive?

  • I was taught tables, but not really taught how to plan a dive

    Votes: 32 12.4%
  • I was taught tables and was taught how to plan a dive

    Votes: 183 70.9%
  • I was taught to use a computer and was not really taught how to plan a dive

    Votes: 16 6.2%
  • I was taught a computer and was taught how to plan a dive with the computer

    Votes: 25 9.7%
  • Some other variation, please explain

    Votes: 19 7.4%

  • Total voters

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Scuba Baby
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25 - 49
I have seen a thread on this subject before, but I was curious what tool YOU were taught and how you were taught dive planning. I was certified 4+ years ago so back then PADI only taught dive planning on tables. From my understanding PADI has changed what they teach twice since I was certified, once with an Eplanner (some type of dive calculator, right?), and now they are no longer teaching (or providing) tables and they are teaching dive planning with computers. Is that right?

I recently went with my friend while she did her OW certifications. At times I was right with her in her class, and at other times I was with others diving so I did not see every minute of her instruction. Since she doesn't own a computer she rented a computer from the shop. Problem number one: The face of the computer was so scratched up she was not able to read it so I don't see how she could learn with it.

Problem number 2: While I was with them I never heard them talking about planning a dive or surface intervals and how to do that with the computer. I did hear them mention that every computer was different so you need to figure out how to use that computer to read where the NDL are. After her class was finished I asked her if she felt like she could plan a dive, she replied no. So, that night I taught her the tables and how to plan a dive.

Right off the bat I have to say, I'm not a table genius, but after a quick review I can remember how to use them. I guess what I'm looking for here is to figure out if this is normal or if she was just not taught well. And I'm interested to see how others have been taught dive planning with a computer.
I was taught tables and used them for years before dive computers came along. I resisted getting a computer, my logic was that a computer that maximized bottom time for a fit 21 year old, wouldn't be ideal for my old out of shape body. I read a review later that rated computers from least to most conservative. The Suunto Cobra was rated very conservative with the capability to add even more conservatism. That's the one I bought about 10 years ago. I did a dive table calculation on a dive about a year ago just for fun, otherwise I use my computer. I've even been known to fly it, if it gives me a run time I don't like at 65 foot, come up to the top of the reef at 50 ft. I still keep it conservative if I'm flying it.
They did not have dive computers when I learned how to dive. They also taught proper planning as it was not a DM guided "dive tourist" industry then either.
I was taught by PADI, and it was tables all the way.

Now though.. I use computer. I do carry a copy of the tables with me on my dives, so that if something should fail I can still do the next dive.
Well, this is encouraging to hear so far. I was very disappointed that my friend did not learn how to plan a dive and a surface interval. I was very glad she had someone who could help her through it. And I was worried for the other OW divers in the class.
For my SSI OW class, the instructor taught us both Tables and Computers and how to plan a dive using both.
I was taught decompression diving and mixed gasses. For a long time I didn't know there was any difference. At some point I discovered recreational diving and back then the closest one could get to a computer was a Bowmar brain(anyone remeber those?) and it was not meant to get wet.
I just finished my classroom and confined water sessions through SSI, and we were breifly taught the dive tables and how to plan repetitive dives (basically ran through a 3-dive diving day example). However, SSI now basically preaches to use a computer, and the discussion then turned to explain dive planning with a computer is as simple as putting it into planning mode and determining how much time you have available at your desired max depth. Of course, know your individual computer.

So, in short, I'd be comfortable doing either, but am definitely not an expert in both.

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